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SNES Games Coming to New 3DS


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I still have all these games and my SNES in the basement. Win!


But really, *fragmentation*?! On two different versions of the same console?! Come ON! I didn't see that coming, even from the hundred handhelds in 30 years Nintendo. I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo contemplated *another* new handheld, thats only new feature were playing these games.


Oh and to stick with the theme that is going on with PS4: AAARRRGGGHHHH! More PORTS! I can't believe Nintendo wants me to purchase these AGAIN?! They better be, like, 99 cents! I could get these games used for $3.00 a couple years ago!  /s

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That's great to see more classic games coming to the 3DS. I just wish that they were compatible with other versions and not just the "new" one. Anyway, I'll probably be getting Earthbound, F-Zero and Donkey Kong Country. :D

Edited by JapanesePony
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