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Is this MP only? Does it have SP?

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You can play the game "virtually solo". By that I mean you can play through the campaign and side activities, without having anyone join your group. (And you can set group privacy to "Private" aka invite only)


In doing this, the only time you'd encounter other people is in Safe Zones (which has no Multiplayer value, you just see other people moving about and looking at shops) and if you choose to enter the Dark Zone (the PvPvE environment)


That said note an internet connection is REQUIRED, even if you intend to fly solo. You cannot play the game offline.

Edited by Dead-Sync
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Maybe it's just me but I really don't like how over the past few years online content has been creeping its way into single player especially from Ubisoft. Assassin's Creed Revelations started off small with mediteranean defense contracts for Rhodes requiring you to play some of the multiplayer maps to unlock. Then Watch Dogs had the hacking and tailing online activities which you could switch off but would lose out on several single player rewards from it even if you'd already earned them. Now the Division is online only even though the multiplayer aspect is largely optional. And although it isn't a Ubisoft game I feel the need to mention Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain which really forces the FOB stuff on you. Probably many other examples out there, I don't hate multiplayer games or anything but I do not like single player content being walled off behind online multiplayer.

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Thank you everyone for the quick and informative responses, and for also not being douches about me not liking online. I figured I would get one of those COD heads who are obsessed with running around the same 30 foot by 30 foot map shooting at each other for hours on end. (sorry, that was a douche response, not sorry.) B)

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Since I have crappy internet, I've come to hate whenever the words online & game are mentioned in the same sentence. But a game that has to be online 24/7, even to play single player, that's just... Ugh, I can't even think of a word! >_<

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Since I have crappy internet, I've come to hate whenever the words online & game are mentioned in the same sentence. But a game that has to be online 24/7, even to play single player, that's just... Ugh, I can't even think of a word! >_<

Asinine, the word is asinine  :|

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Ultimately, it's what you're likely going to see out of the "Perceived MMO-esque" games we're seeing lately (like Destiny and The Division).


The online requirement usually comes from the fact that the whole ecosystem of the game is managed by an online service. What weapons are available from vendors, what challenge and daily activities can be completed. Frequently these games are updated to balance items or manage the ecosystem of the game, and this is where the online requirement comes into play.


If you allow online play, you allow players to "dodge" the ecosystem of the game as it is managed.


In addition to that, saves are all server-side (like MMOs).


While I understand it might be strange and frustrating, I think it's more due to the fact that many console players aren't used to this sort of game as it's traditionally been something you see on PCs online. (ie. WoW and whatnot)


So if you like these MMO-Esque games, get used to it!

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