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= jayboo1991 = Trophy Hunters Austria


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Good evening peeps,


I am Dave, 24 years old and living in Austria :)

One of my big hobbies is trophy hunting (really? - mhh yes :P) and I try to use all time, which is possible (beside my job) for it.

Another one is game collecting - yet I have around 1500 games here I guess (the most of them are PS3 games) ^_^

Oh - and let's not forget, I love animes like One Piece, Sword Art Online, Bleach, Fairy Tail and more ^^


My goal? - Hmm .. ofc to be one of the best trophy hunters sooner or later :D

Well for real I try to get in the Top 50 Austrian best for now.- I think this is more realistic :)


Fav Games? - Hmm .. if you watch my profile, you could think japan novels - but nope - never ever - I am just a trophy wh_re :D

Well, I like RPG's, like Final Fantasy, Tales of Graces .. Race Games are pretty nice as well like NFS ..

And ofc Adventure Games and Fight Games :)


Got Questions? - Go for it :P




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I love animes like One Piece, Sword Art Online, Bleach, Fairy Tail and more ^^

Well for real I try to get in the Top 50 Austrian best for now.- I think this is more realistic :)

Fav Games? Well, I like RPG's, like Final Fantasy, Tales of Graces .. And ofc Adventure Games

We're going to get along splendidly :highfive:. Welcome to PSNP.

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Good evening peeps,


I am Dave, 24 years old and living in Austria :)

One of my big hobbies is trophy hunting (really? - mhh yes :P) and I try to use all time, which is possible (beside my job) for it.

Another one is game collecting - yet I have around 1500 games here I guess (the most of them are PS3 games) ^_^

Oh - and let's not forget, I love animes like One Piece, Sword Art Online, Bleach, Fairy Tail and more ^^


My goal? - Hmm .. ofc to be one of the best trophy hunters sooner or later :D

Well for real I try to get in the Top 50 Austrian best for now.- I think this is more realistic :)


Fav Games? - Hmm .. if you watch my profile, you could think japan novels - but nope - never ever - I am just a trophy wh_re :D

Well, I like RPG's, like Final Fantasy, Tales of Graces .. Race Games are pretty nice as well like NFS ..

And ofc Adventure Games and Fight Games :)


Got Questions? - Go for it :P





welcome ! nice to see more Austrian Trophy Hunters here ! 

My goal last year was top 50 too :) now im 41 i think :)

I dont watch Anime but i like games with Anime style. And collecting games ... jeah *looks at backlog *  i know what you mean xD.

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Thanks for your kindness, boys 'n girls :)

Hunter x Hunter is an awesome anime and ofc I can't wait to see more of it :D

Bleach is kinda confusing, I liked the start till the end of the anime - now I don't read it anymore with full interest.

One Piece ofc .. it's my Nr. 1 Manga/Anime, can't get enough of it :)

Yet I read kinda much Toriko as well - it's an awesome anime ^^

Assassination School ofc I watched - Awesome!!! :D

Let's don't forget No Game No Life :P - I wish, there will be soon more of it!! :)

There are much more I watched, but I can tell u - My Top 5: 1 = One Piece, 2 = Fairy Tail, 3 = Clannad (+ After Story), 4 = Akame Ga Kill, 5 = Assassination Classroom / No Game No Life




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