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I'm back and hopefully more forum active!


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Hey everyone, long time no see in a way!


It's actually been so long since I last posted in the forum I honestly doubt anyone actually remembers me here  :unsure:. With that said I'm glad to be back, I was gone for quite some time, mostly due to year twelve then first year uni and then also partially due to not having a computer/laptop. With that said I still remained an eager trophy hunter and never stopped using features of the site so (hopefully) it won't take me too long to get back into the swing of things! 


I look forward to getting more involved in the forums (even more so than I used to be) as I know the transition will be an easy one with all the lovely folk on the forum, here's hoping I'll recognise quite a few names!


Since it has been a significant amount of time since I've been an active member of the forums I thought it would be good to re-introduce myself and perhaps say g'day to a few of the seasoned folk as well as get to know those who have joined the community whilst I've been absent.


I'm Duffcar (or Duff), nothing really to the ID just happened to sight the Duff Beer poster in my room and a nearby car sticker when I was at the PSN ID create screen (Wooo for my creativity haha!), I'm currently a uni student so I can't promise I'll be present 24/7 but will definitely be hoping on when I have some free time between study, work and of course gaming! I'm 19 years old nearing 20 and live in Australia, so thanks to our ex-prime minister gaming will some of you may present a challenge thanks to the cuts in our broadband network  :(. I'm a tad OCD when it comes to trophies in the way that I can find it difficult to settle for anything less of that 100% (even if it does take me years to eventually get there) although with that said I am also fairly relaxed and my gaming world doesn't revolve around trophies, mostly just having fun!! (which is where trophy hunting comes in as I do find it fun). 


So yeah, hopefully that didn't bore you all out of you're brains, kudos to you if you stuck at it all the way through as it is quite long to most introductions on here, but I look forward to hearing from and getting to know you all!

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