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Ps4 major trophy glitch


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Hello people!


Something pretty weird happened to me today and I can't seem to find any fix or info about it. So, here goes the story:


I was playing via remote play TINY BRAINS (PS4). I was logged in as my account and a friend of mine was logged in as a guest. The problem is... trophies were

popping for 1. the guest account and 2. THE PRIMARY ACCOUNT ON MY PS4!!!! (which is not my account).  I restarted the ps4, rebooted the game with my friend as a new guest and the trophy only popped for the new guest (still no trophy for me). It was weird as hell so I told myself screw this game I'll just delete it because it's at 0% and then.... I COULD NOT DELETE IT. The delete option was greyed out. I looked at other 0% games I have and the option was working fine. So, the ps4 seems to know that I have trophies even though they show up on another account which nobody is logged on.


Is this a known glitch? (couldn't find any info)

What do you suggest I try?



In case I didn't express myself clearly enough, here's what's happenning.


I'm playing a game on account ''A'' and the trophies pops on account ''B''. And somehow the ps4 seems to know that the trophies should be in my account because I can't delete the trophy list.


I've tried playing solo, playing on my account with my friend on another real account, playing with my friend as a ''guest'', rebooting game and console.


Same result each time. Trophies pop on whatever my friend is playing on and on the primary ps4 account even though nobody is logged on it. I use remote play but I did lots of games with remote play and trophies pop just fine usually

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I know you said the primary is not your account, but is it possible you were Remote Playing through that account? Or was the primary also possibly signed in while you guys were playing, since trophies pop for more than one account in this game? I don't know.

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Nope it wasn't signed in, I'm 100% sure. Anyway, to use remote play, I need to be signed in on the same account on the ps4 as the PS TV. So, I should get the trophies. And now to make matters worst I can't delete the trophy list...Not sure if it's related though. Is there a perioed of time required before you can erase it?

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This is slightly confusing.  PS4 doesn't have a primary account.  Each account has a primary PS4.  So are you saying that there's an account on your PS4 (that is not yours) that has set your PS4 as it's primary console, and your account has set a different PS4 as it's primary?  If this is the case, then I recommend setting your PS4 as your primary console for your account and trying again to delete the trophy-list.  It might simply be an issue with permissions, especially since you were logged in remotely.

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Oh sorry about that. I thought each ps4 has a primary account. Anyway, what I mean is that I play on my account but the trophies pops on another account. That is totally crazy!

i just tried to delete the trophy list and it's now working. I dunno what was the problem before. I'd still wanna know about any idea why trophies pop on wrong account...

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Don't know about the remote play part, but you can't delete a trophy list if the game is open. I found this out the other day, was trying Transformers Devastation and decided I didn't want to play it. Went to delete the trophy list but since I hadn't closed the game it was greyed out. No big deal but an explanation.

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I'd still wanna know about any idea why trophies pop on wrong account...


I've never encountered this myself, and technically it's something that should be impossible.  You can try contacting Sony Support, but be very clear about what's happening (maybe even write up a very clear and concise (yet detailed) list of points beforehand) as their support is outsourced and usually they're on script and cut/paste canned responses.  The only trophy-related issue I've seen so far on PS4 was a while ago now, but it was trophies popping for the wrong game (related to 2 games being downloaded simultaneously and the wrong list being loaded on launch).  This was patched in a firmware update, AFAIK, and doesn't seem related to your issue, but you never know.


One last question, you mentioned PS TV, not remote play through Vita (or some other means).  Were you in the same house as the PS4 or somewhere else (different network/wifi)?  I can't think of any reason this may be relevant, but it's always good to have as much info as possible.

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Talking about Tiny Brains, i think it's currently FREE for PS3, but only in the Italian store, lol.


EDIT: and i mean the actual unlock key for the Trial version! :)


EDIT 2: and you'll also get the PS4 version for free :P

Edited by Lance_87
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One last question, you mentioned PS TV, not remote play through Vita (or some other means).  Were you in the same house as the PS4 or somewhere else (different network/wifi)?  I can't think of any reason this may be relevant, but it's always good to have as much info as possible.


Hi, thanks for your post. i was remote playing on PS TV but its pretty much the same as the remote play on vita. I was at my friend's house but I don't see how this could affect trophies popping in another account. I'll try again tonight to at home to see if it's gonna work (I deleted my save file and game data).

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