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Hi guys! Nick is xPolydeucesx, but u can call me Poly ;)

I'm a simple guy from Poland who just loves video games. My adventure with mobile gaming starts, when I bought PSP 6 or 7 years ago, I don't remember too well. Oh boy, what a great console it was! I especially enjoyed Persona 3 Portable, Tekken 6, Monster Hunter or Disgaea series. Really great games, I recommend it everyone.

Then, year ago I decided to give Vita a chance. I wasn't listening to all that people who was saying "Vita has no games"/"Vita suck" etc. One day, I just went to the shop and bought it. And I don't regret this! Vita is great console, so many great games to play.

By now, my favourite titles for Vita are:

1. Virtue's Last Reward -I just love storytelling in this game. Puzzles are great too. Waiting for Zero Time Dilemma by now.

2. Persona 4 Golden -Persona series is one of my favourite series for Sony consoles. I played Persona, P3: Fes, P4 and P3P, so I give that one a try. It's great.

3. Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention -My second favourite series on Playstation. I like humor and plot in it. It's funny and nice.

Right now waiting for Zero Time Dilemma and Shantae: Half Genie Hero.

I want to thanks a friend who recommend me this forum. Thanks man :)

And that's it. If u want to ask me of something, just ask, I won't bite you ;)

So, once again. Hi all :)

Edited by xPolydeucesx
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Welcome to the site, hope you enjoy it here.

Do you only own the Vita? No other consoles?

If u mean Sony consoles, then besides Vita I have only some old PSX and PS2 ;)

If not Sony consoles, than I have NDS and Xbox 360.

Edited by xPolydeucesx
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If u mean Sony consoles, then besides Vita I have only some old PSX and PS2 ;)

If not Sony consoles, than I have NDS and Xbox 360.

Meant any really, it's always good to have a range of consoles for a variety of games.  :)


That's good then, you should invest in a PS3 and 4 and play some of the exclusives, got a lot of good games you may enjoy. 

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Welcome to the site!

Welcome to the site and enjoy the forums :wave:

Hi guys! :)

Meant any really, it's always good to have a range of consoles for a variety of games.  :)


That's good then, you should invest in a PS3 and 4 and play some of the exclusives, got a lot of good games you may enjoy.

I know, I'm trying to sell my Xbox and I planning to buy PS3 in future. I want to play Uncharted and Gran Turismo. Oh, and once again beat COD: MW2 ;D Can you recommend some other games for it?
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Hi guys! :)

I know, I'm trying to sell my Xbox and I planning to buy PS3 in future. I want to play Uncharted and Gran Turismo. Oh, and once again beat COD: MW2 ;D Can you recommend some other games for it?

There are plenty of games that aren't exclusives I could recommend.


In terms of exclusives, there are quite a few. I'll leave this link. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:PlayStation_3-only_gamesfrom that link though. I would check out the metal gear series, exclusives in the series are 4 and 1 but great games. You've got the resistance series, older games might feel a bit stiff in terms of controls but a great series, they have a game on vita also.


The xillia entries of the tales of series, Yakuza, God of War, Killzone, Kingdom hearts. A lot of games from that mentioned list are really great games.

Edited by Meacham
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Hi guys! :)

I know, I'm trying to sell my Xbox and I planning to buy PS3 in future. I want to play Uncharted and Gran Turismo. Oh, and once again beat COD: MW2 ;D Can you recommend some other games for it?

Meacham made some really good recommendations, but I just want to say that if Japanese games are your thing (which, based on your favorite Vita titles I would assume they are :D ) then a PS3/4 is a worthy investment for sure. Got some great exclusives on it.
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Welcome to the site! :) By the way, from your trophy list, you should definitely go for Lone Survivor's platinum. It's a fun platinum personally to me.

Hi :) I planning to make Lone Survivor's platinum after I platin Aegis of Earth ;)

Welcome welcome welcome :D


Hi you two :)

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