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Haya all!


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Hey everyone :)

First of all i feel really bad that i used this site for quite a bit as well as the forum, and just recently realized i didnt introduce myself :/ bloody lack of manners.


My name is Przemek (polish name, dont think of any english name that could "match it")

From: Gdansk, Poland (really really nice place!)

Age: 24

Now i live and work in Basingstoke UK.

Im trying to be open minded and rather cheerfull person that enjoys hearing different people opinions and bringing out my own. (defo not in a "fanboying or trolling" manner) :)

There are 3 things i really love and enjoy doing - football, games and travelling

Crap. I should say 4 shouldnt i? Hope my gf doesnt secretly own acc here.

Anyway if somebody has any questions or wants some help, opinion or meet or recomend some cool place to travel to i will be around :)

Have great day.

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Welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay :)


There are 3 things i really love and enjoy doing - football, games and travelling
Crap. I should say 4 shouldnt i? Hope my gf doesnt secretly own acc here.

I will tell her about this :P

Edited by Saionji
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