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A Star Wars fail?

Pumpkin Head Cthulhu

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apparently they are bringing one of the "legends" characters to the "official" canon but the real question is WHY he is such a terrible character. He was poorly written and was made to be the "greatest thing" in Star Wars going by his creator. This makes me glad i do not watch Rebels. They should not have brought Maul back honestly now they are making thrawn a canon character?




I remember reading the "zahn" trilogy back when it was released in the 90's and it was such a chore to read. Then to prove he had no more ideas he kept bringing the guy back to life.


post your thoughts. sorry but i had to get my thoughts out on this, his character was made to be "perfect" in a series where every character was flawed.


Come on knowing what an ENTIRE RACE would do by looking at 1 persons piece of artwork? that is like saying everyone thinks exactly the same and are mindless drones. Then that "force-blocking" lizard?

Edited by DarkHarmonixer
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It's probably because of his popularity that they are bringing him in. The Zahn trilogy did pretty much kickstart the EU craze in the 90's. A lot of fans of the old EU wanted him to come back anyway, even wanting him to be the villain in Episode VII. Now I guess they are just trying to appease them. Though I personally don't think Thrawn's appearance would help Rebels be any less of a boring mess than it already is. Also Maul did come back.


I liked Thrawn as a character though. The art thing was a bit of a stretch but I think it really had more to do with knowing the habits and mannerisms of a certain species. Kind of like how Batman has the prep-time thing. As far as him being brought back to life he was was cloned but the clone got destroyed before it could even do anything. He was also pretty far from perfect. The whole idea of him was he was a tactical genius and the lizard was so he could at least have some common ground with Force-users from killing him or getting into his head. In pretty much every Star Wars story it's always a Sith or some other Force user that's the mastermind, so it's nice to see someone not a Force-sensitive pulling the strings for once.

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While I generally agree with your assessment of Thrawn as a horrible character I have to point one thing out -



They should not have brought Maul back 


They never "brought Maul back" - he never died to begin with. 


Anyway, back on topic. This is stupid as hell. Out of an entire universe of decanonized material they chose the worst character to bring back over. Jesus Christ alive someone needs to replace whoever made that decision.

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Why is he blue-green?


Why does Darth Maul have rotten teeth?

Anyway, while looking at images, I found this:




He's not blue-green, and wrong rank?


But what do I know? I've never liked Star Wars. I mean, the first three films were decent, but that's about where my interest ends.

Edited by MMDE
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Anyway, while looking at images, I found this:



<image snip>


He's not blue-green, and wrong rank?


But what do I know? I've never liked Star Wars. I mean, the first three films were decent, but that's about where my interest ends.


That's the guy that's supposed to be in the new Rogue One movie. I don't even think they gave him a name yet.

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Never watched Rebels so i did not realize that Maul "did not die" so thanks for that bit of info. and i finished reading the trilogy out of curiosity.


nice to see others input on the matter. It seems like Rebels is more of a place to just throw ideas, even though they said it is canon it seems more like their testing grounds.

Edited by DarkHarmonixer
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Never watched Rebels so i did not realize that Maul "did not die" so thanks for that bit of info. and i finished reading the trilogy out of curiosity.


nice to see others input on the matter. It seems like Rebels is more of a place to just throw ideas, even though they said it is canon it seems more like their testing grounds.

Yep, spoilers for Darth Maul follow.

After Obi-Wan defeated Maul in Phantom Menace his intense hatred for the Jedi fueled the Dark Side enough that it kept him alive. He had a new lower body built for him and he set out to murder Dooku. He was once again defeated and he went into exile.

This is all canon.

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Speaking as a big Star Wars fan who has no interest in Rebels: I thought the Zahn trilogy was an awesome read and Thrawn was a very compelling villain, I'd put him at the top and Xizor at number two as Star Wars EU villains I'd want to see on the big screen.


As for knowing a race: Like it or not but Star Wars has a tendency of having all people of a race act alike. All corellians are ace pilots and so on, Star Wars is filled with planets of hats. Thrawn is just dangerously genre savvy.


As for the Ysalamiri (force-blocking creatures): I really liked the idea of such a creature existing. They actually make even more sense with the much-ignored revelation about midi-chlorians. The Ysalamiri looked like tarsiers in my mind.


What you have to realise though is that the Zahn trilogy was really one of the first books in the EU, and as said earlier it kickstarted everything. There's a bunch of stuff in there and in the other older books that now looks weird with the addition of later stuff. For instance, there's a bit how Luke finds it more difficult to read a few people who turn out to be clones while the clone wars era clones turn out to be pretty easy to influence. Or more blatant: clones pronouncing "u" sounds as "uu"... And don't even get me started on Barbara Hambly and her awful books that contradicted canon even back then.


In the end, in the parade of stupid that is Star Wars EU villains, only Thrawn and Xizor had enough presence to make me really enjoy them. I run two Star Wars tabletop RPGs, one about Rebels and one about Scoundrels, and I'm planning on bringing both to the table once I raise the stakes. Bringing Thrawn into Rebels is a good thing - it won't get me to start watching Rebels, but it might at the least result in a Thrawn LEGO figure which would be awesome. (side bar: the Rogue One LEGO sets have been revealed, some pretty cool stuff in there).


P.S. Can the title please be changed from "a star wars fail" to something actually mentioning the content? "Thrawn being brought back to Star Wars canon for Rebels", for instance. I get kind of annoyed by how many threads are out there about which you won't know the contents before you've actually read the OP.



They never "brought Maul back" - he never died to begin with.


He died on Naboo, he was cut in half and fell down a shaft. Saying "oh wait guys no he totally didn't die then" still counts as "bringing him back", even if it's not the traditional "back from the dead" it's still a retcon, and in my eyes a bad one at that.

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the topic title is fine


It's really not, it's covering the OP opinion and not what the actual topic is. The topic is Thrawn is being put into Rebels and your opinion is that it's a fail, which I respect as being your personal opinion but nobody knows it's about Thrawn or Rebels before coming to the thread. That's a bad topic, just like someone made a thread about the new MGS trailer and called it "the end of the world's best game franchises".


With topics like this, nobody knows what is going on before opening the topics and that's bad practice.

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