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Jack Tretton says the Vita came too late


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Oh, I'm with you Mourneblade, I have no interest in the mobile market, and Sony could have done more, but the market is as it is currently.   It's not like Sony did nothing though, we got the 'slim', a reduction in price points for both the unit and memory cards, and several times they've tried to re-market, or re-purpose, the Vita.   Remote play was (truly) pushed when the PS4 launched along with the idea the Vita was the perfect PS4 accessory, PSTV, PS Now and it appears they're trying again with VR and the Vita as a second screen.


I'd like to see first party support return, I'd like to see the comic reader return, among other things, but the market will likely dictate otherwise, unfortunately.   I suppose the best way to look at the Vita is, it's still the best handheld out there, it's not going anywhere, and sales can only improve, but I wouldn't expect any big Sony investment in software nor hardware in the foreseeable future.

I wouldn't count on anymore first party games. Vita is dead except for indie and Japanese games. Not a total loss, still new good games coming out but be nice to have another Golden Abyss or Resistance come out to mix it up.

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I wouldn't count on anymore first party games. Vita is dead except for indie and Japanese games. Not a total loss, still new good games coming out but be nice to have another Golden Abyss or Resistance come out to mix it up.

I think Sony have officially dropped first party support, so yeah, but as far as I'm aware they do actively encourage third party devs.   I don't think it's dead, there's a lot of variables involved, sure, but it still has a decent fan base, not too different from what the Xbone has incredibly, and I think that's after the Xbone S bumped it's sales.   Mobile reigns, but the handheld is still hanging in there, it's down, but not out!  :)


Resistance, I still can't believe Sony hasn't looked at rebooting (my preference) the franchise, generally I mean, not just a Vita title, but they could do something special with in on PS4 now.   Miss the Chimera.

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Resistance, I still can't believe Sony hasn't looked at rebooting (my preference) the franchise, generally I mean, not just a Vita title, but they could do something special with in on PS4 now.   Miss the Chimera.


I'm still hoping we get the Resistance games remastered on PS4. It feels like such a lost opportunity otherwise. I mean they remaster God of War 3 of all things, but not Resistance?

I've never played them, but I've always wanted to. When I got a PS3, most of the platinums for those games weren't obtainable anymore, so it kind of drove me away. I figured since the PS4 was getting remasters left and right, we'd get one for Resistance eventually, but still nothing. :(

Of course a new game in these series would be great too, but I'll take anything at this point. :P

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I think Sony have officially dropped first party support, so yeah, but as far as I'm aware they do actively encourage third party devs.   I don't think it's dead, there's a lot of variables involved, sure, but it still has a decent fan base, not too different from what the Xbone has incredibly, and I think that's after the Xbone S bumped it's sales.   Mobile reigns, but the handheld is still hanging in there, it's down, but not out!  :)


Resistance, I still can't believe Sony hasn't looked at rebooting (my preference) the franchise, generally I mean, not just a Vita title, but they could do something special with in on PS4 now.   Miss the Chimera.

A new Resistance would be great no matter the platform. Still have a ton of games to play on the Vita so not like I need new games. Just be nice if Sony showed the Vita love. Still think there is a market. And show Resistance some love. Not like Sony has a lot of 1st party FPS.

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