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Irish Unionists want to BAN THIS SICK FILTH


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This is probably why some games (Shin Megumi Tensei, Persona, Mind Zero among others) have a disclaimer when we start a new game mentioning that the game is a piece of fiction, that anything that may seem related to people or events is pure coincidence and that it doesn't represent the beliefs or point of view of anyone that worked in it.. Guess developers just need to start putting that in every single game... And even then, I wouldn't be surprised for this stuff to happen from time to time..

I wish I can like this comment even more..

It strikes me odd that people think these politicians are actually mad or are nutjobs and that they cannot remove "art."

While I understand this is a form of art; if everybody was to create something, perhaps insulting and call it "art", then there would be chaos and more offensive things being flailed left and right. Look at the Charlie hebdo incident and how that little office got targeted by extremists because it was deemed offensive. Neither groups' actions were justified because one made mockery of a religion and the other handled it by killing people.....

I'm not saying to ban this game. No not at all, but what to include is a disclaimer like you said similar to assassins Creed and some other games.

This way, we can actually acknowledge what happened in history and how horrible some things were to as to not do it again. At the same time, people truly affected by this can understand that this is a media in which the developers can inform the public so they become more aware or knowledgeable. Also, I actually would want 2k to respond to justify that this wasn't really meant to offend anyone because it will just look bad if nobody spoke up.

If people thought they have freedom of speech or whatever " freedom of speech" is called in your country, this doesnt all of a sudden make you entitled to do anything you want. It doesn't work that way..

Edited by poopooblast
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What a stupid issue to have over some segments in a game based upon criminal organizations. It's even worse when people that play the game(clearly only a few here) know that there wasn't any IRA in the game at all. 


Did those people complain about Sons of Anarchy when that show actually depicted the IRA? Right...we only get full braindead when the topic is about video games.

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Isn't Mafia 3 set in the past? Yeah, it is.


This is a prime example of what's wrong with our world today. People are trying really hard to edit and censor our history. This happened, it happened for real. The IRA would bomb places and kill innocents. That's a fact. But nah, let's just remove all bad stuff that ever happened in the past. That way future generations can just keep repeating the same damn mistakes.

Where is this grand history erasing conspiracy happening?


That's called censorship. They wanted to create a game that's as true to life as possible, and I don't see why that should be a problem. Making it an "unnamed terrorist organization" wouldn't have the impact or the authenticity the developers set out to create.

I think video games have come far enough to the point where they don't need to tiptoe around serious issues anymore.

They don't need to tiptoe but like if you're going to tackle something do it proper don't half ass it and claim you're ''mature and trying to move the medium forward''. I am not talking about Mafia 3 in particular here and this whole things seems like party politicians being petty and ignorant but i'm talking in general.

I believe that censorship is a crime. Forcing someone or a group to remove aspects or cover those aspects of their art is wrong.

that's not how the law works. at all.

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