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Game can be deleted soon.

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48 minutes ago, TOTALFILM said:

So it's already deleted from STEAM. And can be removed from PSN too.

PS3 have a physical copy, but VIta sells only in psn.


Are you trying to say its that good that you need to buy it before it goes off steam and PSN? 

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Well, I have both versions so I'm set.


As a fan of the show, it's a perfectly fun little romp, and I'm bummed the sequel / add on never materialized.

As a fan of challenging, complex, well designed platform games, it's okay at best. 


Worth a few bucks, which is what I bought it for, but unless it goes on sale before being dropped, I'd say don't bother unless you really like the show. It is pretty fucking good if you do like modern Who though. Of course, it might not get taken down at all, who knows.

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2 minutes ago, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:

Well, I have both versions so I'm set.


As a fan of the show, it's a perfectly fun little romp, and I'm bummed the sequel / add on never materialized.

As a fan of challenging, complex, well designed platform games, it's okay at best. 


Worth a few bucks, which is what I bought it for, but unless it goes on sale before being dropped, I'd say don't bother unless you really like the show. It is pretty fucking good if you do like modern Who though. Of course, it might not get taken down at all, who knows.


Not familiar with the show but I might go watch a few episodes and see if it's interesting. Looking to get some more games for the VITA so might get it on that platform (if a sale comes up)

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As a fan of the show, I found this game rather boring honestly. The plot gets left unfinished, it uses the worst Doctor of modern Who, and the puzzles aren't all that interesting. At least it had River instead of Amy though.

If it goes on sale it might be worth trying if you're a fan of the show, but don't go in expecting anything too great. I'd like to see a port of the Dr Who Adventure Games someday though, I remember having a lot of fun with those.

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I mean, the game took me over 4 months, not without reason. Was so bored with it. At some point I totally forgot about it too.



And initially I thought the title was in the sense of relief, that you could finally delete the game soon, because that is what I thought when I was near finishing the game.

Edited by MMDE
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6 minutes ago, madbuk said:

it uses the worst Doctor of modern Who

God yes. I fucking hate the undeserved love Smith gets. I'm not saying he's shit, but Capaldi is great, Tennant is incredible, and big ears McGee only got one season and still managed to make me care more for him than Smith did in 3 or 4.

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