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The Sins of PSN Communication


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What it’s the most annoying about communication in PSN for me are...


1. Blank and random friend requests. When I play games online, somehow someone who’s in the same match will send me a FR. Even I receive requests from users I have never came acrossed in-game. 99% of them will let a request with no given reasons.


2. Randoms adding you (without asking) in a chat group with 10+ people and they send to the chat pointless messages, mostly spams and scams. Of course, everyone leaves including myself.


3. Randoms inviting to a Party. Same as number 1, I simply ignore  them.


4. Lack of vocal chat in games. Most of people won’t have the microphone on at all - but if they do, it’s those who have a terrible microphone that destroys your ears, a parent playing and you hear the baby crying, kids playing a game that they shouldn’t play, a guy screaming like hell or an idiot playing music in the background.

Edited by Maxie Mouse
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32 minutes ago, aZombieDictator said:

Oh yeah I completely forgot about the awful microphone thing. I don't get how people can have such awful mics that echo and are full of static. Or they play videos/music around their mic or just have other people around it making noise.


It's the PS4 Camera. If it's plugged in, it's defaulted as being the "microphone". They might not know it does that, or they do know it and just don't care.

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Blank Requests


Spam messages 


Random FR and when I ask why are you adding me? The answer: "I saw your trophy list and I wanted to add you", "Don't know why, I'm bored lol", No response to my question


Getting added to a group chat and have over 200+ messages blowing up my phone in the middle of the night, and when I turn on my PS3, its message after message, only then forcing me to delete my entire inbox which takes about 2-3 minutes due to all those messages


Random idiots online spamming me after a online match (happens a lot)


Then, RE-ADDING me to the same group chat after I left 3.........times -_-


Someone adding me to boost a game I asked to boost years ago and I no longer have it, then the random begs me to pick it up again when I have ZERO interest in playing it again


Shall I continue? lol 

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3 hours ago, Caesar Clown said:


It's the PS4 Camera. If it's plugged in, it's defaulted as being the "microphone". They might not know it does that, or they do know it and just don't care.

Well I'm sure they get tons of complaints so they'd figure it out. And if they don't care just screw them. I turned the mic off on my camera as soon as I hooked it up. I refuse to use something like that for voice chat since it would be horrible quality. I just use the basic PS4 microphone and it works amazingly well. Wish everyone could use that one.

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