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Gran Turismo 6 Online Service To End March 28


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3 hours ago, Potent_Delusions said:


Please stop replying to my posts Lance. The last time you replied something this stupid to one of my posts..I got a warning point because I couldn't contain myself in replying to you. I do not wish to get a second point.


The clue is in the word "load" i.e batch. 8+ games are shutting on the same day. 

Since Gamespy: Sony have shut over 15 games (the Dancestar games, the Everybody Dance games, wipeout HD, 2048, Killzone 2, Killzone 3, Eyepet, GT6, MLB 14, MLB 15, Kill Strain, Modnation vita, Destiny of Spirits, Everybody's golf, High velocity bowling, etc).

EA have shut down under 15 games, they didn't shut anything between January 2013-July 2016 either. Ubisoft have shut down about 6 or 7 games since Gamespy, most being in August 2014.


So yes, Sony are responsible for the most closures since Gamespy AND the biggest load/batch of closures since Gamespy. 


Wait, what? I'm not saying anything stupid and i reply to whoever i want, whenever i want. I'm not breaking any rule.


EA shut down several games across all platforms in 2017 (you're right about the other years though: the "best" one was 2015 lol). Ubisoft shut down a truckload of games like a couple of months ago, too, again across multiple systems (i.e. H.A.W.X. 2 on PC and The Forgotten Sands on all systems... and other titles like Rayman 3, I Am Alive and several Just Dance games... i cannot find the source at the moment but they really shut them down, Uplay doesn't work anymore with them, too)


Gamespy was a shutdown across multiple systems, too. But at least some games were saved from oblivion... they were even converted to Steamworks on PC.


EDIT: ain't it funny that the longest lifespan for game servers comes from Japanese third-party games? Ridge Racer 6 on Xbox 360 will turn THIRTEEN next year. And i'm sure it's not backwards-compatible with the Xbox One. Oh and does anyone know if titles like Burnout Paradise and the Dead Space games are peer-to-peer?


4 hours ago, BHK3 said:

Yea, they close age old games as well, mostly sport games and games where the 3rd or 4th installment is out and they close the 1st games servers that have populations of 25 people(trophy hunters).


As 'sad' as it is, no one is playing any of these games as the majority of gamers have moved to the PS4. There being no backwards compatibility or even sales on old games+dlc means these games were long dead. Please do tell me on how you can log unto Uncharted 2/3 and still find games with ease, or even with Killzone 2/3 before the announcement(now filled with trophy hunters). It's different on xbox because they never had the selection of games the playstation did, and they can boot up 2005 call of duty 2 on their 2017 system and it'll work. Sony's online is made out of sticks and spaghetti strands, they mentioned at PSX that 2018 should have PSN name changes which is most likely only going to happen if they do a total PSN overhaul next year.  


As it was already said by someone else, at least Uncharted 2 is peer-to-peer... so yeah, even without players, it'll always be available, as long as there's PSN.


What scares me the most about username change on PSN is that it'll probably give a truckload of issues on PS3, especially savegame compatibility issues. I hate when they add new features on modern systems without thinking about the old ones (like when they added 0% trophy list deletion, on PS4 it deletes all trophies even from the consoles IIRC, but on PS3 and Vita you have to delete the profiles in order to completely get rid of them, like the game was never ever started before)


ps: i always thought that COD2 was a Xbox game lol, but it was released only on the Xbox 360 (i'm talking about Xboxes heh lol)! COD3 was a console exclusive and was also available on the first Xbox. But yeah did they ever shut down any COD game so far other than the PS2 version of COD3?

Edited by Lance_87
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at least you dont need online on gran turismo 6 for the platinum.

Killzone 3 when i got the plat like 3 years ago that game was deserted i doubt it became more popular the next years.

Some of these games are deserted im sorry but there is no point, You need to make a group in most cases and i agree xbox has way less exclusives to maintain.

As long as i can update my trophies and download my ps3 games im happy. 

Just my opinion please dont get mad.


Sorry for bad English

Edited by predator086siren
bad grammar
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The things I read here...


First lets talk about in-game ping(or called latency), it measures the round-trip time(in ms) for packets sent from the originating host to the server(or the one hosting the server, P2P). It is used in both client-server model as well as the P2P server model. Difference is that a client-server model has a fixed server that isn't run by the players. P2P is where one of the players is usually the one hosting the game(server). The thing is that P2P network model isn't a good option to host multiplayer competitive games because of the latency advantage that the host may have, as well as the fact that most games tend to share the IP's of everyone, meaning that it might affect your privacy in some sort of way e.g: swatting, ddos, etc.


Client-server model is where a dedicated server is hosting the game e.g: Battlefield, Battlefront, Overwatch, Titanfall, etc. Those servers are 100% dedicated servers. The plus side is that host does not have the edge here. But there is a disadvantage if you really live far away from the server e.g. servers hosted in US are laggy for players in EU zone, as well as most other regions, hence the term lag. If you have a ping of 100ms or above you might notice lag, which depended on the netcode of said game it might be in your advantage or disadvantage.


P2P is a different story, one of the players is usually hosting the game e.g: Destiny, most Call of Duty games, Uncharted games, etc. Now here is the issues players experience a lot which is lag. As well as the fact that there are players from different regions like NA, EU, N. Africa, Asia, etc. which eventually result in some sort of lag but network code has improved over the years but isn't quite efficient like a dedicated server due to bandwidth problems that might occur. As well as the fact that netcode is prolly not very good either. Most Uncharted games use a refresh rate of 10Hz, which imo is very low and very bad for everyone. Most dedicated games like Battlefield, Overwatch, Counterstrike usually have a higher refresh rate 30Hz, 60Hz and above the higher the better. 


Now my problem is that P2P MP especially competitive games like Uncharted or Call of Duty aren't great to play with a variety of players from different regions. P2P is good for co-op PVE games. P2P is great if you want to play with your IRL friends as well, but not public or online with randoms. Hence why i despise P2P PVP games like Destiny, CoD, etc.

Imo every MP should have dedicated servers so people will at least have a less laggy game experience, depending if there are servers in your region or not but that is up to the devs, publishers.


Also the advantage of dedicated servers are that you can barely cheat or modify the game on consoles, if the game is properly designed in that way so that all weapons, in-game currency, items, etc have a fixed setting based on the server values. Aimbots, wallhacks and the sort will probably still work, sadly.. As well that it's easier for devs, publisher to log data and to catch cheaters easily and can just ban them.


Ow one thing, P2P games do have a kind of master server, which is 100% needed and used to connect people on P2P games so that they can create lobbies and play online, matchmake, etc. So P2P games aren't really safe. But if a game lets you make a private lobby or sorts then it's possible to play online, the downside is that you'll have invite players as no-one will be able to find you. Games that are safe are the ones you can play in LAN mode, which not many games have.


To me personally I don't have a big issue with server closure as long as it had a decent run time. I can understand that devs/pubs don't want to support their games if the playerbase is very low or just empty. And the fact that 95% of the once populated servers move on to newer games. A minimum up time should at least be 10 years for a game to be discontinued, but that just my opinion. And the fact that some things will come to cease to exist, which is the routine for basically everything in life. There are no certain things that are or will last forever.

Edited by joskeabzu
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On 12/29/2017 at 11:32 AM, Potent_Delusions said:


Please stop replying to my posts Lance. The last time you replied something this stupid to one of my posts..I got a warning point because I couldn't contain myself in replying to you. I do not wish to get a second point.


The clue is in the word "load" i.e batch. 8+ games are shutting on the same day. 

Since Gamespy: Sony have shut over 15 games (the Dancestar games, the Everybody Dance games, wipeout HD, 2048, Killzone 2, Killzone 3, Eyepet, GT6, MLB 14, MLB 15, Kill Strain, Modnation vita, Destiny of Spirits, Everybody's golf, High velocity bowling, etc).

EA have shut down under 15 games, they didn't shut anything between January 2013-July 2016 either. Ubisoft have shut down about 6 or 7 games since Gamespy, most being in August 2014.


So yes, Sony are responsible for the most closures since Gamespy AND the biggest load/batch of closures since Gamespy. 

Maybe, just maybe Sony is too successful and wants to use the old servers for newer games! I am not defending them and i would riot if they dare close LBP servers but i am just saying! 

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On ٢٨‏/١٢‏/٢٠١٧ at 11:37 AM, Rick_Sanchez said:

correct me if i'm wrong but it has no online trophies, yes?


yes, this game is one of the fine example of how you do online component right, no online trophies BS at all, meaning you won't gonna enter a lobby where people not actually playing anything, all they are doing is rubber band their controller and you will ended up seen cars going in circles and what's not hoping to achieve a milestone trophy or something. 

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  • 2 months later...

Maybe it's too late for some of you guys, but if you want some easy money, you should try the 600PP Expert race at Red Bull Ring from the Seasonal Events. Just use a Toyota TS030 Hybrid '12 with PP limiter and max speed set to 260km/h and you'll easily get 554.000 credits (1.108.000 with 200% login bonus) every 7:30 minutes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

AAAAAND after less than 20 days, i finally got one of every car... 1265, i only couldn't get the 5 cars from the Precision Pack DLC which was a pre-order thing. I also didn't get several paint chips because i didn't care or because i totally missed them from the old Seasonals. But i'm fine with that. 530+ races on the same track over and over again, i wouldn't recommend doing this to anyone. But you're probably too late anyway.

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