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The path of the tall trophy is earned for clearing 3 dungeons of all enemies.

I've redone the dungeons and their chapters multiple times but still am unable to earn this trophy. Has anyone earned it or has any advice on it? I watched a few guides and have interacted with every item and every battle within the dungeons. It's one of my last few trophies to earn for this game.

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It’s definitely a weird one, I eventually popped it in chapter 5. I’m not sure what exactly counts as a dungeon, but I do know the ice cave in that chapter counts. There are several fights in dungeons that don’t show up on the map and get trigger the SECOND time you walk through an area. 


I’m also not sure if it stacks (my guess it that it does) so if you know for sure where they all are in a dungeon it may be worth retrying the same one? Hope this helps.

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I didn't get the trophy after the fourth dungeon so I went back to Keycatrich Trench in ch 2 and noticed there was a locked off section halfway through. After I killed the boss I went back to that room and it was unlocked, and it had an enemy encounter that gave me the trophy after I killed them. I didn't even think about going backwards after the boss the first time >.>


5 hours ago, BellaAngelo said:

Do you know which chapter has the ice cave? I know 2, 3, 4 and 5 have dungeons based off of guides from the mobile version.


The ice one is in chapter 3

  • Chapter 2: Keycatrich Trench
  • Chapter 3: Glacial Grotto
  • Chapter 4: Fociaugh Hollow
  • Chapter 5: Steyliff Grove

Source: https://www.xboxachievements.com/forum/showthread.php?t=713672


Edited by Pokedude97
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This trophy seems completely broken. I've spent the past two days farming the dungeons from chapters 2, 3, 4 and 5 and it still hasn't unlocked. I've defeated the boss in each of these dungeons and then walked all the way back through them to make sure enemies haven't been missed. I've deleted the game and reinstalled it. I've tried completing the dungeons in order and the same dungeon 3 times in a row. Nothing is working. :( 

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  • 4 months later...

God fucking damn it I hate this one. 

I must have cleared out all four of those dungeons by now and still nothing. Scoured them top to bottom and nothing. Is everyone sure that it's just those four that count as dungeons? Judging by a lot of experiences I've seen in this thread alone  I would absolutely go ahead and mark this as glitched, it is fucking ridiculous now. Also the inability to quit out of a chapter and start a new one is beyond aggravating. 

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  • 1 month later...

Take in account the fact that some encounters happen when you go through a specific path or perform an interaction with something (e.g. magic sources, generators, and so on).

And yes, the path can end in a zone you already visited 2 minutes before, without triggering any fight.

An example is the chapter 3 dungeon: before reaching the boss area, you'll arrive in a wide area and no enemies will spawn. Going through one of the paths (the upper one if I recall correctly, it'd be a dead end) will oblige you to come back and several daemons will wait for you.

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  • 1 year later...

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