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Maybe it would help making your profile public, that way we would get an idea of what games you are playing and what you are exactly referring to. 


42 minutes ago, Jason Voorhees said:

I want to be a completionist like heaps of people on here


I want to be a good trophy hunter, and get lots of platinums


Define what a "good" trophy hunter is to you. According to your description above, you want to have lots and lots of platinums, while at the same time maintaining a close to 100% completion rate. Why both? Many completionists that I've interacted here on the forums don't necessarily care about inflating their numbers (myself included). 


In all honesty, if your goal is to have a close-to 100% completion rate, that is easily achievable without resorting to playing games you are not passionate about. Forget about platinum numbers, about amont of gold trophies, number of games... Simply play games that are fun to you and, if you want, complete them. That's the way I play, and personally I am having a BLAST with my PS4. I might not have a lot of platinums, but that doesn't matter to me. 


If on the other hand it is also important to you to have many platinums, I can see how that could end in tedium and burnout... You could end up playing boring and quick games just to make numbers rise. Sure, you would also have a high completion %, but you might risk losing your passion for this hobby (which it sounds like you are already half-way there). Don't forget, there is a difference between trophy hunting and trophy hoarding. 


Lemme be clear, I'm not judging, everyone will have different approaches to gaming, and that's how it should be. But, you should try to find your definition of a "good" trophy hunter, or better yet, make sure you figure out what is important to YOU and what you want to see when you look at your profile, and forget about other players habits. 

Edited by Arcesus7
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Congratulation on the Friday the 13th platinum, that takes a lot of willpower. I have it as well and it took a LOT of time, with hours and hours of total boredom. If you can do that then surely you can get the other games finished on your profile.


So, why don't you have any urge to complete your unfinished games on your current account? Do you not like them, are they too difficult? Is it that after seeing the same games on your account you get bored of seeing them and wish you hadn't added them even if you have achieved 100%?


If you're getting bored of seeing the same game on your account then I think you're going to be wasting your time going round in circles. If it's that some games are too difficult or unenjoyable to you then the best solution is to try games out on a second account and only add them to your main if you think they are worth it.


Overall do what makes you happy and don't keep chasing what you think other people are going to like because you'll never be fulfilled.

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Your first problem is what you posted - "I want to be a good trophy hunter, and get lots of platinums".  Why?  So what if you have 100 or 1000 trophies.  Nobody really cares, and why are you putting so much importance on it?  Sure, it is nice to complete a game and get a few trophies.  But why beat yourself up over it? 


Like others have posted, gaming is for fun, not a job you punch in each day to get your quota. And to create and change your accounts is just defeating yourself.



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I have what I like to refer to as Video Game ADHD; basically, I tend to get bored easily with games and just forget about them. My sub-60% completion rate would speak to this! I tended to put a lot of pressure on myself with the trophy hunting game, not much unlike yourself. But this honestly turned me away from gaming altogether for a while. As others have mentioned as well, the point of playing is to have fun! If you make it a chore for yourself, it's more like work instead. 


What I have seen other real completionists do (I may have a few plats, but I'm more a wannabe with all these unearned trophies ?) is that they make an alt account that they will test games on first, to see if the plat is feasible and they want it attached to their main account. Maybe you could benefit from trying this method? But in my opinion, if you put all that time and effort into the Friday the 13th plat, I say you keep this profile and try not to be so hard on yourself about it. 


The best thing to keep in mind is nobody cares more or looks at your profile more than you do! So whatever you do, make sure you are enjoying yourself doing it. 

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