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Nope, I mean maybe tagging with some markers but that's all, lol. We were just trying to get our candy then go home to get high on sugar and watch TV all night. That was the fun. :P

Have you ever sat alone and thought real hard about things for an hour or more?

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I would say any sport games and any licensed game based on a movie or a TV show or any other media. I avoid them like the black plague. Though, I don't remember the worst game I have ever beaten.


In my collection of Trophies, the worst was Far Cry 2, doing 75 hours of griding damn stupid empty multiplayer, 25 hours of stress and frustration on glitching campaign and trophies. I have never yelled and sweared that much when a Platinum popped up, I uninstalled the game immediately and never ever I'll touch this crap.


Your favorite PlayStation franchise?

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Yeah, all the time back in the day when we lived in apartments that belonged to the hospital my mother and sister work at. Everyone there was boring except our family and our neighbors beside us. We were the only ones who would play music and cook outside, lol.

Same question.

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LOL - gotta answer this one.


One of my earliest memories is Christmas of 1979. I was 5 (about to be 6). I got an Atari 2600 for my Christmas/Birthday present. On December 26th, I woke up really early to play, and when I turned it on, it was just a little loud. However, when I went to turn it down, my hand slipped, and I turned it all the way up (volume controls were knobs back then). Woke up everyone in the house (we were visiting my grandparents).


Now, flip-side question: Have you ever played a game with no expectation whatsoever, only to find that the game ended up being one of your favorites?

Edited by starcrunch061
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I don't care about reviews and such and nearly play all games without any expectations.

But one game that I bought and put off for a long time was Chrono Cross on Psone

Have you ever bought more than one console from the same manufacturer in a single gen? E.g. console died

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Yes and hell yes. ( I've owned over 3 360's and 2 PS3's)

Ever leave your cable tuned into a movie channel during the day, then when you got home at night and turned it on a soft porn movie was playing? xD

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