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New Free DLC | Out Now | October 2019


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Apparently there's new DLC for Trover Saves the Universe.

And there appears to be new trophies for it. ^_^



I just found more info on the Playstation EU blog.



Check out the trailer below!



Edited by SGRevan
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I love how aggressive they are in their trophy descriptions. 



Be Kind Rewind
Hey, you watched a tape in the entertainment room. Was that clue clear enough for you? HUH!? All you little trophy hunters out there! God forbid you try and figure something out on your own!


For those who have played, how much new content is there and how long does it take?


Edited by bud-arc
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On 09/10/2019 at 1:30 AM, bud-arc said:

I love how aggressive they are in their trophy descriptions. 



For those who have played, how much new content is there and how long does it take?


It's pretty easy and straightforward.

I didn't follow a guide, and I collected them within an hour.

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