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TalesofGaming's Trophy Collection

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#64 - Donut County


Really entertaining game!


My Review: I impulse bought this game the other night since it was on sale and my best friend loved the game, I was like, "Sure, why not?" The whole idea of dropping people into holes was so entertaining to me, I enjoyed every moment of this game. ? 10/10 I would recommend this game to anybody who just wants a relaxing game and enjoys dropping people off to the Abyss. ?


Platinum Difficulty: 2/10


My Overall Score: A

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#65 - Danganronpa 1 ・ 2 Reload


Fantastic experience!


My Review: I played Danganronpa way back in 2017 and thoroughly enjoyed both games. Now, in 2022, I have finally platinumed them! I forgot how amazing the writing was in these games, always keeping me on the edge of my seat. My favorite would have to be 2 due to Gundham Tanaka. That man is just amazing. I love his hamsters! Oh, excuse me, Dark Devas of Destruction. In any case, I highly recommend this series. It's full of wonderful surprises and mostly great characters.


Platinum Difficulty: 3/10


My Overall Score: A

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#66 - Operation: Tango


One of the best co-op games!


My Review: I've been excited to play this game ever since it's been on PS Plus. On my first playthrough, I started off with the Hacker and boy did I enjoy it! For an indie game, they sure put in a lot of work for the puzzles and the environment because it was just so well done! Agent was pretty fun to play as as well but, Hacker was just more my style. xD I highly recommend this game if you can find someone who's fun to play with!


Platinum Difficulty: 2/10


My Overall Score: A+

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  • 1 month later...





#67 - Horizon Forbidden West


Pretty decent sequel!


My Review: I loved the first game in the series so I was excited to dive deep into the sequel! There were a bunch of things they improved upon on the first game, facial animations, cooler weapons, more machines... Everything gamewise was improved upon, albeit, maybe the dodging. I seemed to have a harder time dodging machine attacks and whenever Aloy got hit, she took FOREVER to get back up. Other than that, still a fun game! The story I thought was a bit lacking in some areas, specifically toward the latter half of the game. Though, I guess we're getting a third game since it left off on a cliffhanger. Maybe the story in it will make up for some of the gray errors left here. Overall, fantastic game and will be missing Aloy until her next adventure!


Platinum Difficulty: 2/10


My Overall Score: B+

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  • 2 weeks later...





#68 - Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony


I'm gonna miss this franchise.


My Review: It's been a while since I've played this game but coming back to it has made me remember how much I love this series. The music, gameplay, characters, story... Everything about this franchise is amazing. I really hope at some point in the future, the creator brings it back. If you have played Ace Attorney and enjoyed it, I am 100% certain you will enjoy this game, possibly even twice as more. IT'S THAT GOOD!


Platinum Difficulty: 5/10


My Overall Score: A

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  • 5 weeks later...





#69 - Scarlet Nexus


Amazing JRPG!


My Review: I had my eye on this game for quite a while and am so happy I finally got around to playing it! First off, I wish people wouldn't compare this game to Tales of Arise just because it came from the same developer. Pretty sure a different team worked on this game. Coming back to Scarlet Nexus, the story was the best part. I am a big fan of time travel stuff and to my surprise, it was the whole plotline! The characters were also amazing. I really loved the main villain but for the main characters, Tsugumi, Kagero, and Yuito are the best. <3 Bamco has done such an amazing job with their JRPGs within the last few years and am looking forward to their next work!


Platinum Difficulty: 4/10


My Overall Score: A+

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6 hours ago, TalesofGaming said:

First off, I wish people wouldn't compare this game to Tales of Arise just because it came from the same developer. Pretty sure a different team worked on this game.


I believe that some Tales devs worked on Scarlet Nexus, but that's definitely different from being the same team.

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  • 2 weeks later...
12 hours ago, TalesofGaming said:



  Great brief reviews! Honestly, thank you for bringing to my attention that Unpacking came to Playstation consoles. I saw the game receive a ton of love on Steam and didn't realize it released a few days ago! Will definitely scoop it when it goes on sale a few months down the line. I was also happy to finally hear someone else's thoughts on here regarding Haven since I feel like the game has gone virtually unnoticed despite being released from the same studio that dropped Furi. I think I had a more pessimistic interpretation than you did since I wanted more from the gameplay and had greater ambitions for what could be possible but I really hope it serves as an inspiration for future games to explore romance more deeply. Right now the whole type of game really exploring it is visual novels and while those are wonderful and all, it feels like a really untapped market in other genres. 

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  • 3 weeks later...





#72 - Elden Ring


Always love me a good Soulsborne game.


My Review: What a loooooooong game. Don't get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoyed this game with the best bud ever, @KazaneHime. It just felt TOO big. I loved the simplicity and linear style of the Dark Souls games better as it never felt like I was missing anything going through every area. Other than that, I loved every minute of playing this game and couldn't wait to get back to playing it with my co-op buddy. <3 Excited for FromSoft's next Soulsborne game!


Platinum Difficulty: 5/10 (With Co-op)


My Overall Score: A

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#73 - Human Fall Flat


Really entertaining game!


My Review: First off, I wanna say how amazingly fun this game is, especially with friends. It's just your wacky physics game of solving puzzles. Now, while I enjoyed the game for what it has to offer, and I still have to do some of the DLC levels, a word of warning: DO NOT play the PS5 version, if you want to play with friends that is. The invite system has been broken since launch and the devs could care less about this version of the game. On Twitter, they actively respond to posts about this issue saying they're working on it, but C'MON, it's been a known issue for almost 2 FLIPPING YEARS! I don't think it should take that long to fix it. ? Other than this stupid issue, I highly recommend this game, but play the PS4 version instead. One more thing, a big shout out to the best co-op partner: @KazaneHime! ❤️


Platinum Difficulty: 2/10


My Overall Score: A

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#74 - Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life


Was nice to come back to a childhood game.


My Review: I had played this game back on the GameCube when I was little so it was cool to come back to it again. That said, this game has not aged well. It's very clunky compared to modern-day farming games. The first 2 chapters of the game are pretty fun building up your farm in order to make enough money to buy all the upgrades, but after that, there's really not much left to do. I had finished everything by the middle of Chapter 3 so I just spent the rest of the time sleeping in order to progress the story. The game just felt really limited in what you could do overall so it started to get boring after I had done everything even though there were 3 chapters left to complete. In hindsight, this game is just too long.


Platinum Difficulty: 3/10


My Overall Score: C

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#75 - Maneater


Pretty decent game!


My Review: To be honest, I liked this game more for being able to swim around the ocean getting collectibles than the story. I'm not a big fan of sharks eating people (since they don't even do that in real life). All in all, I'd say it's a decent game but not one of my favorites.


Platinum Difficulty: 2/10


My Overall Score: C

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  • 3 weeks later...





#76 - When The Past Was Around


A beautiful, but sad game.


My Review: I picked this up cause I love point-and-click adventure games but was not expecting a story to toy with my heart. ? It was really relaxing to just lay down on my couch and enjoy a nice puzzle game as the NieR platinum has been stressing me out. I highly recommend this game if you just want a nice chill game.


Platinum Difficulty: 1/10


My Overall Score: A

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#77 - NieR


Yoko Taro really likes to make you feel depressed. ?


My Review: I loved NieR: Automata when I played it years ago and always wanted to play the first game in the series. Back when I bought it, the reboot wasn't even announced yet so I basically paid full price for this game. And since I had already earned a trophy on it by the time I got the reboot, I didn't want to hide it so I'm gonna be platting this game twice. ? Moving on, I absolutely loved this game. Yoko Taro is a great scenario writer and I always expect to be depressed after the end. That being said, the platinum journey for this game is atrocious. Having to max out all weapons was very tedious. Luckily, RNG was pretty nice to me for the most part. I'm excited to play the reboot in the future!


Platinum Difficulty: 3/10


My Overall Score: A

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#78 - SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated


What a fun game!


My Review: While I never played this game as a kid, I loved SpongeBob ever since I was little. It was nice to come back and relive my childhood memories of all the great characters and environments. I honestly really enjoyed the retro feel of it; it kind of felt like Spyro. I absolutely love collectibles so was hyped about the trophy list!


Platinum Difficulty: 3/10


My Overall Score: B

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  • 2 weeks later...





#79 - Stray




My Review: Wow. What a fantastic game. And I'm not saying that just because I love cats. Between the visuals, compelling storytelling, and the music, this game is an absolute masterpiece. I honestly can't believe this is the studio's first game. I can really tell they put in so much work to get this game polished as possible. While the ending felt bittersweet, I was satisfied when the credits rolled and even teared up for a bit. Stray will definitely make it on the list of "Best Games of All Time" for me. I highly recommend this game to anyone, even if you may not like cats as much. It's just such an amazing game to experience.


Platinum Difficulty: 3/10


My Overall Score: A+

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  • 4 weeks later...





#80 - Coffee Talk


Cute game!


My Review: I've been eyeing this game for a while and it was pretty good! It was nice to take a break from long RPGs and just read a nice visual novel while making some coffee and tea. ?


Platinum Difficulty: 2/10


My Overall Score: B






#81 - LEGO Harry Potter Collection: Years 1-4


Was nice to come back to a childhood game.


My Review: I remember playing this back on the Wii during my school days with my brother. It was nice to finally be able to earn trophies! ? I'm also glad no trophies glitched on me, was really worried about that.


Platinum Difficulty: 3/10


My Overall Score: B

Edited by TalesofGaming
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#82 - NieR Replicant ver. 1.22474487139...


One of my favorites!


My Review: Wow. What. A. Game. It hasn't been long since I've played the PS3 version but wow, what a major improvement on everything! The gameplay, visuals, even the story with the extra ending! I loved every minute of this game and can't wait for Yoko Taro's next work.


Platinum Difficulty: 3/10


My Overall Score: A+

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#83 - Lost Ember


Cute game!


My Review: My best friend recommended this game to me and it looked really similar to Spirit of the North which I enjoyed. The story was really good, probably the highlight of this game. Everything else was sort of mediocre? The bugs in the game really diminished my experience too. I kept clipping into walls and getting stuck in weird places. I'm glad there was at least a "Restart Checkpoint" option so I didn't have to restart. ?


Platinum Difficulty: 2/10


My Overall Score: C






#84 - Roll The Cat




My Review: I had to get this game cause of cats. However, I hate how this is a Ratalaika game in being that the platinum was quick and easy... Who makes a platinum for not even finishing the game? I even looked at the Steam achievements and noticed it had a different list for ACTUALLY COMPLETING THE GAME! Overall, this game was really well done for only being made by one person! Wow! The puzzles were really well done, I even had a hard time with some of them.


Platinum Difficulty: 1/10


My Overall Score: B

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#85 - Thymesia


Amazing game!


My Review: Wow. I am thoroughly impressed with this game made from a team of 7. It really reminded me of Bloodborne with the aesthetic and environmental design. The controls did take a bit to get used to but once I got the hang of it, it felt smooth. It's definitely not as hard as the Soulsborne games, but it still poses a reasonable challenge. I can't wait to see what OverBorder Studio has next in store!


Platinum Difficulty: 5/10


My Overall Score: A+

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#86 - Ape Escape


Retro game!


My Review: I never grew up with a PlayStation so I never got to experience this iconic classic. Having trophies was a plus for this game as it gave me the big incentive to try it out. Not gonna lie, it was really hard to play at first, what with the camera being janky and it just feeling like an old game. But, eventually I got used to it and very much enjoyed the experience. It felt a little bit like Super Mario in a sense. I also just loved Specter, what a great character. The voice acting was pretty cringe, but hey, that was video games back then.


Platinum Difficulty: 2/10


My Overall Score: B

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