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How difficult is the plat?


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It's a tiresome grind but nothing difficult. I'd say a 3/10 at most. I got the only trophies considered difficult during my first 10 hours of playing and the grind took a total of 60 to platinum.


There's a mode called Rainbow which turns every difficult trophy into a joke. The most difficult trophy is getting 5 master rounds in one run (you get one for each boss you defeat without taking damage and there are 5 bosses in total), but you can cheese that trophy with an item called Clone - after you die, you restart at the beginning and you keep all of your items, including the master rounds. It effectively allows you to get the trophy with 5/10 perfect fights instead of 5/5.


As a final tip for everyone who's going for this - don't bother abusing save backup for the master rounds trophy, it will come naturally as you grind.

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I’d say it’s harder than a 3, probably like a 6 or 7. You can make things a lot easier for yourself by abusing ranbow runs and save backups, overall the grind is probably keeping more people from completing it than the difficulty.

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I would go with a 6/10, unless you are really skilled with bullet-hell types of games. The later levels and bosses get pretty brutal and require quite a bit of practice to get the patterns and whatnot down. However being able to save scum really does trivialize a lot of the challenge! Otherwise, some of the aforementioned tips will certainly help. Agreed with others that it is probably the grind more than anything that is the plat blocker for most. 

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I would say the base game is 4 or 5 and the 100% including DLC is a 5 or 6. The game is really boring and tedious with the Frifle grinds and Winchester games, but there is nothing too difficult. You can use rainbow runs for everything, and so Lead God is really easy with clones (you can even have multiple clones in a single run), or you can do it in boss rush and have multiple chances, or you can even savescum, but that's not even necessary and I didn't factor it in my rating. Bullet Hell is a pretty big difficulty spike, but so long as you have good guns and items and have decent health, you shouldn't have issues there.


The DLC offers a bit more challenge since you have to do the Resourceful Rat fight (although you can fail his Punchout phase), but it's not difficult with a decent run. Daisuke's Trials can be a pain since there is a lot of RNG, and in later chambers there are multiple effects simultaneously which can lead to some frustrating situations. High Dragun especially can be a pain since he always has High Stress, but overall it shouldn't take you more than a few attempts. The Bullet's Past and Advanced Boss can be annoying, but are nothing difficult.


I don't know how difficult the game was at launch, but with the changes to loot drops, the addition of Rainbow Run, and the ability to savescum between floors if you need to, no one should have any problem getting this Plat, although it will just be a bit grindy.

Edited by machaesthetic
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