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Quick Platinum Still Possible for Subnautica Below Zero PS4, here's how


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2 hours ago, NeelBehl said:

how's this work if u got it digitally when it was offered for free as part of the play at home/stay at home initiative?

Well that was the first game that was, Below Zero is the second game. As far as I know the first game never was patched when it came to developer commands since I did the PS5 version of the first game the other day.


There are methods to digitally downgrade ps4 games though.


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1 hour ago, Sendai-Horatio said:

Well that was the first game that was, Below Zero is the second game. As far as I know the first game never was patched when it came to developer commands since I did the PS5 version of the first game the other day.


There are methods to digitally downgrade ps4 games though.


how's this work if u got it digitally when it was offered for free as part of the play at home/stay at home initiative?


oh i'm just talkin about the ps4 digital version i don't have a ps5

Edited by NeelBehl
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1 hour ago, NeelBehl said:

how's this work if u got it digitally when it was offered for free as part of the play at home/stay at home initiative?


oh i'm just talkin about the ps4 digital version i don't have a ps5

For the original subnautica you get the free PS5 upgrade as well IIRC, now I had the disc version and later got the digital from the play at home


For Subnautica Below Zero if you get the PS4 version and you can upgrade to ps5 version for free.



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On 25.9.2021 at 2:19 AM, Sendai-Horatio said:

Then inside, fabricate all the resources you can that are required by the seatruck and jukebox, and also make three modification stations and two storage lockers(the ones that are made of quartz and titanium)


Just for clarification, the items needed for the seatruck are:

- 1x titanium ingot

- 2x glass

(both can be crafted under  Resources > Basic Materials)

- 1x Advanced wiring kit

- 1x Power cell

(Resources > Electronics)

- 3x leed

(you get that from dismantling)


Otherwise, heads up for the guide!

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On a side note, this guide worked like a charm on PS4 disc version 1.00 without updates and also on PS5 version 1.12 or 1.012.001 (showing Oct 2021 - 45936, during the loading screen). On PS5 you can craft the antidote right away, no need to send the spy penglin into the cave.

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  • 1 year later...
On 9/25/2021 at 9:25 AM, Sendai-Horatio said:

Well that was the first game that was, Below Zero is the second game. As far as I know the first game never was patched when it came to developer commands since I did the PS5 version of the first game the other day.


There are methods to digitally downgrade ps4 games though.


@overdrive02 - PS4 version can be depatched digitally, Not sure about PS5.

Edited by Prometheous101
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  • 9 months later...
On 9/24/2021 at 8:19 PM, Sendai-Horatio said:

Alright after much trial and error here's how you do it.


First install the game from the disc, do not under any circumstances, patch it. You will know you have the right version when it says January in the upper right corner with a bunch of numbers.


First save is going to be the item/crafting trophies


I have a method here that worked for Dressed for the Weather

Second item trophy will be for Spy Pengling

Enable bobthebuilder and when the fabricator first starts to craft, immediately save and quit out, do not let it finish making the penguin. Upon reload you should have the trophy pop



Now Truckin and Jukebox Hero will be done together

Enable bobthebuilder


Make sure you have a base constructed with a hatch, fabricator, and power source


Then inside, fabricate all the resources you can that are required by the seatruck and jukebox, and also make three modification stations and two storage lockers(the ones that are made of quartz and titanium)

Either build or give yourself a vehicle bay


Save and quit out


Reload and do not enable cheats


Dismantle all lockers and modification stations


you will have enough resources to build the jukebox so build it and you'll get the trophy


Then go outside and make sure you're in deep enough water and build the seatruck, the trophy should pop while it's still in the air being made



Now then make a whole new save because this one is going to be for everything else

Start the game and make a beeline towards the pod with the fabricator, enable bobthebuilder


you're going to need to get there and fabricate the following

Hydraulic fluid

Full 3 piece coldsuit

Highest Capacity Tank

1 or 2 Spy Penglings (and their corresponding remotes, don't forget this they won't work without them)

Test Module


after building everything save and quit


Now many guides will say make an antidote, but you'll see that the antidote isn't able to be crafted. That's because the base version of this game didn't allow it to be made, but don't worry it's very easy to get.



So first story trophy will be Xenobiology. Why you ask, well because all the pain in the ass story trophies are kind of secretly locked behind that one so you'll have to pop it first to make everything else work. Because if you don't pop this one before trying to do Another Survivor, the trophy for Another Survivor won't pop at all despite you thinking you've met the requirements.


So for Xenobiology, enable the dev console by hitting the shoulder buttons at the pause screen. Teleport to sanctuary. You will see a green cube, pick it up and walk around the big square platform along the right side and you'll see a ramp. Save and quit here and then reload. Upon reloading go up the ramp and inset the cube to start the process and the trophy should pop after everything is done


Now then you have to teleport yourself to Deltabase


Go down the middle path and off to the left, and you'll enter a cave with science equipment and weird eyeball plants. No once you've reach that area you should turn around and exit. Upon exiting you'll be ambushed by a crazy woman in a prawn suit, do not leave deltabase until this happens, this is very important for the next trophy, once you've been ambushed and she leaves. Now teleport to Margbase. You'll spawn above a rectangular building, swim under it and you'll see a prawn suit and some ladders on either end, grab the ladders and climb up and walk around the walkway there and the trophy should pop for Another Survivor


Now teleport to rocket


Save and quit here.


Now reload, run to the tower, up the ladder close to the computer screen panel, run around the second level until you get to a device that allows you to connect the module, connect the module and then run back to the computer screen by the ladder, and hit the choice on the left and the trophy Pirate Radio should pop.


Up next enable teleport again via pause menu and teleport to GlacialBay


here swim to shore and go to the right on elevated ground you'll see a bridge there will be a console asking for hydraulic fluid.


Save and quit here, and reload. Once you've reloaded put the fluid in and you'll get the trophy Necessary Repairs


Now then next you'll want to grab the antidote

teleport to hoverbikebase which will put you right outside Phi Robotics Center

follow this path at around 1:47, feel free to spawn via dev commands and ride a hover bike for Like Riding a Bike


Once you get the antidote from your pengling, teleport to frozen creature save quit and then reload, use the elevator(it's right underneath all that scaffolding infront of the monster to the right), and you'll see a little Mars Rover like device that you put the antidote in. Once the antidote is on the drone, there will be a little screen to the side that you hit and the drone will insert the antidote and you'll get Finding The Cure. This is the most time intensive trophy of all so now it's easy street from here on out.


Next is Out of Mind


Teleport to Fabricator base, you'll see three test tubes with screens to the left and a big huge Stargate like thing in the center. Enable bob the builder, complete the first two test tube components when asked. When the third comes up to insert the materials, save and quit before it finishes. Load back in(don't have cheats enabled) and you'll watch it finish and then you'll have to activate a console in the center which will spawn a cyborg centaur, once the event is over the trophy should pop.


Now then the final trophy Into The Unknown

Activate dev commands at the pause menu, teleport to outpost zero, save and quit. Reload and follow the green quest icon to the end. there will be a lot of talking and you'll have to click two pillars to enable the warp gate, but that's it and you're done. The end credit title screen should pop the platinum.



Thank you this worked perfectly!

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