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Bugged/ Unclear Trophies

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Well this game is a big step up from the first two. The monster is actually real this time, that's a nice touch. But god damn what a chore to platinum.


Yet again Supermassive prove that they can't make a trophy list worth a fuck. It's not as bad as the dumpster fire that was the Little Hope list, or the virtual water-boarding that was Man of Medan's trophy list, but it's still shit. Yet again we have to make something like 5 partial/ full playthroughs, again there is no cutscene skip and the scene selection is uselessly broad, wasting hours of time watching the same set pieces over and over and over again.


'Heart to heart' requires you to have Nick kill the ancient warrior. In one of my playthroughs, Nick killed the warrior in the finale. No trophy. Nice.

Nick was also the only survivor in that run. No trophy received for only having one survivor. I know that the name is 'Final Girl' but the description doesn't specify; it just says 'one survivor'.


In my playthrough I had Eric, Rachel and Nick all use the UV wand. Now the more mathematically savvy individuals might note that that is in fact 3 people that used the wand. Supermassive appear to struggle with counting to 3. No trophy.


I've yet to understand why they can't just emulate the list from Until Dawn. That was spot-on. You had to go out of your way for the collectibles and to keep everyone alive, but there were 0 ultra-fiddly little bitch trophies that had you making multiple partial-playthroughs just for them to not unlock and leave you scratching your head. 


I like these games so naturally I want to platinum them but once again it feels like the trophies actually fight back. Allow me to make that point again. I ENJOY THESE GAMES I just think that the trophy lists are fiddly, annoying, and require such abundant playthroughs and backtracking as to make the overall experience less enjoyable.


I do not want to read any ‘If you don’t like it don’t play’. This response is as lazy as it is fucking annoying.

Edited by JEDLander
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First off, it's not bugged or a glitched. Secondly, the trophy for one survivor is called Final Girl. (It's an ode and reference to what that exactly is)  Hence, it has to be Rachel as she is the only girl. That's how I got mine. It pops after the ending. After the credits it will pop.


I have also read that the UV light needs to be done in a single play through. No saves, no stopping. For some reason that is how the AI recognizes it.


As for the stake, there's certain areas it can be done. Not just at the end.


Instead of bitching and tearing the game apart- why not try to enjoy it and have fun? If you don't like their games, then don't play them. No need to post a rant. These games are made this way deliberately. If it's not your genre, then choose something else. There is a huge thread with people (including myself) asking for help. It's not glitched. It's time consuming, yeah. But if you want the plat that badly (I know I do) then it shouldn't matter

Edited by sealightbreeze
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Heart to Heart has to be done when setting the charges. Advance and pass the three don’t move sections. Jason had to choose the dismissive option when examining the stake to give it to Nick. 

For “Let Me Have A Go!” It must be done without leaving or pausing the game as sealightbreeze stated. I can confirm this. I did it multiple times before learning this and nothing. Then it popped after not leaving or pausing. 

Clever Girl, I got on my first playthrough by replaying the finale and having only Rachel survive. They may be more to it then that but that’s how I did it. Eric and Nick had already died prior to the Daylight sequence. 

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4 hours ago, sealightbreeze said:

First off, it's not bugged or a glitched. Secondly, the trophy for one survivor is called Final Girl. (It's an ode and reference to what that exactly is)  Hence, it has to be Rachel as she is the only girl. That's how I got mine. It pops after the ending. After the credits it will pop.


I have also read that the UV light needs to be done in a single play through. No saves, no stopping. For some reason that is how the AI recognizes it.


As for the stake, there's certain areas it can be done. Not just at the end.


Instead of bitching and tearing the game apart- why not try to enjoy it and have fun? If you don't like their games, then don't play them. No need to post a rant. These games are made this way deliberately. If it's not your genre, then choose something else. There is a huge thread with people (including myself) asking for help. It's not glitched. It's time consuming, yeah. But if you want the plat that badly (I know I do) then it shouldn't matter

First off, just because you didn’t experience a bug or glitch, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. 
Secondly I addressed the point about the trophy being called ‘Final Girl’. My point was that the description is wrong. Which it is.

Thirdly, I said that I enjoyed the game and that it’s a step up from the last ones. I said that the TROPHY LIST is bad. If you enjoy the game so much, go and play it instead of white-knighting it on forums. 

Congrats though, when anyone ever has any complaint about anything there always has to be that one complete tool that puts down his crayons and says ‘why don’t you just not play it’. Nice work on being that guy

2 hours ago, DougKelley1982 said:

Heart to Heart has to be done when setting the charges. Advance and pass the three don’t move sections. Jason had to choose the dismissive option when examining the stake to give it to Nick. 

For “Let Me Have A Go!” It must be done without leaving or pausing the game as sealightbreeze stated. I can confirm this. I did it multiple times before learning this and nothing. Then it popped after not leaving or pausing. 

Clever Girl, I got on my first playthrough by replaying the finale and having only Rachel survive. They may be more to it then that but that’s how I did it. Eric and Nick had already died prior to the Daylight sequence. 

See now this shit is helpful. Thanks man, I appreciate this advice 

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7 hours ago, sealightbreeze said:

First off, it's not bugged or a glitched. Secondly, the trophy for one survivor is called Final Girl. (It's an ode and reference to what that exactly is)  Hence, it has to be Rachel as she is the only girl.

This isn't true, I had on both PS4 and PS5 Jason as the last man standing and Final Girl popped both times

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5 hours ago, JEDLander said:

First off, just because you didn’t experience a bug or glitch, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. 
Secondly I addressed the point about the trophy being called ‘Final Girl’. My point was that the description is wrong. Which it is.

Thirdly, I said that I enjoyed the game and that it’s a step up from the last ones. I said that the TROPHY LIST is bad. If you enjoy the game so much, go and play it instead of white-knighting it on forums. 

Congrats though, when anyone ever has any complaint about anything there always has to be that one complete tool that puts down his crayons and says ‘why don’t you just not play it’. Nice work on being that guy

See now this shit is helpful. Thanks man, I appreciate this advice 

You’re welcome. I had issues with several trophies. So I figured I would help if I could. 


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15 hours ago, JEDLander said:

'Heart to heart' requires you to have Nick kill the ancient warrior. In one of my playthroughs, Nick killed the warrior in the finale. No trophy. Nice.

Nick was also the only survivor in that run. No trophy received for only having one survivor. I know that the name is 'Final Girl' but the description doesn't specify; it just says 'one survivor'.


In my playthrough I had Eric, Rachel and Nick all use the UV wand. Now the more mathematically savvy individuals might note that that is in fact 3 people that used the wand. Supermassive appear to struggle with counting to 3. No trophy.


My own experiences have been somewhat catch as catch can, but if it helps any:


Heart to Heart appears to only be unlockable during The Vault. Earlier in the game (sorry, I don’t recall the exact chapter), Jason has to examine the staked body and when prompted select the option that says “I prefer my rifle.” Then he’ll toss the stake to Nick. Then, during The Vault, Nick has to Advance to plant the final charge and pass all three “Stay Calm” sections; after that the Ancient One will grab him. If Nick has the stake at that point, instead of the others rescuing him you’ll get a series of QTEs to kill the Ancient. It does not appear to mater who’s alive (did it with everyone alive, with only Eric dead, and with Eric dead and Rachel cocooned.) My Ancient was Balathu; I don’t know if that has any importance to the trophy or not.


On “Final Girl” (and the trophy for everyone dying, as well), I found that I could not unlock them if anyone was missing prior to Daylight. On my first playthrough, Eric was dead, Rachel was uninfected and Nick, Jason, and Salim were all alive; on the second attempt for the trophy, Eric was dead and Rachel was cocooned. Neither time did I unlock either trophy. On my “save everyone” file, I was able to get both (by having them all killed during Daylight, then reloading and having all but Rachel fail their QTEs. The Ancient was also dead in both instances, which may or may not matter.) I chose Rachel to live due to the trophy name, but as mentioned elsewhere in the thread, it apparently pops for Jason as well. I’ve heard it explicitly <i>does not</i> work for Salim, though your mileage may vary (and unknown if circumstances were similar, IE: going into Daylight with everyone alive and the Ancient already dead or not.) I have not tested or heard one way or the other for Nick or Eric.


I haven’t tried to do the “Let Me Have a Go” trophy yet, but noted here in the thread and in multiple other places I’ve heard you essentially have to do it in one continuous run from the point at which Eric discovers the vampires’ weakness to the UV wand to the final use by the third character (which I understand is supposed to be Nick in The Vault, assuming he and Eric have a good enough relationship for Eric to pass him the wand.) Will be attempting that one tomorrow.


Good luck with the platinum. Hopefully the trophies don’t give you any more trouble.

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Heart to Heart  i left stake to Jason and somehow still recieve trophy)


On “Final Girl”  i have Salim only one left)


on UV light, i made the same thing 3 times, one time i even complete all game from the start, no trohy. On third time from chapter select, i recieved it.


So yeah, trophy list is bugged and this game i will remember fro a year, every cutscene?

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4 hours ago, Ashande said:

My own experiences have been somewhat catch as catch can

I’ve been trying to be a bit more precise with this game: got all the collectibles on my first run (which I never do), tried to hit as many trophies as I can per subsequent playthroughs to try to minimise time spent replaying, just because the first two games just became such a damn chore by the end and I didn’t want that to happen to this one. I enjoyed Man of Medan on my first playthrough. By the 7th I was utterly sick of it. These trophy lists don’t do the game justice

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On 26/10/2021 at 3:21 PM, sealightbreeze said:

First off, it's not bugged or a glitched. Secondly, the trophy for one survivor is called Final Girl. (It's an ode and reference to what that exactly is)  Hence, it has to be Rachel as she is the only girl. That's how I got mine. It pops after the ending. After the credits it will pop.


On 27/10/2021 at 5:06 AM, Ashande said:

I’ve heard it explicitly <i>does not</i> work for Salim


I can confirm that this is incorrect. "Final Girl" popped for me after the credits. I kept Salim alive and everyone else died in the finale.

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