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Request for a trophy guide

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1 hour ago, MikeLove_NotWar said:

I have, its been a month with no reply

Bounties are not added and should not be petitioned in that thread. The guides on the bounty list are highly requested items and get a reward attached to them if it gets enough curation to merit a bounty. We don't add them whenever someone asks for a guide to be made because there would be thousands of guides on that list, this is why there needs to be enough community support to warrant its addition. You can pitch the case for the guide to gauge support from the writing community in the server.

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On 17/04/2022 at 0:06 AM, MikeLove_NotWar said:

Would really appreacite it, if someone would make a quick trophy guide for this game, to help new players(like me) understand the game better.

Copied the following guide from Xbox Achievements, it lists all the ones that aren’t straightforward:



Take control of your first occupied fort


If you are playing the minigame, it's a pretty straightforward shooter. Kill all of the enemies in the fort. The number of enemies in the fort is on the bottom left, your health is on the bottom, and your ammo is on the bottom right of the screen. The minimap shows where you are, the yellowish areas are doorways, and the red areas are enemies. You can also find more ammo around the map or on the enemies you kill. You can get more health around the map, usually inside buildings. If you have the minigame turned inactive, attack a fort with a large unit and get lucky with the slider that determines if you take the fort.


Train Robbery

Take control of your first train


Simple place a unit between to enemy forts on the railway line. When the train comes at the start of an enemy turn your unit will attack the train. 

This will start an FPS section. Killing enemies doesn’t matter in this section all you need to do is get to the front of the train. Kill anyone you have to buy for the most part you can run past most enemies. I tend to stick to the top of the trains as less enemies and less things you can be snagged on if you take a few to many hits and worry you may die slow down and corner peak back and forth to kill the enemy’s. You only need to get through I think it’s 5 carriages. 

I don’t think it makes it easier or harder depending on your army size just a blanket amount.


Between friends

Play a local multiplayer game


Start campaign and choose 2 players.
You will need a second controller for this.
It will unlock once you completed the campaign.


Powerful army

Create a powerful army by merging three armies


Start a campaign on easy. Quickest way to unlock is to use the North, take control of the nearest forts, you can take two right away. The railroad will give you enough money within two or three turns to buy an two new units, combine three, and that will pop the achievement.It is really that easy/simple. You will probably Unlock this in your first campaign.



As fast as lightning

Win in less than five months


This should come quite easily but if you’re having trouble. 

( This strat will work on any difficulty) 
1864 scenario as the Yankees move all your units down one state so that on the next turn all the enemy units will advance and fight you. Merge your top left units into one army and buy a unit on the right side 1 state away from your army when it spawns in move the new unit to merge with the lower state. 

End turn. 

Now the ai ( at least on hard) will attack your 3 units. The battles aren’t that strenuous if you can measure out a cannon shot early at about 75-80% power you’ll destroy a back line unit preferable the infantry if not doesn’t matter as long as your infantry are waiting for them to walk into your line of site you’ll win the trade every time at the cost of 1 maybe 2 soldiers. 

Anyways after you’ve won the 3 battles they will have 2 forts and 1 possible army remaining. 

Use your right army to attack the fort this will trigger a FPS game mode I can’t really give you much help with this part other then corner peak a lot as health seems to be hard to come by. 

When the forts captured clean up the one unit that’s left if you haven’t already and you should get the win. You don’t need both forts although this is a good mission for the capture 5 forts but that would need to be on a new save. 

With the 4 army’s destroyed and the fort captured you’ll win and it should be within a month of the start of the battle well inside the parameters for the achievement.



Complete a game in 1861, 1862, 1863 and 1864


The South always seems to have the advantage, being closer to the reinforcements in North Carolina, except for 1864 when the North appears to have the advantage. If you want to get this quick play on easy with everything turned off in the settings menu before selecting the year, unless you find using the minigames easier (I think they take longer). At this point, the game turns basically into Risk. Try to have the advantage by attacking enemies with larger units. The object of the game is to destroy all the enemy armies and take one state after that. Keep the AI from earning money by taking forts or placing your troops on the rails between their forts. If they can't earn gold and you have North Carolina, there is no way for the Ai to gain more troops, and so at that point, you can destroy the enemy armies without worrying about them making a run for your train or forts


Tenth victory

Win ten victories


You have to win 10 campaign matches.

Doesn’t matter on which difficulty or what modifiers are active or not, also doesn’t matter which year you play in. You can do 1861 ten times if you please.

Local coop doesn’t work.
It has to be single player campaign.


Rail Master

Capture the five forts in a single game


I actually used the Rebels for this achievement on Easy Mode. My strategy for this achievement:

Difficulty: Easy
Side: Rebels
Year: 1862 

The advantage is that you got three of the five forts with this scenario. You only need to capture the ones in Pennsylvania (upper right corner of the map) and Iowa (upper left corner of the map). You might need to intentionally lose a battle or two, but it's not hard to recover from a loss in this game.

Month 1:
- Use your Rebel unit at Georgia and move it to capture and hold North Carolina (the area with a lighthouse on the center right part of the map. The next month, you'll get reinforcements from the sea. 

After that, use your bigger North Carolina force and fight your way to Pennsylvania. It should take three or four game months of fighting to attack and take over the Pennsylvania fort.

- Take your Rebel force from Kansas and attack Iowa. After defeating the defending force and a separate force to capture the fort, you should be four out of five forts captured.

Month 2 - Month 4 (or Month 5, if you run into difficulty):
Do your best to leave one Union force alive until you capture the fifth fort. You can leave your fort without a fighting fort, then you can just defend it in first person mode and hold on to it. If you're daring enough, use the force to capture Iowa, reinforce it with another unit and have a second force go east to attack Pennsylvania and capture Pennsylvania. The achievement will be unlocked soon after that's done.


Great strategist

Win three times in a row in hard mode


In simple terms, beat the game three times in a row on Hard difficulty. If you play and/or beat a game on any difficulty other than Hard, your progress resets.

I like to mention one important detail that occurred during my attempt at this achievement. On my 3rd game straight on Hard mode, the game crashed at the end of a battle. I reloaded the game and beat it, but the achievement never unlocked. 

Another TA gamer, Dingadilly stated this in a comment on a different North & South achievement that leads me to believe that exactly what happened to me was the same problem. Ding's statement: 

Restarted north and south was able to continue from the save file. But upon winning my 3rd in a row I did not unlock great strategist.

I had to play Hard mode another three straight times without crashing before I got the achievement. I like to give credit to Dingadilly for confirming my thought on my experience on getting this achievement.

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