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Best method to Win a League group


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If you can complete every trophy in the game except for the league trophy you will be at a skill level thats around the top % of players and should easily be good enough to win a daily round.


Seeing as the game is going to filled to the brim with new players due to ps plus it should be easier to get a win than it was before the ps plus release.


I've seen others recommend timing your daily run (you get infinite attempts) just after the clock ticks over to the next day but i didn't really see any difference when i went for it.


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Regarding the online, I was the only one yesterday with problems to connect to servers? I hope is regarding to the new psplus players and be able to connect soon.


Edit: Yesterday I still had problems connecting to the server, but I manage to get first in the league, the system scoring now rewards a lot doing trick + tweak grab, so if you manage to do one combo combining these (remember that only 3 manuals ara available before failing) so try to do an advanced or special trick, after that tweak a grab while spining to a manual, also in the grinds try to do perfect grinds and switch mid grinds or if the grind is long enough another trick + tweak grab + spining.


Is better to try this at the end of the main game, as you were more experienced and you being placed in a low rank league.


If I failed on this first try, I will get promoted to a superior league and maybe every time gets hard to finish first, also is convenient to enter at the end of the time limit for the day.

Edited by Steven-Spiegel
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Not really a platinum blocker, if you're capable of getting the other trophies, you'll get this no problem.


I'm still learning the game, finally got into the league earlier for the first time after not being able to get on to the servers for the past few days, had one guy in my league who seemed good and had a 2 win streak, the rest were new like me, managed to finished top with around 560k points edging the other guy by about 10-20k points, none of the other 10 in our league even broke 100k points.


Think I was actually really unlucky to get a guy in my first league that knew what he was doing and yet i still managed to finish first on my first go. 


Maybe this becomes an issue much further down the line when there's no players except the experts at the top of the leaderboards but with the ps+ influx of players everybody should be able to knock this out comfortably. I'd advise not to wait until you've mastered the game, you only get entered into one league per day. 

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I did it second try simply by joining a group within the final hour before the timer ran out. If you join a group first thing as soon as the timer resets you're up against all the diehards. If you join at the last minute like I did there's a high chance you'll get shoved into a half-empty group of stragglers. I suck at this game and I more than doubled the high score of that group within a couple of goes.


The other obvious tip is to try do the whole race in a single combo. You keep the combo going by doing manuals ( X + L stick, left or right) between tricks and grinds. This is basic stuff but the game doesn't teach you about it until some ways into the main campaign.

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  • 1 month later...
On 16/02/2023 at 2:03 PM, Cynical_Hunter said:

Does the league group match only start with 10 players? 

No, it starts immediately as you attempt to join regardless of your position. You need to use this to your advantage. I would often join the league with 5 minutes to midnight or less, and be amongst just a few players who had signed up as well. That gave me the opportunity to beat just half of the field in a short amount of time, which was definitely possible because nobody really had a chance to get a decent enough high score. As others have mentioned; the later you participate towards the league refresh, the better.

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  • 8 months later...

Any new tips regarding this trophy? I'm currently Silver 1 and I'm being paired up with some insane players. My current score is around 300k and there are guys with over 1 million. I can't copy their replay because I don't understand how they are able to make some big jumps with such low speed. It seems like I'm missing something...

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  • 1 month later...

I actually managed to get this trophy first try by following this same logic. I read in some of these threads. I was gonna try a few days ago but when I logged in I saw that Season 14 had just started recently, and so I waited a few days to join one.


You can only join 1 league per day which could be annoying if it’s one of your last trophies, but despite that, you don’t want to start working on this right away when you begin the game. Wait until you’re near the end of the game and have built up some decent skills.


Why? This is because the “sweet spot” for this trophy is when you’re a skilled or semi-skilled player and competing in the Bronze league. If you lose you’ll almost certainly still be promoted, and once you get promoted a few times you’ll end up in Silver league and above and will be up against some very good players and some very high scores, so you absolutely want to do this in Bronze league at all costs.


The game league resets at 4pm PST (7pm EST) each day. As others have pointed out, the try hards will often hop in immediately after reset. It’s best to wait until like 30 mins before reset before you start trying for a score. You’re much more likely to get paired up with some low level stragglers, and the top player is far more likely to be off doing other things and not guarding his score if they are ahead by a lot.


You have infinite retries, so keep going until you secure one you’re happy with, or right up until reset. 

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  • 3 months later...

I was scared of this trophy but I then played the first four worlds and beating all the local heroes. With all the experience I got I was able to get this trophy for both ps4 and ps5. First and second try. This is by far not the hardest trophy imo.

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