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[Feature request] Give OP (original poster) the means to further moderate their forum threads

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22 hours ago, ryuji_sakujo said:

@Sly Ripper
Feature request: Give OP (original poster) the means to further moderate their forum threads.

eg. Let us remove posts by other members.

We're allowed to lock posts, and we can report posts too, but it's not enough, please let us also remove posts in threads (that the OP has created) that just bloat or derail the topic (there are countless examples of this happening). Would make for a cleaner, less bloated and more useful forum and also teach this community some manners when it comes to butting in and derailing topics, it just happens too often.


If people feel concerned about getting censored.. then it's fine to keep a log and see what messages got deleted by the author.
That would also deter new users from making the same posts.


I fail to see how this would be an improvement… in particular as regards your argument that it would teach people some manners. The internet as a whole is riddled with people who find rules and decorum troublesome and pointless, frequently going out of their way to thumb their nose at such concepts. Having a post deleted (or being blocked, or getting their account banned) serves almost as a badge of honor to this sort of person. Rather than “teaching” anyone anything, I suspect it would just egg on certain types of people. That’s before getting to the second problem.


You come off as dismissive when it comes to people concerned that their posts would get censored due to popularity contests, cliquishness, or an allergic reaction to disagreement… but those are all very valid concerns, and adding a log to show the deleted messages would just add more bloat and steps to see all sides of a thread while adding no useful functionality beyond letting Forum Fascists run their threads like petty fiefdoms and echo chambers.


I’m not clear on what you’re getting at with “[deterring] new users from making the same posts.” Can you elaborate? If you mean it would serve as an incentive for new folks to not derail/insult/whatever, I fail to see why; as noted, some folks will deliberately run counter to the socially acceptable norms, and if the “naughty” posts are being shuffled off to never Never Land or a separate tab, then it’s unlikely they’d see them to learn what not to do by example.

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5 hours ago, Sergen said:

I didn't read every forum post in this thread but it isn't Sly you should contact but rather Invision Power Services, Inc as that's the forum software company that created all the forum features for this website. Maybe your suggestions will allow them to implement the things you want and Sly can then add them to the site but until then nothing can happen for you. 

Didn't know this website forums was built on an existing template.
Legends says one man built it with his bare hands. Good to know, thanks! ?

2 hours ago, Ashande said:

Rather than “teaching” anyone anything...

Teaching manners is perhaps wrong phrasing. More like curb some annoying behaviour like bloating threads with off-topic stuff, that was my initial thought.


2 hours ago, Ashande said:

You come off as dismissive when it comes to people concerned that their posts would get censored due to popularity contests, cliquishness, or an allergic reaction to disagreement… but those are all very valid concerns, and adding a log to show the deleted messages would just add more bloat and steps to see all sides of a thread while adding no useful functionality beyond letting Forum Fascists run their threads like petty fiefdoms and echo chambers.

I wasn't aware it runs this deep on this forum, now I know. :D
Reading everyones concerns in this thread was enlightening for me, I knew it was bad but not this bad.. ?


2 hours ago, Ashande said:

I’m not clear on what you’re getting at with “[deterring] new users from making the same posts.” Can you elaborate? If you mean it would serve as an incentive for new folks to not derail/insult/whatever, I fail to see why; as noted, some folks will deliberately run counter to the socially acceptable norms, and if the “naughty” posts are being shuffled off to never Never Land or a separate tab, then it’s unlikely they’d see them to learn what not to do by example.

I would need the direct quote to recall correctly, but to elaborate I meant to say that if users get slapped on the wrist it might curb their behaviour.. or as you gave examples of, it also might not, it could go either way.




Just some closing thoughts as I'm moving my focus to other things now (notifications are off).

It's been eye-opening to read some comments, I totally get the concern now since the majority of you have been vocal about it.
It seems this inconvenience of having threads and conversations hijacked by off-topic is not as easy to fix as just removing posts from obstructive users, I wish it was that easy to fix and at first I really did think that it was a reasonable thing to ask for. FWIW I don't think I can stand by supporting my initial stance on this specific suggested amendment to the current way the forum works, as most of you here agree with, due to the sensitive nature and extreme backlash and "maturity" of this community I think it would be unwise to implement such a feature at the given time, it would just cause way more complication and issues. So I'll take the L on this one, ggwp :D I'm still interested in hearing if anyone has any takes on HOW it might work (given a different implementation or design), but mostly so just from a speculative and "philosophical" POV. Thanks again for sharing all the feedback and for keeping it civil. ?

Edited by ryuji_sakujo
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