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Member Interviews: Zenpai - Submit Your Questions!

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Hello and welcome back to Member Interviews! Our latest interviewee is @Zenpai! Please send some interesting questions in to get Zenpai to notice you.


Questions can be submitted starting now until November 14th, 2023. He has provided the community with a snippet to help you come up with questions.




About Me


Hey there! I'm José, also known as Zénpai in most places online. I'm a 35-year-old Portuguese male and currently work as a Japanese Market supervisor for a very well-known Internet giant (which I cannot disclose due to my NDA 👀 ).


I remember the first time I ever played a videogame in my life. Back then, my younger cousin used to spend a lot of time with my family and his parents were filthy rich, so he got all kinds of cool stuff. One of them was a Mega Drive (also known as a "Genesis" for all you Americans out there) and he started bringing it with him whenever he spent longer periods of time with us. The first game I ever saw him playing was Sonic & Knuckles, and let's just say I was immediately in love.


My very first system was a Game Boy, and my very first game was Mickey Mouse: Magic Wands (mostly because it was the very first Disney game that happened to be at the store, and I was obsessed with Disney characters back then).


Since then, I have collected a number of systems: a Game Boy (still in my mom’s attic), a Game Boy Color, a Game Boy Advance, a DS, a 3DS, a Switch, an Xbox 360, a PS1, a PS2, a PS3, a PS4, a PSP, a Vita and a PSTV. I have since sold my Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance since I can just play emulators on my PSP/Vita.


I mostly play on Sony consoles and am now way too invested in the ecosystem to play any multiplatform games anywhere else. I also really enjoy trophy hunting (otherwise, why would I even be on this site? 😝) and consider that any game I like deserves nothing less than a 100% completion rate! I racked up quite a few Platinum trophies over the years (nearing on 60 right now!), but I do know when it's time to admit the game has beaten me, not the other way around. In my Trophy Checklist, you can check out which games I have failed to complete and why. There are also two games (Uncharted 4 and Ghost of Tsushima) where I got the Platinum but not the 100%, and that is because... I hate online trophies 😛 I mostly play for the single-player adventure side of things, only ever delving into multiplayer when I have friends over. I will probably Plat the PS5 version of Uncharted 4 so that I will be able to have a 100% on the game without needing to go online... and I heard that the multiplayer campaign is pretty extensive 😰


You have probably noticed that I have a lot of hidden trophies... well, that's because for a while, I shared my account with my younger brother (who also got quite a fair bit of Platinum trophies himself), but I want my account to show my games, and my games only. There were also a few that I tried, but didn't like, so I hid them from view. My trophy list is supposed to be a record of my gaming tastes, and if I didn't like the games... then they don't deserve to feature in it! 😝


I don't really consider myself to have a "favorite genre". If I had to pick one, maybe Action-Adventure, but I will pretty much play anything as long as it's a novel concept and/or is executed decently. I think the only genres I pretty much refuse to play are horror, visual novels, multiplayer-centric games and shooters. Just because those don't really appeal to me all that much. Other than that... pretty much anything goes, as long as it looks appealing and well-executed enough!


In recent years, I also really got into modding. I really like the idea of unlocking the hidden potential behind all of these machines. I modded pretty much all of my consoles, except for the X360 (no real way to softmod it... yet), the PS3, the PS4 and the Switch - these last three just because you will be unable to go online without getting banned if you mod them. One of these days, perhaps, when they become completely unsupported 😛


I've also slowly become an exclusively-digital gamer. I used to be the exact opposite, in fact, but after a while, I realized that... there's not all that much value in physical games, anymore. Sure, you can lend them to friends and sell them if you don't like them, but there are now so many patches and updates (and sales!) that, to me, the only real advantage physical has over digital these days is that you can still rely on them if the game you want became delisted before you actually bought it from the online store. (Also, my physical collection was growing a little bit out of control and I realized digital takes up a lot less space inside the house 😛 - so I sold most of my physical games, keeping only the physical-exclusive ones, and used the money to buy extremely cheap digital copies).


Regarding my personal life, I also have a side-job as a Japanese-to-Portuguese manga translator, an industry I only got into very recently. My hope is to get enough experience (with both translating and the Japanese language itself) to one day work in the American manga industry.


As a massive Dragon Ball fan (in case you haven't noticed by my Avatar and Trophy Checklist header 😝), I've also been contributing translations to Dragon Ball fansite extraordinaire Kanzenshuu over the last few years. I even participated in episode #488 of their podcast, go check it out! Recently, I have also been Trivia Master Extraordinaire for rival podcast We Gotta Podcast ever since they started their GT Retrospective of Auspiciousness (I also featured on this episode of the podcast 😝)


I have a Master's in translation and studied 8 different languages: Portuguese (mother tongue), Spanish, French, English, German, Latin, Italian and Japanese. My German and my Latin are a bit rusty by now, but I reckon I can still understand both fairly easily.

Regarding my hobbies, I really like animation of all kinds. I find it's a much more interesting medium than live-action. One of my oldest passions is comic books. I have amassed a massive library over the years, and the only reason it's not even more massive is because I sold most of my manga to have enough money to buy furniture for my new house (and also because I converted to digital, for the same reason I also sold all of my physical media).

I also really like collecting stuff. I just get a really warm feeling inside seeing things slowly getting bigger, but still being organized. I love the PS4's folder system, it gives you the satisfaction of seeing everything neatly organized without necessarily having to occupy actual physical space inside your house (shame the Switch and the PS5 can't do the same... 😑)


In recent years, I found out I really enjoy singing! You should see me when I'm alone in my car 😝 I do karaoke parties every now and then, and very recently even started taking lessons to improve my singing.


Aaaaaand I believe that's everything (and it's more than enough already 😛)





Interview setup 

The setup for all PSNP interviews will be as follows:


  1. After the new interviewee have been revealed, the PSNP community will have 10 days to ask their questions. While the community is coming up with questions, the interviewee has the time to work on the 17 standard questions
  2. After those 10 days, those questions, along with the standard questions, will be sent to the interviewee.
  3. The interviewee will have another 7 days to answer as many of the questions as they want.
  4. Once the interviewee has finished answering the questions, I will post the whole interview in a new thread.


How to be an interviewee

As we've had a lot of interest, new applications are temporarily closed, but I'll open the interview signup thread back up after more names have been cleared.




List of questions

Standard Questions

  1. How did you come up with your PSN name?
  2. What games convinced you to get your PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5?
  3. What are your top 5 game series and why?
  4. What are your top 5 games and why?
  5. Which unreleased game(s) are you looking forward to the most and why?
  6. Do you have any other hobbies outside of gaming?
  7. Top 5 TV shows, movies, and/or anime, why, and would you recommend them to people?
  8. Top 5 favorite music bands/group/artists/composers/OST?
  9. Your favorite platinum and why?
  10. Your least favorite platinum and why?
  11. Have you ever been tempted to switch over to the Xbox/Nintendo/PC gaming ecosystems?
  12. If you could have one game from any gaming generation be remade or re-released, which one would it be and why?
  13. How far are you willing to go for a platinum?
  14. If you could give Sony direct feedback on business decisions in the last year, and the latest console generation, what would you tell them?
  15. What is your favorite thing about PSNP?
  16. What is your least favorite thing about PSNP?
  17. Is there anyone in the PSNP Community you would like to give a shout-out to and if so, why?


PSNP Community Questions (updated periodically)

  1. What sort of things do you collect?
  2. Out of the 5 games you're still yet to complete and haven't played in a while (Persona 4:Arena, DMC5, UC4, Ghost of Tshushima and Taiko no Tatsujim: Drum Session), what stopped you and do you think you'll ever get around to completing them?
  3. Can you explain more about your road to becoming a Japanese Market supervisor?
  4. What's it like being able to speak so many languages? Do you make much use of them all or are you worried you might forget how to speak them fluently?
  5. As you seem like a completionist, what was your toughest experience trying to plat or 100% a game?
  6. Is there a genre of game you're really not into?
  7. What's a Portuguese dish the world should know about?
  8. What's your favorite foreign food?
  9. Top 5 games on the Gameboy consoles?
  10. What is your favorite type of dog?
  11. Have you ever considered playing highly challenging games like Super Meat Boy, Crypt of the Necrodancer, etc?

  12. What is something about your country that's not largely known to the world?

  13. Who's your favorite video game protagonist?

  14. What's your opinion on the original Dragon Ball series?

  15. Favorite Dragon Ball OAV?

  16. On a scale from 1 to 10, how difficult would you consider the Uncharted games on Crushing?

  17. Uncharted 4 Chapter 20, and Lost Legacy Chapter 6: which one is harder on Crushing?

  18. Favourite flag, besides Portugal's?

  19. What's your opinion on Ultra Rare Trophies?

  20. Elena or Chloe?

  21. Since you can read Japanese, do you read the Dragon ball manga as they come out?

  22. Are there any books/shows/movies/games from a country that haven't been localised into English that you'd highly recommend?

  23. What super power would you choose?

Edited by Charizarzar
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  • What sort of things do you collect?
  • Out of the 5 games you're still yet to complete and haven't played in a while (Persona 4:Arena, DMC5, UC4, Ghost of Tshushima and Taiko no Tatsujim: Drum Session), what stopped you and do you think you'll ever get around to completing them?
  • Can you explain more about your road to becoming a Japanese Market supervisor?
  • What's it like being able to speak so many languages? Do you make much use of them all or are you worried you might forget how to speak them fluently?
  • As you seem like a completionist, what was your toughest experience trying to plat or 100% a game?
  • Is there a genre of game you're really not into?
  • What's a Portuguese dish the world should know about?
  • What's your favorite foreign food?
  • Top 5 games on the Gameboy consoles?
  • What is your favorite type of dog?
  • Have you ever considered playing highly challenging games like Super Meat Boy, Crypt of the Necrodancer, etc?

  • What is something about your country that's not largely known to the world?

  • Who's your favorite video game protagonist?

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What's your opinion on the original Dragon Ball series?


Favorite Dragon Ball OAV?


On a scale from 1 to 10, how difficult would you consider the Uncharted games on Crushing?


Uncharted 4 Chapter 20, and Lost Legacy Chapter 6: which one is harder on Crushing?


Favourite flag, besides Portugal's?


What's your opinion on Ultra Rare Trophies?


Elena or Chloe?

Edited by KenjiCBZ
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