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Gold Duplication


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Hi guys, 

Is the gold duplication still possible on PS5? I’ve tried multiple guides on how to duplicate gold and I end up losing all of them without being to duplicate it.

Mule character trophy is the only one left to get the platinum on this.

Edited by Stevieboy
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Yes it's still doable. I did it with a second controller.


0. Create a backup save to the cloud.

1. Load your Mule character with controller 1.

2. Add split-screen character with controller 2.

3. Trade all your gold from controller 1 to controller 2.

4. Controller 2 quit the game.

5. Controller 1 quit the game.

6. Download your save file from the cloud.

7. Repeat steps 1 and 2.

8. Trade all gold from controller 2 to controller 1(doubling the initial amount).

9. Controller 2 quit the game.

10. Controller 1 quit the game.


Repeat steps 0 through 10 the number of times you need it.

The game will close itself every time you download/upload your save file. Booting the game back up is what takes the most time in the whole process. I the steps 7 times and it took me around 40 minutes.

Edited by LeavingGoodbye
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14 minutes ago, LeavingGoodbye said:

That's a good point. Yes it does.


I've read that you could also backup your save to a USB stick/dive. But I haven't tested it myself and I would assume that it may increase the duration of the full process.

As far as I know, and things might have been updated, changed or I may just be wrong, but a USB can only be used with the ps4 and not the PS5?

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3 minutes ago, Slipknot_rooney said:

As far as I know, and things might have been updated, changed or I may just be wrong, but a USB can only be used with the ps4 and not the PS5?

Correct, you can only use a USB Drive for the PS4 version, because for reasons known only to Sony, the PS5 doesn't allow you to copy the saves for PS5 only games to a USB Drive. As for speed, it depends on how many saves are on your USB Drive - I have heaven only knows how many on mine, which means it takes 5mins+ for the drive to fully index and show all of them.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I did it on the ps4 version at the very beginning. Was lucky cause a friend dropped me a huge amount of gold and just hard quit his game (he had a save backup just in case) We did this steps for a few minutes and now I have the trophy for max money as one of the 1st in the game. Then I uploaded the save game to the ggearshift site and redownloaded it on the ps5. Now both versions has max money.

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It's very easy to do on PS5 with 2 controllers offline co-op. just do the following:
1) Go to Brighthoof.
2) Fast travel from 1 station to another (this triggers an auto-save)

3) Join the game with a second controller (I just used a guest account).

4) Trade your money to the second account

5) with the second account press Opt -> Quit game -> pick the most left option (quit game. DO NOT QUIT to main menu. This will not duplicate your gold.)
If everything goes right the second controller/player has left splitscreen mode and your own/primary character is now in the pause menu.
6) At this point DO NOT CONTINUE GAME BUT --> close application from the PS Home menu.

7) Boot up the game

8 ) You should now when your character load see the original amount of gold in your inventory. 

9) Join the game again with a second controller

10) The second account should still have the gold that you traded to it. Now trade it back and then repeat from step 2 until you have the 300m required.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

@HuntingFever Yeah, but I´m afraid that the solo method doesn´t work with the PS5 version, does it? I can´t find the option to download only "user settings", but only the whole save. When I do this, I have the items still in the bank, but the amount of money also stays the same.

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5 hours ago, Metuje_ said:

@HuntingFever Yeah, but I´m afraid that the solo method doesn´t work with the PS5 version, does it? I can´t find the option to download only "user settings", but only the whole save. When I do this, I have the items still in the bank, but the amount of money also stays the same.

Unless the PS5 works differently (I don't have one so can't say either way), you should be able to select the game app, press the Options button on your controller, then go into the Upload/Download Saved Data tab and manually select the appropriate file to download 🤔.

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