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Just a hello since I used to use this site for the sig's but this time I thought I'd join in the community too :awesome:


Backstory...yay.. I used to be a ps1/2 gamer untill i made the choice to play WoW. That lasted for too long and I returned to the fabled lands of playstation. Unfortantly about 6 months after rejoicing in the awsumsource of PS the house I was staying in got mugged. (Burgled). Its taken me over a year to get another since I was largly between jobs (contract work is a pain) but since have found stable work as a chef at a local hotel :rolleyes: 

So off I popped on my little feet and ran to the local indy game store and purchased a new PS3. Its very shiney. Its not a PS4 because tbh been a chef doesn't pay brilliant lol but aside from that theres a lot of games I'm yet to enjoy on the old girl.


After a few days agonizing over wether to scrap this account and start fresh i decieded since I have a good 50+ games digitally (I used the 2012 xmas sale to good effect lol) I'd need it on the ps3 anyway so meh, maybe they will offer a name change one day.. :awesome:


So now I've a large backlog of trophies to collect, a couple of games to purchase (Skyrim, DS2..and codblops2 if I get really ocd about my trophy list :wave: ) and since I only work the mornings lots of time :lol:


Anyway a long largly silly and pointless intro, with prob more spelling/grammer mistakes then my age should allow, but maybe you enjoyed it :giggle:  Hope to see ya'll around :ninja:


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