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Trophy mini-guide + Tips

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On 4/4/2024 at 7:48 PM, Vanqishd said:

Since you're not likely to reach the max level every game (let's say 15 on average), you're looking at 120-130 games. With the amount of time it takes to get into a game, wait for the game to start, play the game, finish, and requeue, you're probably looking at 30-35hrs just for this trophy.

You can easily get to level 20 almost every game (or at least 18-19) if you know what you're doing and there are only like 3 or 4 players going for levels. Even better if you are doing trios with only 1 other person + 2 of your alts. You have to open chests to level up quickly before starting to fight enemies, and find/buy a high rarity weapon to do more damage to enemies. So, find a nice area and do your usual route that works for you. Also, have some secondary areas to go to, should you need it. I would always be at least level 10 after leaving my starting area. Getting to level 20 should take about 9-10 minutes. You can do at least 4 matches per hour if you find your partner/a game quickly. It should average to 12 min per game or so. To find games immediately, have the same person host with both his main and alt.


This trophy does not take 30-35 h, it should take 25 h or 26. The whole plat is 30-35h. 4 games per hour is 76 level ups. 2000 levels divided by 76 per hour is 26,31 hours. But you can actually do 4 point something games per hour. 


I mentioned the "if you know what you are doing" because I've seen 3 or 4 different people who are trophy hunting being level 9, 11, 14 or 15 by the time I'm 20.


On 4/4/2024 at 7:48 PM, Vanqishd said:

Stick to basic attacks and try to hit as many mobs as possible at the same time.


  • Also, avoid knocking them down. You can't damage them properly when knocked down, and the only available attack (a sort of "execution") barely deals any damage.
  • If you have knocked them down, just wait for them to get back up unless they're 1 hit away. It's not worth it.


This is wrong. You can press triangle, not square when they are down, and you will not only most likely kill them, but get them up in the air so you can continue the combo.


On 4/4/2024 at 7:48 PM, Vanqishd said:

Beware of Phantom Hunters. They look just like players, but once you hit them, you'll realize it's NPCs instead. They randomly spawn during a match, and you'll always be alerted through a pop-up on the bottom right corner of the screen. The AI is sort of bad, so you can abuse it by doing basic attack - basic attack - wait -> repeat to stagger-chain them and kill them effortlessly.


They spawn at the 5:00 minute mark, which is also when all the closed doors open. They also appear within the final 2 circles as the safe area is shrinking.

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