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Gaming For The Animals 3: The Water Level [EVENT UNDERWAY]

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16 hours ago, VersusCA said:

I have a definite entry and two maybes to add to the list.


First up I did the Baby Shark game. This was pretty bad lol. Not because it's a kids game or anything, just because it is the same two unfun minigames the entire time - a terrible rhythm game and an endless runner - with absolutely nothing else to the game. Anyway, it is a cartoon set fully underwater so should qualify if something like Spongebob does.


The second one is Summer Challenge. There are two different swimming levels in the game where you compete against other players to record the fastest time. There's also a level where you perform a diving routine into a pool. I'm not completely sure it counts but it does at least meet the criteria of being a prominent part of the level and being a body of water that you can in fact swim in.


If Summer Challenge counts, it is actually eligible for double points as it was completed on 8 June.


Finally, I finished Hitman 2016. I'm mostly working off of the concept of just being by a beach here, as it is quite a prominent part of a couple levels. Firstly is Sapienza and its DLC companion level Landslide. This is set in an absolutely beautiful Italian town with a prominent beach. The map is so big that the beach area is only part of the level but it does feature in some of the scripted assassinations you can do, like this one. Secondly you can see a large body of water in the Bangkok level, though it is more incidental and you are not in this area very much, except that you can use a boat as your getaway vehicle.


As for my vote(s), I'll go with the giant pacific octopus.


Please show me the water levels so I can see if it counts :)

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39 minutes ago, MissShake said:


Please show me the water levels so I can see if it counts :)


There are hyperlinks to videos on the initial post. I don't know how to get screenshots on PS3 so can't provide any myself. I guess I will embed the videos as spoilers here.














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I just got the platinum for Kona II: Brume. You play as a detective and you try solve the mystery behind the early cold winter and the monster that has been killing people. The story continues immediately from the end of the first game, so I recommend playing that game first. 


This game suits the event a little better than my previous game, you are required to swim a couple of times in the game and you can use a boat to travel around the map.














Vote goes for the eel.

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Well, I just saw two post about dodgeball academia, I didn't really know that game would count, but hey I also did that game on June 4th.


My vote goes to Puffin. They look awesome.

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On 5/14/2024 at 10:26 PM, MissShake said:
  • Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga (there's a water level in the Phantom Menace episode!)

I'm actually currently playing through this (God doing all the puzzles and quests is tiring) but I'm taking pictures of every planet and going to say if there is water or not on each planet!

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Hey all, when I started asking about the rules of the event, I used Sly Raccoon for an example when asking about the rules, I did not know that Sly 1 would return to PS4 and PS5 at the time. I would like to redeem some of the luck that I used on that to buy some lottery tickets, because that was a hell of a coincidence.




First it's time to establish the water levels, every world in the game features water as a hazard (obviously except for the volcano), but two levels stand out has major water worlds. World 1's look at a Welsh isle. Raleigh has set up a weather machine to make ships crash and give the UK it's second Bermuda triangle equivalent (after the Rhubarb Triangle... I swear that's real.) Notable there's a level that see's Sly enter a submarine enter a submarine to collect a key by destroying treasure for reasons I've never been clear of.


Proto:Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus/May 19 2002 Prototype - The  Cutting Room Floor


The other major world is the third one which takes place in a rain forest in Haiti, which after googling... is not a lot of the country; Ms Ruby probably claimed all of Haiti's jungles for the her voodoo. The most notable water level is Lair of the Beast where  a gated area is revealed to be sealed to keep the sea monster sealed, in the level you have to run along vines and branches to avoid getting eaten.


Let's Play Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus (Blind) Ep. 7: Muggshot -  YouTube

(The water's green. It's probably clean... Or possible it's filled with spinach)


I'll do a review now. Sly cooper is my favourite game franchise, but even within a favourite franchise, there always has to be a least favourite, and I'm afraid for me it is this one.


Don't get me wrong, I still really like this game, but I did play two and three before this game and because of that I was disappointed to learn that Sly Raccoon is a platformer first, rather than the Stealth Heist games the 2, 3 and 4 all are. But again don't get me wrong I still love the platforming, jumping and pressing the circle button is snappy and makes stylish platforming incredibly easy and accessible to all ages.


Speaking of all ages, I'm pretty sure I started playing this game when I was 8 or 9 (after buying it from a friend for £1... he lost out :)), and I must have really sucked at games back then, because bits that I really struggled with back then I'd complete first try, without even dropping a lucky charm. I guess being too easy is a criticism I could apply.


The Saturday morning cartoon feel has made this game age so well, and the cel-shading means that the game still looks very good, even after 22 years. Music is still excellent, in fact I recall hearing some Sly Cooper themes appear in other media (after googling, the music has been featured in: The world according to Jeff Goldblum, Grand Tour, Mind Field, and Loud House)


The character's are fairly surface level in this game, which is part of the reason this is my least favourite, other game gave characters more significant flaws and desires, but this game estiblishing the lore that the others would base everything on is still undeniably impressive considering how rich the concept of a family of master thieves is. 


I love the Sly series and I'm so pleased that I can earn trophies in the franchise again. Hey Playstation, how about we let that raccoon out of the desert? He's no chinchilla, he doesn't like the sand.




I have my reasons to vote for the Rays, but all you need to know is that sometimes they think that they're birds.


GIF animals ocean jumping - animated GIF on GIFER - by Brarius

Edited by Breakingthegreen
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On 6/9/2024 at 11:49 PM, WDB_Chaotic said:

Sign me up, always love a good event.


Quick question, can I use a game I completed before I signed up, but that fits into the event start time?


Sure, why not.


I'll be catching up on here within the next hour, it's been a weird work week lol

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Another game done. This one is called Cloudpunk. You're a delivery driver in the sinking city of Nivalis, where the poor stay in the lower parts and the vents of the city while the rich live in the clouds. Cool game, kinda relaxing.

My vote goes to the Sea Otter

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12 hours ago, LorenzoLame said:

You're a delivery driver in the sinking city of Nivalis

Nice to see that a Tyrant got his name into another game outside of Nexomon. :lol:


(That's a Nexomon: Extinction reference, and I will be making so many of those until I finally complete Extinction. OMG, that game is so close to being done, but I dread having to capture 46 more mons because of the DLC patch. :angry:)

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Bit odd itzz took this long, but finally, there's  a  game with a water level!


Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons has quite a few of those, starting with the main family's house being by the sea, a boating section, and swimming being a pivotal mechanic for the game's story. Also, a prologue with somebody drowning, but we don't mention that.

This should be a large enough body of water:



This vote goes to the puffin. Cute little guys and very much underappreciated.

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A Hui Hou everyone, did I use that right? I don't know. But regardless, I managed to a achieve the most undisbutable game I've put forth so far. It's my 3rd game and it's the... somethingth entry in the Yakuza series (considering like the Man Who Erased His Name, and I have no idea if that counts)... This is like Twitter, in the sense that no one can stop me calling they "Yakuza" instead of "Like a Dragon." Enough waffling, it's Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth




First, Water. Water is in this game. There's a lot of the stuff, at least 4 and a half gallons of water. 


Also there's the Pacific Ocean. Over half of the game takes place on Hawaii, and much of the game has an environmental message to keep the ocean's clean, it's a major plot point that I shan't go into because this is a good game that you shouldn't be spoiled on. There's also a small minigame where you can remove litter from the beach in exchange for trinkets. Here's the trailer that reveal the Hawaii setting on the lovely beach and features... assets:



Also worth mentioning is Dondoko Island which... you also need to clean rubbish... I swear the only time you spend in Hawaii not cleaning trash is the times you take lurid photos of half naked bald men. You get there by riding a dolphin! Basically you make a resort in an Animal Crossing style fever dream, it's not my thing, but it certainly an anti-dumping message. You need to clean the island and bring tourists, and occasionally beat a pirate to near death... Very Animal Crossing (especially when Crazy Redd turns up)




Now I've called the game good. And it is, like all Yakuza game, this is a batshit collection of very serious underworld politics, and a game mode where you can befriend a whole collection of men and battle them in a Pokemon style tournament. I've only played this and the previous Ichiban title, so this irreverent style still hasn't lost its appeal for me. 


The majority of the game is a positional turn-based RPG, unlike the prior game, you can actually move your character now, which improves it tenfold. The game also brings nearly everything back from the the first Ichiban game, same original map, same job system, same drink link system, the good and the bad. The new minigames include the Pokemon Stadium style battles and the Pokemon Snap style Sicko Snap, I enjoyed these ones enormouslly. The one where you get FMV of real woman though... I felt so awkward playing, specially knowing that Ichiban is in his late 40s and I was just thinking "Am I grooming, this feels creepy." 


Ichiban Kasuga is the main reason I really love this and prior game, he's like Garl from Sea of Stars or Dave from Dave the Diver and an endlessly empathetic character. It makes you wanna support him just out of the fact that he has no bad bone in is body. Kiryu is nice too, but he's carrying 8ish games worth of baggage the I didn't understand. Seems like a nice fellow.


I never Platinumed Yazuka Like a Dragon, but Infinite Wealth was a lot easier and more manageable, so I'd heartily reccomend this platinum journey (Just get some radio dramas ready for the Dondoko Island)




Another Ray vote. If you didn't know, they're the fish with the cutest smile


Sting Ray GIFs | Tenor

Edited by Breakingthegreen
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Wakeboarding HD


It's a PS3 game so I had to use my phone to take these photos, so they are not the best quality. Really fun game that was given on PS+ some time ago, with some challenging trophies. 














Time on Frog Island


You have shipwrecked on an island and need to trade items with the locals to be able to repair your boat. It's basically fetch quest the game. The game has fishing in it, but you don't need to do it to finish the game, but if you want the platinum you will have to fish atleast once. Not sure if that disqualifies the game.














Voting for eel.

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Since the Skywalker Saga was taking more time than I would have hoped I have instead decided to do another game, that at the time of this event I didn't even know have a water level! (Thank you trophy guide).


Here we go with my 2nd game for the event!

The Incredible!

The Amazing!




This game was a blast to play through, I dropped it ages about but decided to start it up again once I saw the trophy guide.


Well dear viewer! Allow me to show you the PLANET OF WATER!


Honkdivering down to the planet!




Relaxing on the beach with my friends




Surf's up mother honkers!




"Under da seaaaa!"




Loved this game... back to the Star Wars grind... urgh


Vote for the Polar Bears!

Edited by Sylvanticore
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Tomb Raider: Anniversary has a couple water levels that may count but the most prominent is likely Sanctuary of the Scion. In the early stages of the level you must navigate two water-filled chambers to put a series of locks into place in order to progress. Later you come upon a flooded temple to the Egyptian gods Anubis and Horus, where you need to solve another puzzle to raise the water level.





I honestly forgot I even did it during the timeframe of this event, but if the above level counts then perhaps the original version from Tomb Raider I remastered will count as well. This version retains the huge temple but the puzzle is more straightforward.





Any votes I get from this go to the Giant Pacific Octopus again :)

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Howdy all. I've had a trip down memory lane and played a game that I originally got for my 11th birthday, it's Daxter. I didn't even remember if it had any water levels, fortunately it has quite a few. 


Let's Play Daxter: Part 15 - Emerald Isle [First Visit] - YouTubeLet's Play Daxter: Part 19 - Lumber Mill - YouTubeLet's Play Daxter: Part 13 - Fish Cannery [2/2]


The Levels above are: The Emerald Isle (Not Ireland, I've checked,) The Lumber Mill, and the Fish Cannery.


Daxter takes place at the end of the two year gap at the start of Jak II, and in that time Daxter was being a layabout until he was offered a job, (so unfair... He didn't even need to write a CV) That job was to become an exterminator and this happens to coincide with the Metal Head invasion of Haven City. So Daxter finds himself squashing beasts way more vicious than termites. 


This title I'd describe as Jak 1 gameplay in Jak II's setting, so it's very much a platformer much more than the three prior games ever were. And I really like it. Ready at Dawn really knew what they were doing and makes me feel that Sony should try to continue this franchise with other studios. Level balancing is near perfect, I was often at the edge of my health as I played. Combat is simple but for more much more melee focused than in 2 or 3, and with the Spray pack the game's combat gets more technical, with certain enemies having specific weaknesses that I worked out independently through experimentation. 


There's also minigames that could be called QTEs or Rhythm games through out the game. The optional and fun dream levels which are movie parodies that can unlock new moves, and the mandatory ones which are boring and my brain switched off during.


The story is probably the weakest part. Most of it is very much "Receive Job, Do Job, Receive Job, Do Job ect." There's not a lot of room for character arcs because of them, so if you hoped that Daxter would become less of a chauvinist... I'm sorry he just doesn't, if you don't like him at the start of the game, you definitely won't by the end.


Graphically this game really impressed me, knowing this game is a PSP, you'd expect if to be the worst looking one, and it manages to have better character models that the original. And the music also retains the original series' charm.


It's a very good entry in the Jak and Daxter series, even surpassing Jak II in my opinion. If you never had a PSP I do think you should check it out if you've enjoyed the others in the series.




Everyone voting in this should be very proud of themselves. Way to go. or... Ray to go! ... Rays, I'm voting for the rays again.


Types of Rays: A Quick Guide

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Hi everyone! We are a month through this event and our current first place animal is...




The octopus! Second place is very interesting: we have a three-way tie between the otter, the eel, and the ray. Will one of these animals pull ahead? Will the octopus take the title? We'll find out in just over a month :D

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Outcast: Second Contact


This is a remake of a game released originally in 1999, simply called Outcast back then. The game was supposed to get a sequel titled Outcast II: The Lost Paradise, but the studio went bankrupt before the game was able to be finished. It wasn't until this year that the game finally got a sequel, Outcast: A New Beginning, and after playing this game I'm definitely interested in it.


You play as Cutter Slade and are given a job where you need to travel to an alien world in a paraller universe, and find a way to stop a black hole from destroying the Earth. Even though it's a remake, it still feels like an old game, but it kinda adds to the charm for me. I did find some game breaking bugs, but thankfully the game has multiple auto save slots, so it wasn't really a problem.












This time my vote goes to polar bear.

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