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PS5 Port Coming "Soon"

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"The first preview of the native PS5 version of Minecraft is available now for testing. If you own the PlayStation 4 version for your PS5, you can test this early version by heading to Settings and then Preview within the game. This preview includes the new Tricky Trials update, but multiplayer is only possible between other players on PlayStation 4 and 5. The exception to this is playing the preview on Realms, which allows you to cross-play with players on other devices. This preview version does not have access to the Minecraft Store."





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when the ps5 trophy list comes out it will probably be like all the other non-legacy version of Minecraft 

the differences between the ps4 version to all different version are
Passing Time - you have to wait 33 hours and can not be sped up by any means for everything else you can get it in about 6-8 hours with commands to speed up the day time cycle 

Beam Me Up - For some reason the trophy counts when /tp is used but for everything else the achievements you have to use a ender pearl
Getting Wood - For some reason you can just do /give log in your inventory you will get the trophy for everything else you have to break the log
The End. -  For the trophy you only have to enter the end dimension In this case the achievement is better For everything else you have to Kill the Ender Dragon which can be done in the overworld with commands
Into The Nether - For the trophy you can activate (light with flint and steel) the nether portal for everything else you have to actually enter the nether 
Pork Chop PS - Player only needs to eat a cooked pork chop doesn't have to cook in a furnace Achievement - player needs to cook and eat a porkchop in a furnace

Delicious Fish eat cooked fish is the same as pork chop 
Rabbit season eat cooked rabbit is the same as pork chop 
pot planter & its a sign - you can just place the flower pot and sign for everything else you have to craft the pot and sign 

renewable energy - you can just take the charcoal out of the furnace thinking that you have already smelted the log for everything else you have to wait to smelt to log to get charcoal 
Music To My Ears is only on ps not on anything else 
Change Of Sheets is only on ps not on anything else 
Dry Spell - same as renewable energy where you can take the dry sponge out and get it
Sound the Alarm! PS - when the raid is starting up you get it - Achievement when the wave of the raid starts you will get it about 10s more
Pvp trophies doesn't exist for achievements expansion pack 2 and 5

Edited by CookiestMonsterr
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On 6/22/2024 at 7:16 PM, CookiestMonsterr said:

that would never happen that isnt even a achievement just a java advancement 

With Microsoft, I just assume the most evil outcome as the default.

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On 6/22/2024 at 1:05 PM, shadaik said:

If they put in How Did We Get Here?, this will suddenly become a high-rarity UR

Trophy realms would lead to that being a rare trophy at worst lmao. Would be a dope one to go for legit tho if they were to add it

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On 6/24/2024 at 12:03 PM, SaiyanSenshi said:

Is there any news on when it’s going to release fully ??

Not yet, its currently in Beta, once its ready it'll release so we'll have to wait and see for now, I wouldn't expect it until August at least

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