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Hi. I'm LilSeba55 (Little Sebass). I'm from West Palm Beach, Florida. I'm 21 years old. I've been playing games since I was very little. I grew up with the Nintendo 64 and PS1. I'm dying to play a new Crash Bandicoot and Spyro game. I also really want to play a new Banjo Kazooie and Conkers game, but it's a shame that Microsoft owns Rare now. I really miss the old school 3D platformers. The first multiplayer game that my friends and I played a lot was Golden Eye. We also played a lot of Mortal Kombat and Mario Kart. My dad also used to have a program with all Super Nintendo games, and boy did I have fun playing the Chrono Trigger, Donkey Kong Country, Super Mario, and so much more.


My favorite game series is Resident Evil of course. I've beaten every game several times, which is funny because I used to watch my dad play the original one and I always watched with a blanket over my head. That scene where the dogs crash through the windows lol. Good times. I'm also a big Final Fantasy fan. While I haven't really liked the recent FF games, I've loved playing FFX again in HD and I can't wait to play FFXV. I'm also a big fan of the Zelda games and Kingdom Hearts. Also, Pokémon has ran most of my life lol. I know a lot of people hate sport games, but I admit I'm one of those people that buys the new NBA 2K and Madden every year despite them being the same games every year.


My favorite games:

- Resident Evil 4

- Resident Evil 2

- Super Mario 64

- Pokémon Red/Blue. Gold/Silver

- Kingdom Hearts

- Banjo Kazooie

- Shadow of the Colossus

- Final Fantasy VII

- Walking Dead

- Spyro the Dragon

- Crash Bandicoot

- Silent Hill 2

- Dark Souls

- God of War

- Donkey Kong Country

- Jak & Daxter games

- The Last of Us

And this list could go on and on.


I own a PS3 and PS4. Feel free to add me.


I hope I get to know a lot of you.

Edited by LilSeba55
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Welcome to the forums!  :wave: 

I agree with you about the original RE game. When I was younger I could only peek around the corner to watch my older brother play. Haha its a great series! 

Enjoy your stay! 

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