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Ascendant Materials?


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Ok so ive fully unlocked all upgrades for my exotic guns and legendary guns (going for the trophy) but collecting the materials seems to be the hardest part, has anyone found a effective and successful method or way to farming these? or is there even a way yet to farm them? maybe missions at special levels? please dont link me to the useless chest run videos and what not as they are so inconsistent and not worth the time spent on it

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daily missions rewards can only be obtained once no matter what the difficulty is and you can only do the weekly mission once to get the reward aswell, if you do it after completion you dont receive anything


if there was any faster and quicker and easier way probably not; since we can only equip 1 exotic wep and 1 exotic armor, Bungie wants us to grind for months to upgrade till they have new content/dlc/expansions. I got mine mostly from public 3 star events, just camp some, they spawn twice as fast now after patch. but again it is RNG, so best of luck.


edit: oh forgot Legendaries require A-shards too. yeah its going to be a long grind. haha.

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Farm legendaries from the first moon mission. Once the gate opens a bunch of thrull attack you, kill these thrull and the acolytes but not the hollow knight, allow him to kill you, then rinse and repeat. Make sure when choosing the level you make it hard which brings it to lvl. 9. This way you can infinitely farm blue and purple engrams. Once you decrypt enough legendaries, break down the ones you won't use all the time for the shards or energy depending on if its a weapon or a gun. Farming this way takes patience but it seems faster then chest looting. If you need a walkthrough i'm sure there is one on youtube by now.

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Farm legendaries from the first moon mission. Once the gate opens a bunch of thrull attack you, kill these thrull and the acolytes but not the hollow knight, allow him to kill you, then rinse and repeat. Make sure when choosing the level you make it hard which brings it to lvl. 9. This way you can infinitely farm blue and purple engrams. Once you decrypt enough legendaries, break down the ones you won't use all the time for the shards or energy depending on if its a weapon or a gun. Farming this way takes patience but it seems faster then chest looting. If you need a walkthrough i'm sure there is one on youtube by now.


have you done this? a general idea how many per hour? might try this out; usually most farm at the stupid earth skywatch cave. since the save spawns mobs over and over if u kill them all and if no stands by it. problem is there always a jacka$$ who either stands at the cave or some titan who feels like he should pop his defender shield over you once in awhile cause it is oh so funny.



edit: that spot is also sorta good though peoples maybe every ~ 20-30mins give or take a pubic event spawns. the event if 3 star can get u ascendant materials!!! though it is a bit rough with 1 person. but possible just hide a lot.. till timer hits 99~

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Drop rate isn't really as good I would say 1-2 legendaries an hour if you know how to do it right. Yeah I heard the cave is going to be patched soon though. Not sure that may just be a rumor. But there is no chance of your farming getting messed up by those "funny" people.

And yes, I have done both methods. Mine is the one I personally prefer however mute the tv, voice acting over and over is a giant annoyance.

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