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Sonic Runners (A mobile game) is coming!


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I actually liked Sonic 4. I got both parts on my phone because it was 2 bucks there, or over 40 for the same thing on PS3 with like 10 trophies.


As the old school Sonics are my favs, I thought 4 was a good crisscross between the 2.


Sonic by nature is one of the few characters that lend themselves appropriately to being in an endless runner though, Sonic Dash I think it was called, I played that for a few days and it was solid, I don't give a shit about endless runners though and deleted it. This thing, I don't know what to expect, but it's for mobiles, it will run on old ass Android OS meaning probably won't need a giant beast of a phone, it's called "Runners", Sega have done this before more than once, and it will probably happen again. I don't want ANOTHER endless runner.


I don't even want Sonic 4 Part III, I just want more fucking console games. Don't give me the Wii U shit either, I played the new one and you can say it "innovated" but I can then say it changed a tried and trued formula by ripping off Mario Galaxy, which at the time actually was something worthwhile.


Here's what you do, next year, 10 years after Sonic 06, you re-release Sonic 06 in Super HD for PS4, Xbone, and PC. Clearly you don't want us to have fun anymore. Also, make sure the Wii U version not only exists, but is great, so that everyone who doesn't have a Wii U, the 99%ers, can double get fucked.


And while I'm bitching, you know what else Sega did last year on phones for free that I fucking hated? Crazy Taxi City Rush. In the months leading up to it, I was scared, but mostly I was all "FUCK YEAH NEW FUCKING CRAZY FUCKING TAXI YEAH" and then I got that crappy swipe to turn, auto accelerate, cartoony bullshit. I still have CT1 on my phone, bought it officially from Sega, it works great with or without my controller, that's what you need to do with mobiles, Sega. Yes, the mobile market is huge. Yes, the mobile market will get something new if you put it out because they're existing fans. Yes, putting it there for free will entice some people. But, also, No Sega. No, we don't want a new game for a phone, we want a new game, if you can't do that then stick to re-releasing you're old ones, I've bought all of them on Android even though I have (for my personal preferences) better versions on there on emulators, just to show support for the re-releasing. No, putting it up for free doesn't mean everyone will take it, I actively avoid things marked free unless it's in a franchise I love and couldn't bare to not have.


The first 2 Sonics for example, the re-released Android form is FUCKING GREAT. You can save whenever, multiple save files, WIDESCREEN support without stretching the picture, you can put on the Japanese soundtrack, it all cleans up so good and looks amazing now, the touch layout is great but controller support is even more great, AND you can now play as Sonic, Tails AND Knuckles instead of just Sonic (and Tails in 2). Keep THAT shit up. I bought THAT game for a dollar years ago, I'd buy it for 5 even, because you actually put a bit of fucking effort into it. So in conclusion, Dear Sega, you keep releasing these free to play mobile shit pieces, and I'll keep playing your better games for free with emulation. Sincerely, everyone who loves Sonic, but not enough to hate themselves enough to touch this shit.

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