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F2P games worth supporting


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Has anyone found a free to play game that they enjoyed so much they wanted to spend a little money on it to support the developers?  I don't mean a game that restricted your progress so much that you need to spend real money, or a game that you cannot compete if you don't spend money.  I am talking about that game that you keep finding yourself going back to, that makes you smile, and you wanted to spend a little (doesn't have to be hundreds, or even tens of dollars) to support those who made it in the hopes they may make more?


I have had 2 games like that.  One I just spent a couple dollars on called My Singing Monsters.  There is no real game here, but it was just really cute and provides me an my fiance some entertainment listening to the beats.


The other on I may spend a little money on is actually a browser game.  It is called Mine Things, and it has caught my attention in a big way.  I am progressing just fine without spending any money, and would be able to keep doing so, but I am considering donating to the site anyways, just because of how enjoyable the 'game' is to me.  I put game in quotes because it is more waiting than playing, and is closer to a text based game than anything modern, but it is still enjoyable.


Post the F2P games you have found that you loved and maybe donated some money towards, and maybe you can find your next mindlessly fun mobile game somewhere in this thread.

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Well I was a huge fan of Defiance before it went F2P...then I played the DLC for it and was sorely disappointed by the lack of any significant content added and the glitchy trophies


Break Quest Extra Evolution and Crazy Market are some pretty good F2P games for the Vita. I didn't necessarily buy the upgrades to support the developer though, I bought them because they were on sale for extremely cheap in the PSN store and pretty much destroyed whatever little barriers associated with the pay wall that limit the gameplay. Their loss I guess...I would have gladly paid anywhere between $4.99 and $9.99 for either game.

Edited by merciful84
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Blood Brothers.

It's the best mobile game I've found, in the 2 years I've had a tablet. I would easily pay $20 and get some of the in game currency stuff in it. But it's one of the few free games that doesn't require that. All it takes is a little patience and determination, and you can have a great team of characters without spending a dime.

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Blood Brothers.

It's the best mobile game I've found, in the 2 years I've had a tablet. I would easily pay $20 and get some of the in game currency stuff in it. But it's one of the few free games that doesn't require that. All it takes is a little patience and determination, and you can have a great team of characters without spending a dime.


I keep seeing adds for it, and I  was intrigued, so now with your testimony I may actually look into it.

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I keep seeing adds for it, and I  was intrigued, so now with your testimony I may actually look into it.

Yeah, I would recommend it to most people. It plays like a card collection/RPG game. It does take time to start getting a good team together, so it's not for people who just want a quick mobile game.

They also have 4 different types of events (PvP, Raid Boss, Endless Arena, and a boss tower), and they are never repeated with prizes. Every event adds 4 or 5 new characters, and I think they are over 3,000 now. There is a chat/forum in the game. You can add allies for events. It also has a trade section, where you can go and search for specific characters, or offer some trades for yours.

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Yeah, I would recommend it to most people. It plays like a card collection/RPG game. It does take time to start getting a good team together, so it's not for people who just want a quick mobile game.

They also have 4 different types of events (PvP, Raid Boss, Endless Arena, and a boss tower), and they are never repeated with prizes. Every event adds 4 or 5 new characters, and I think they are over 3,000 now. There is a chat/forum in the game. You can add allies for events. It also has a trade section, where you can go and search for specific characters, or offer some trades for yours.


Cool, I will look into it tonight.  As for the taking a long time, I don't really have a problem with that as long as I am making progress.  As a player of Mine Things, I think I can wait for pretty much anything lol.

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I have spent money on two F2P games so far.


First one was Dust 514, when it was in open beta and hopes were still high. The game sucked, but I still enjoyed it, got addicted to it and made some friends through it. Strange relationship. I think I spent the equivalent of somewhere between 50-80 USD.


The second one was Ecolibrium. I liked it, pretty fun, and the card packs were cheap. Equivalent of like 7 USD.


I am tempted do drop some coins on Destiny of spirits to get room for more spirits and get some rare and super rare ones, especially now with Neo world. But it is kinda expensive I think.

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