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I started playing this yesterday and I'm having a really hard time trying to understand what I'm supposed to be doing.

I know that I have to beat the bosses, so far I beat the first boss. Does leveling make a big difference for example when fighting bosses? When should I really lock the castle? What should I be upgrading first?

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Dude, you're doing better than me. I'm on at least my 50th life, my very best run has only netted me about 2k in gold, and I've only managed to reach the boss room 3 times, each time with such little health that he one shots me. I suck, I know.


But as far as I can tell, you want to be upgrading everything you can (because you can't take all your money with you). Personally, I haven't locked the castle very much - I plan on doing that when I am deliberately going for boss runs and when I get a castle with a particularly easy route to the boss. 


Levelling seems to help. Adding points to armour seems to keep me alive a few minutes longer each run.

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You don't have to beat all bosses in one run, they stay dead if you kill them once. You can lock down the castle to be able to immediately warp to the boss room and fight him with full health, but you only get 60% gold then. Leveling does help out a lot, but it's not completely necessary. I'd say aim for around 10-15 levels below the boss to have a relative chance. Get the Ninja class, it's great for bosses.

Edited by HappyKastanie
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You don't have to beat all bosses in one run, they stay dead if you kill them once. You can lock down the castle to be able to immediately warp to the boss room and fight him with full health, but you only get 60% gold then. Leveling does help out a lot, but it's not completely necessary. I'd say aim for around 10-15 levels below the boss to have a relative chance. Get the Ninja class, it's great for bosses.


Ninja? Do you mean Hokage? I didn't realise there was a ninja too...


How can you tell the boss' level? I die too quickly to get a good look at the screen... :(

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Ninja? Do you mean Hokage? I didn't realise there was a ninja too...


How can you tell the boss' level? I die too quickly to get a good look at the screen... :(


If you pause in the boss fight you can see his level and I believe you can also see his remaining HP. Shinobi is the name of the class which you can upgrade to hokage. I think he refered to this with ninja

Edited by DDrag00n
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You need to use your gold to upgrade your stats and to unlock different classes. Only lock down the castle if you just want to defeat a boss, never lock down the castle if you're going for gold. It's always usefull to upgrade your attack and defense. 

I read somewhere that the dragon class is a must have and that anyone could beat the game with it pretty easily. Is this true?

Regarding HP, Armor and Magic; do you have a specific or close value to upgrade them and beat the game without that much problems? I'm always confused if I should invest on the manor or equipment upgrades.

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I read somewhere that the dragon class is a must have and that anyone could beat the game with it pretty easily. Is this true?

Regarding HP, Armor and Magic; do you have a specific or close value to upgrade them and beat the game without that much problems? I'm always confused if I should invest on the manor or equipment upgrades.

 It's best to first upgrade the manor, since you will find better equipment in the other parts of the castle. I dont know about the dragon class though, since it can fly it's easy to dodge enemies and his normal attack is a ranged one but the class has low hp and low attack compared to others classes + I had difficulty controlling him. Good classes to use are hokage, barbarian king/queen, spellsword and paladin. I usually upgrade attack, crit chance, hp and armor. 

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Ninja? Do you mean Hokage? I didn't realise there was a ninja too...

How can you tell the boss' level? I die too quickly to get a good look at the screen... :(

Yeah the Hokage is the upgraded form of the shinobi, i thought he was called ninja. Upgrading to Hokage only gives you a skill that i didn't really ever use so Shinobi itself is also fine. It's my favorite class against bosses because it has high damage output and is a good bit faster than other classes which makes it good for dodging projectlies after getting a bit of practice in using the architect. The boss' level is displayed on top of his healthbar at the top middle of the screen whenever you hit him.

I read somewhere that the dragon class is a must have and that anyone could beat the game with it pretty easily. Is this true?

Regarding HP, Armor and Magic; do you have a specific or close value to upgrade them and beat the game without that much problems? I'm always confused if I should invest on the manor or equipment upgrades.

I ran a melee build throughout the whole game, which means i invested as much as i could into Attack and HP/Armor. I rarely ever used magic since i always found it to be a bit hard to aim with, but i've heard of others doing well with magic builds as well.

I used the dragon a few times, thought he controlled like a tank with wings. The dragon's damage output scales with your magic though, so he's completely useless with a melee build like mine.

Edited by HappyKastanie
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Another thing that I'm pretty bad at is getting gold, I got 3500 gold so far just for grinding the castle but as soon that I move to another location, I die pretty fast. 

Now I unlocked Beastiality which costs more than 5000 gold, how the heck am I supposed to get that? Hopefully this is the only one that requires that much gold.

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Another thing that I'm pretty bad at is getting gold, I got 3500 gold so far just for grinding the castle but as soon that I move to another location, I die pretty fast. 

Now I unlocked Beastiality which costs more than 5000 gold, how the heck am I supposed to get that? Hopefully this is the only one that requires that much gold.


I think things are going to get really expensive. I put one point into the increased coin value skill in the manor, and lvl2 costs something like 3k!


It'd be interesting to know how much gold you'd need to buy everything at the manor if anyone knows that number or how it's calculated? I've googled but can't see that anyone has worked it out.

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Another thing that I'm pretty bad at is getting gold, I got 3500 gold so far just for grinding the castle but as soon that I move to another location, I die pretty fast. 

Now I unlocked Beastiality which costs more than 5000 gold, how the heck am I supposed to get that? Hopefully this is the only one that requires that much gold.

Other locations give you more gold per kill because that area is harder than the castle section also chest drop more gold. You're better of improving your stats untill you can clear 3 sections of the castle if you want to buy the expensive upgrades.

Edited by DDrag00n
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It'd be interesting to know how much gold you'd need to buy everything at the manor if anyone knows that number or how it's calculated? I've googled but can't see that anyone has worked it out.

Yeah, I tried to find information about that on the wiki but they don't mention it.


Other locations give you more gold per kill because that area is harder than the castle section also chest drop more gold. You're better of improving your stats untill you can clear 3 sections of the castle if you want to buy the expensive upgrades.

The only locations that I traveled so far are: Castle and Forest. On the castle I cleared everything except some specific chests which required me to beat an objective or others that required a small character to get through. I just beaten the second boss so hopefully I can make my character a little stronger now.

Edited by wickenex
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I know that I have to beat the bosses, so far I beat the first boss. Does leveling make a big difference for example when fighting bosses? When should I really lock the castle? What should I be upgrading first?



If you're having trouble, the best thing you can do is simply play while ignoring the bosses.  Get used to the enemies and their patterns, so you can learn how to dodge and attack them in relative safety.  Run through the castle and outer areas collecting money and opening chests where you can (for Runes, Blueprints, and sometimes even Stat Increases) because that's what will help you build up your Hero over time.  Make a point of breaking the scenery where possible for more cash/food/potions.


Leveling makes some difference, but not as much as you'd think.  Barring the use of Grace Runes (or their opposite), enemies do scale with you and level up the same way you do.  Not all of them, and not all of the time.... but it's not a situation where you can simply power your Hero up to Level 100 and LOLstomp things.  You want to try and use Equipment and Runes for strengthening over purchasing those upgrades as stat increases and the like where possible because enemies won't scale with that.


As for locking the castle?  The only purpose to doing so is if you want to keep the specific layout you enjoyed on your previous life for the current one.  Handy if you want to be able to teleport directly to a boss who killed you the last time out, or if you want a second try at a Fairy Chest room that you failed (and you have a new Hero who can ace it).  Otherwise, it's not really worth the costs.

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Yeah, I tried to find information about that on the wiki but they don't mention it.


The only locations that I traveled so far are: Castle and Forest. On the castle I cleared everything except some specific chests which required me to beat an objective or others that required a small character to get through. I just beaten the second boss so hopefully I can make my character a little stronger now.

I'd recommend not going for the Beastiality until you can at least move around the Land Of Darkness without getting completely destroyed or before getting your hands on one of the Obols that let you start a new game without losing gold.

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I'd recommend not going for the Beastiality until you can at least move around the Land Of Darkness without getting completely destroyed or before getting your hands on one of the Obols that let you start a new game without losing gold.

I got that class just now, it's ridiculous how easy I can get gold now and barely get killed...unless there is a massive crowd around me.

Edited by wickenex
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After some days getting used to the controls and everything, I decided to fight the remixed bosses.

I already knew that these were going to be painful but I never expected them to be that hard, I spent more than 8hours trying to beat the first remixed boss (I could only get him to 8000 hp always). I watched some tactics on YouTube and I know exactly what I have to do but still I keep getting caught by his attacks, might aswell take a rest from this game and come back in a few days.

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After some days getting used to the controls and everything, I decided to fight the remixed bosses.

I already knew that these were going to be painful but I never expected them to be that hard, I spent more than 8hours trying to beat the first remixed boss (I could only get him to 8000 hp always). I watched some tactics on YouTube and I know exactly what I have to do but still I keep getting caught by his attacks, might aswell take a rest from this game and come back in a few days.

You have to be pretty lucky to beat the remixed bosses. Out of nowhere i beat remixed alexander.

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