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Hello world, 


My name is DU_Melliej and I've found this site to mainly track my trophies. I've got simple questions too though, how about those ranks I see at trophies? How do they work? Based on what? Is there a legend/help/faq for this site? Can't seem to find it anywhere. 



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You have the S-rank on Swapper and as you can see you have all the trophies and a "100%" completion rate at that game. When compared to First Light, we notice that you only have two trophies there what results in an E-Rank. The more trophies you get, the higher is the "trophy rank" of the regarding game.

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You have the S-rank on Swapper and as you can see you have all the trophies and a "100%" completion rate at that game. When compared to First Light, we notice that you only have two trophies there what results in an E-Rank. The more trophies you get, the higher is the "trophy rank" of the regarding game.

Ah, I get it now! :) Thnx

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Welcome to the site and enjoy the forums :wave:


The rankings for each game are based on the completion of trophies for each individual game.  These ranks go from F to S.  A good way to gauge it is F is 0% completion, E and D are below average, C is around average completion, B and A are higher than the average completion, and S is exclusively getting 100% trophy completion in the game.


Hopefully this helps :D

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