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Twyst's Introduction


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Hello everyone, my names Jackson AKA Twystical. I'm about to turn 19 and I'm from the down under (Australia) where I have to battle giant spiders, drop bears, ferocious platypus's... You name it. 




No, but seriously it's not that bad here. ;) 


About Me:


I've been playing PlayStation's since the birth of the consoles, the first obviously being the PlayStation 1. I loved it, from switching up between my PS1 and my Nintendo 64 when I was a kid was amazing, the games were fantastic and I had the time of my life and finally then my journey through gaming started. Since then I've always owned Sony's consoles, I wouldn't class myself as a fan boy since I am a PC gamer as well, but I've played the PlayStation's since the first and always loved them.


Why I Trophy Hunt:


I started trophy hunting when I got my first PS3, I seen my cousin who had a heap of trophies on his PSN account and I thought that was pretty cool, he said to me "Yeah I tend to try go for the trophies for games and complete them 100%". I thought that would be a cool idea, so I started from there. Since then I've had numerous PSN accounts, and PS3's from ones being broken to me selling them for $$$ but I've always hunted on all my accounts and so on. 

I did buy an Xbox 360 back when they first came out and tried achievement hunting abit, obviously back then I didn't really know what achievements were, this was before I knew about trophy hunting, and achievement hunting. But quickly gave up and stopped playing my 360 all together, and moved back towards PlayStation.

What Are My Goals?

My goals are to try start from scratch on an account and try become one of Australia's best trophy hunters. I stopped playing consoles for about 2 years until the PS4 came out, so here I am with my new account and a high goal that I wish to complete. I don't want to be #1 but being close to the top on the leaderboard would be great. 




Origin Of My ID:


My PSN ID is Twystical, which kind of is a blend between mystical, and twisted. Mixing between the both you get twistical, and I added a Y instead of the natural I to kind of stand out from the rest. Plus I think it looks pretty badass.


What Consoles Will I Be Playing?


I'll be mainly playing PS4, but will switch back to my PS3 and hunt trophies on that as well. The the one thing I won't be doing is looking for easy platinums, I'll play whatever I'm feeling is best, but I won't play it out of spite just to get an easy plat. So I'll play both PS3 and PS4.




If you've read this far, I want to thank you for taking the time to read through my Introduction here on PSNP, I'll be active within the forums, and active with hunting. 



- Twystical


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Welcome hope you like it here and one of my good friends is from autralia and he assures me in the wild there everything can/wants to kill you.


BTW good luck trying to catch up to the top of the leaderboards in australia, I think that might be really hard unless you go for all 3 systems.

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Welcome hope you like it here and one of my good friends is from autralia and he assures me in the wild there everything can/wants to kill you.


BTW good luck trying to catch up to the top of the leaderboards in australia, I think that might be really hard unless you go for all 3 systems.

Yeah, I will be using both PS4 and PS3, haven't tried Vita yet, but might give it a go!


Our Koalas are so scary... Lol jokes.

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Nice introduction :)! I've played since PSOne too :). Hope you enjoy the forums.

The origin of my ID it's pretty stupid, so I'm shy to share the history behind lol

I didn't care about trophy hunt until 2013, and I started enjoying trophies when I got Uncharted: Drake's Fortune plat; my proudest plat it's Catherine, and my most grindy was Tomb Raider's online portion lol; this is, of course, so far.


Welcome! :)

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Yeah, I will be using both PS4 and PS3, haven't tried Vita yet, but might give it a go!


Our Koalas are so scary... Lol jokes.

They are unbelivably cute, but those claws man they look crazy. I also remember when someone pointed out to me that kangaroos have crazy long claws.


Admittedly those guys probably seem tame compared to some of  the actually scary stuff you got.


Vita is worth a look if you've had PS+ for a while and were adding the games otherwise I wouldn't rush to get one.

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They are unbelivably cute, but those claws man they look crazy. I also remember when someone pointed out to me that kangaroos have crazy long claws.


Admittedly those guys probably seem tame compared to some of  the actually scary stuff you got.


Vita is worth a look if you've had PS+ for a while and were adding the games otherwise I wouldn't rush to get one.


Yeah Koala's and Wombats are hugely cute, both having massive claws. 

Kangaroo's have very strong long legs, and big claws as well, plus they will kick the sh*t outta you if you piss them off. Both they mostly just run away if you get too close. Joey's AKA their baby's are the ones you want to try play with, they do frontflips into your shirt haha. 

Yeah, I haven't been a PS plus member for a long time, so I'll get one down the track. At the moment I'm content with my consoles. 

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