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Complete and utter beginner


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So, I've just recently brought a PS4, had some spare money, and wanted to try and find a new hobby.


Anyway, I'm completely new to gaming, and needed to find a hobby aside from reading and studying. At the moment I'm more of a casual gamer, though I hope to change that during the summer.  :)  



You're all free to add me if you want, my PSN is just the same as my display/username


For those curious minds, my ID was originally going to be based on a Lithuanian mythology creature - Kaukas.. But the ID was taken.. Which lead me to this  :rolleyes:  

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Haha awesome! :D & It's still a cool psn ID.

 What kind of games are you interested in by the way?

Thanks! I've always had a habit of going for unique/good looking IDs/names.  :)


I've just got Final Fantasy Type 0, Far Cry 4, GTA V (Don't know why), Minecraft!  :)


Do you have any recommendations, can't really say my preference but I really like the look of Type 0, I'm a bit enticed into getting A Realm Reborn, though I'm told it's online so I don't know how well my net would handle it; I'm living in a remote area  :)


Nice to meet ya!  :)  What games do you like

Haha awesome! :D & It's still a cool psn ID.

 What kind of games are you interested in by the way?

Hope so! I like the idea of being a future trophy hunter! :awesome:

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How new are you to gaming?

Have you owned a console before, a gaming device of some kind before you purchased a PS4?


If you're completely new to gaming, then oh my, you have much to experience! :)

Welcome to our community.

As new as new can be. This is my first console. I've always been more of the study type of person. But lately I've been less and less interested in reading and more doing nothing.. So I came to this.. A PS4.. Thus far it has been a good experience.


Yeah I do. I like experiencing new things  :)


hanks for the welcome!W


hat is the general PlayStation community like? This forum has been wonderful thus far  :)

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As new as new can be. This is my first console. I've always been more of the study type of person. But lately I've been less and less interested in reading and more doing nothing.. So I came to this.. A PS4.. Thus far it has been a good experience.


Yeah I do. I like experiencing new things  :)


hanks for the welcome!W


hat is the general PlayStation community like? This forum has been wonderful thus far  :)


Oh no, it's already taken a hold on you. Haha.

That's great! I really hope you come to enjoy it as much as possible.


Before I say anything I believe that every community, whether it's gaming related or not, will have it's bad seeds. I've only ever had a few problems with a small number of people, but overall the general community is great to be around! I've made numerous amounts of friends over the time that I've spent on PlayStation. I have no doubt that you'll be able to find many people with common interests and flare new friendships.

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Oh no, it's already taken a hold on you. Haha.

That's great! I really hope you come to enjoy it as much as possible.


Before I say anything I believe that every community, whether it's gaming related or not, will have it's bad seeds. I've only ever had a few problems with a small number of people, but overall the general community is great to be around! I've made numerous amounts of friends over the time that I've spent on PlayStation. I have no doubt that you'll be able to find many people with common interests and flare new friendships.

Yeh it has. It isn't hard something to get me.. Given the option I'd change hobbies everyday. I've had a few hobbies in the past such as playing the guitar and some martial arts (Didn't last - Didn't really see much use for it)


Guess that figures. At college we had people that always spoke about games. Seemed a bit too competitive. Hopefully so.. I've just posted on 'The OFFICIAL PSNP Let's be Friends Thread!'

When I get PlayStation+ I will involve myself a little more with the community. I did try the 14 day trial from the store but it was moaning about having my details. Don't really need it at this moment in time anyway.  :)

Edited by Kaurhz
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Yeh it has. It isn't hard something to get me.. Given the option I'd change hobbies everyday. I've had a few hobbies in the past such as playing the guitar and some martial arts (Didn't last - Didn't really see much use for it)


Guess that figures. At college we had people that always spoke about games. Seemed a bit too competitive. Hopefully so.. I've just posted on 'The OFFICIAL PSNP Let's be Friends Thread!'

When I get PlayStation+ I will involve myself a little more with the community. I did try the 14 day trial from the store but it was moaning about having my details. Don't really need it at this moment in time anyway.  :)


Being open-minded and having several hobbies is a great way to find what compels you the most.

I've never really been a competitive gamer myself. I enjoy gathering trophies from time to time, but I wouldn't call myself a trophy hunter. The people who spoke about gaming were probably openly competitive, but not everyone is like that. In fact, I think you'll find a good balance between competitive gamers, casual gamers and some who do a little bit of both. If trophy hunting is something you'd like to pick up, I'd say give it a try and see how it goes for you. (:


Having PlayStation+ is a good way to discover games that you had no intention of buying or more importantly to get discounts. I've found many games that I've grown to love just from PS+ alone, and some that I have yet to play. My library is always growing due to having it.

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Being open-minded and having several hobbies is a great way to find what compels you the most.

I've never really been a competitive gamer myself. I enjoy gathering trophies from time to time, but I wouldn't call myself a trophy hunter. The people who spoke about gaming were probably openly competitive, but not everyone is like that. In fact, I think you'll find a good balance between competitive gamers, casual gamers and some who do a little bit of both. If trophy hunting is something you'd like to pick up, I'd say give it a try and see how it goes for you. (:


Having PlayStation+ is a good way to discover games that you had no intention of buying or more importantly to get discounts. I've found many games that I've grown to love just from PS+ alone, and some that I have yet to play. My library is always growing due to having it.

Seems the last didn't send


Yeah I did also have an interest in astronomy during my Physics times.. That's slowly coming back so I'm going back into stargazing if possible. My hobbies are usually limited to activities that I'd consider relaxing.. Couldn't ever do something like rock climbing


I will be! :) I was going to play GTA but I checked out some of the trophies and a bit of it seems to be competitive.. I wouldn't consider myself a trophy hunter ever in the sense that I'd go out of my way to earn them and play on insane difficulty levels. Only to the extent where I'd do out and get the trophies that required serious effort. Though that might be my casual side speaking - Guess it might change :)


What is your favorite game? and have you played The Last Of Us? I was watching a trailer on it earlier and it seems like a good game to get once I've sold my books from first year of uni.

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Seems the last didn't send


Yeah I did also have an interest in astronomy during my Physics times.. That's slowly coming back so I'm going back into stargazing if possible. My hobbies are usually limited to activities that I'd consider relaxing.. Couldn't ever do something like rock climbing


I will be! :) I was going to play GTA but I checked out some of the trophies and a bit of it seems to be competitive.. I wouldn't consider myself a trophy hunter ever in the sense that I'd go out of my way to earn them and play on insane difficulty levels. Only to the extent where I'd do out and get the trophies that required serious effort. Though that might be my casual side speaking - Guess it might change :)


What is your favorite game? and have you played The Last Of Us? I was watching a trailer on it earlier and it seems like a good game to get once I've sold my books from first year of uni.


I'd say GTA V is time more consuming than anything. You can play privately online with your friends or alone if you choose to. (: I actually boosted quite a few of the trophies with a friend of mine, without having to really get them legitimately. I've never been too big on multiplayer type games. I get really bad anxiety about playing online mostly because I realize they are real people and I don't want to be the weakest link.


With that said, The Last of Us is a MUST buy. It's a great game. EVEN the online! I never thought I could actually enjoy an online game until I played Factions (TLoU online). But oh man, the story! Seriously, it is one of the best I have ever experienced. I'd highly recommend purchasing it as some point. It has online trophies, but for the most part they are pretty easy to earn.


Are you interested in survival-horror, or just searching through different genres to find what interests you?


My favorite game would be hard to say. I've always been a really big survival-horror fan, but I'd have to say Danganronpa takes the cake for me. Junko is actually a character I portray from the game. It's a JRPG, but I really fell in love with the series almost instantly.

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Thanks! I've always had a habit of going for unique/good looking IDs/names.  :)


I've just got Final Fantasy Type 0, Far Cry 4, GTA V (Don't know why), Minecraft!  :)


Do you have any recommendations, can't really say my preference but I really like the look of Type 0, I'm a bit enticed into getting A Realm Reborn, though I'm told it's online so I don't know how well my net would handle it; I'm living in a remote area  :)


Nice to meet ya!  :)  What games do you like


Coolness. You have a nice selection of games so far. ^_^o

Hmm I see. Well have you heard about any of the Tales games? Tales of Symphonia and Tales of Xillia were pretty fun.

I highly recommend those. :)

And nice to meet ya too! :D I like a bit of everything like: Bayonetta, the Batman Arkham series, Resident Evil 4, Metal Gear Solid, DmC, the Uncharted series....the list can go on lol.

Edited by OerbaDaiaVanille
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Welcome! I want to be the first to say it, nice choice for your avy xD are you an anime fan as well?

And I also want to second what Junko said about TLoU, it is indeed a great game with a beautiful story from start to finish ^-^

Yeah I spent a lot of time watching anime.. A LOT.. It takes me a while to get to and back from uni so I watch it on my tablet when on the bus  :)



I'd say GTA V is time more consuming than anything. You can play privately online with your friends or alone if you choose to. (: I actually boosted quite a few of the trophies with a friend of mine, without having to really get them legitimately. I've never been too big on multiplayer type games. I get really bad anxiety about playing online mostly because I realize they are real people and I don't want to be the weakest link.


With that said, The Last of Us is a MUST buy. It's a great game. EVEN the online! I never thought I could actually enjoy an online game until I played Factions (TLoU online). But oh man, the story! Seriously, it is one of the best I have ever experienced. I'd highly recommend purchasing it as some point. It has online trophies, but for the most part they are pretty easy to earn.


Are you interested in survival-horror, or just searching through different genres to find what interests you?


My favorite game would be hard to say. I've always been a really big survival-horror fan, but I'd have to say Danganronpa takes the cake for me. Junko is actually a character I portray from the game. It's a JRPG, but I really fell in love with the series almost instantly.

I'll give it a try then. Though I may/may not touch the online for it.. But we'll see  :)


Yeah that was my first thought when watching the trailer. I did see another game - Beyond: Two Souls.. That looked incredible but it was only for PS3  :(


I have a mild interest in it. Though I'm really up for anything that has a bit of a story line behind it. I've been the same with movies and anime - If it doesn't have much of a back story then I won't even touch it 


I'll be telling you my favorite once I've started today  :)



Welcome to the site and hope you continue to enjoy your stay! Definitely started off with a nice range of game genres. Plus, who doesn't like L?! I'm sure you'll fit in nicely around here :)

That's great! Yeah L is amazing . At first I was a little indecisive about L or N 



Welcome! Great selection of games! All are really good. If Final Fantasy gets its hooks into you, well, you're gonna be in for some fun. Hope you enjoy it here. There are a lot of really awesome people here!  :lol:

From what I've seem thus far I'll be hooked on it very quickly  :)



Welcome to to the forums. Hope you enjoy your time here :D

Thanks!  :)

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I'll give it a try then. Though I may/may not touch the online for it.. But we'll see  :)


Yeah that was my first thought when watching the trailer. I did see another game - Beyond: Two Souls.. That looked incredible but it was only for PS3  :(


I have a mild interest in it. Though I'm really up for anything that has a bit of a story line behind it. I've been the same with movies and anime - If it doesn't have much of a back story then I won't even touch it 


I'll be telling you my favorite once I've started today  :)


I believe Beyond Two Souls was possibly going to come to PS4, but I can't remember if it was a rumor or not.

But yeah, definitely look into getting The Last of Us, you won't regret it! (:


Let me know how it goes, and feel free to add me on PSN. My ID is HighOnStardust

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I believe Beyond Two Souls was possibly going to come to PS4, but I can't remember if it was a rumor or not.

But yeah, definitely look into getting The Last of Us, you won't regret it! (:


Let me know how it goes, and feel free to add me on PSN. My ID is HighOnStardust

A trophy list for the PS4 version appeared, so it wasn't just a rumor. I don't know if it ever released or not.



Welcome to PSNP, OP :wave: I have a few games to recommend:


inFamous: First Light

Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris

Sound Shapes (the main story is rather dull, but once you get to Death Mode it's great)

Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition

Velocity 2X (this game can seem boring at first, but if you try going after perfect medals, it'll provide a nice challenge and it never feels unfair, if you die it's always your fault)

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I believe Beyond Two Souls was possibly going to come to PS4, but I can't remember if it was a rumor or not.

But yeah, definitely look into getting The Last of Us, you won't regret it! (:


Let me know how it goes, and feel free to add me on PSN. My ID is HighOnStardus

Hopefully! I've been watching videos of it! Yeah saw those 2 recommended as closely related! It'll be the next game I get and hopefully next week


Will send you a request now :)


A trophy list for the PS4 version appeared, so it wasn't just a rumor. I don't know if it ever released or not.



Welcome to PSNP, OP :wave: I have a few games to recommend:


inFamous: First Light

Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris

Sound Shapes (the main story is rather dull, but once you get to Death Mode it's great)

Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition

Velocity 2X (this game can seem boring at first, but if you try going after perfect medals, it'll provide a nice challenge and it never feels unfair, if you die it's always your fault)

Thanks! I have been considering to get Tomb Raider since that looks pretty good also. Just checked out the trailer when I saw this message! Never seen or heard of the others but I'll take a look!  :)

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