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Hello people. My name's Niko and I've pretty much always been a trophy hunter. Attempting to complete game is something I really enjoy doing.


I've been a member of PSNP for a while but I've never delved onto the forums until today. At the beginning of the year I decided to try to go for at least one platinum per month but after one playthrough of a game I usually get distracted and move on to something else. I've gotten four this year so I'm hoping to spend the next few months reclaiming some plats that I never finished.


I grew up mostly playing PC games from the library and on my GBA. My cousins were the people I turned to for playing most games as they had an Xbox and Xbox 360. I finally decided to buy my own console and got a PS3 and then a PS4 a few years after. I don't really dislike a ton of games and have enjoyed playing a variety of genres.


I know how awesome this community is and can't wait to get involved.


-Niko aka Xenon

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