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At least you are trying to post on the right place.

Which is the game you want to talk about? Specific games have their own forums, if that's what you are looking for. If you want to talk about a game in general (like the hiperneptunia games, or senran kagura games, or mass effect games... you got it), we usually have a thread for those games in a series. If you want to talk about a genre or something similar, one of the members could try to find if we already have a topic created here about that, so you find people already engaged about that.

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Thanks for the reply YuriG. I think maybe (after looking around the forum) that what I was looking for might not be what this forum caters to. You see, I was just looking to talk, in general, about gaming habits people have, not necessarily in any specific game. Just a sort of "so what do you do" kind of discussion.

Thanks again, angel.

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there is probably already a topic, i mean there are threads like what you last ate and drank lol

have you tried searching, you could also ask anything in a status update and people could hopefully point you in the right direction

there is an off topic group for such but you should definitely search to make sure there isnt a topic already

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Thanks for the reply YuriG. I think maybe (after looking around the forum) that what I was looking for might not be what this forum caters to. You see, I was just looking to talk, in general, about gaming habits people have, not necessarily in any specific game. Just a sort of "so what do you do" kind of discussion.

I was going to mention these:

there is probably already a topic, i mean there are threads like what you last ate and drank lol

have you tried searching, you could also ask anything in a status update and people could hopefully point you in the right direction

there is an off topic group for such but you should definitely search to make sure there isnt a topic already

Probably there is already a topic for whatever you are looking for. Take a look at the first 5 pages of the Off Topic area and see if there is anything that is similar to whatever you want to talk about. Also check the PSN area, people sometimes post there instead.

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General gaming chat, like "What do you think of pre-order culture?" or "What's your favourite time of day to play?", etc, seems to end up in either the Consoles or Playstation Network sub-forums. It's not a perfect fit, but they seem to live their happily. 


But yeah, definitely search for your topic thoroughly. If it already exists, the first comment will be a hyperlink to the existing thread. 

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