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Suggestion - Personal "To-Do" Trophy List

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I'm sure someone is going to start by saying "search is your friend", or something similar, but I did search "To Do List" and it came back with a lot of randomness that I am not even going to sort through.


What I would love to see is a personal To-do list, that is somewhat similar to the "Trophies intended to be earned this session" seen in the Gaming Sessions setup.


I love the Trophy Advisor page, and the ability to look at individual games trophies, but often that is a big list of things I am not out to achieve at that point in time. Regularly now, I look at the list and focus on certain ones I want to chase, but I frequently end up forgetting what I was going after and have to go back through them all to find what my goal was.


It would be great to be able to form a list of the next trophies we are going after, even if it was limited to 10, where we could select the desired trophies and add them to the "to-do" list as an easy way of keeping track of our current goals. It would be a great way to plan out and save our next goals, and a really nice feature of that would be for them to be automatically removed from the to-do list as they were earnt (though that might be more work than is needed)

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Notepad and Word, or a forum thread? By that account, I should do the same with trophies in general, and not even use the site. Not at all what I was thinking, especially when the ability to do such a thing has been shown through the gaming sessions.


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Notepad and Word, or a forum thread? By that account, I should do the same with trophies in general, and not even use the site. Not at all what I was thinking, especially when the ability to do such a thing has been shown through the gaming sessions.


You mean you can instantaneously calculate completion percentage for every game you've played, the rarity amongst people who signed up for the site, you're overall completion percentage, you're average completion, average rarity of your trophies, the total number of points you've earned, the number of trophies you've earned every month, the number of trophies you've earned each different day and hour, the percentage of exp for your trophy level, the total number of unearned trophies you have, and the number of trophies per day you've earned? Wow, I mean really, that's impressive. I guess you really don't need the site. Good on you for being able to do that, but the rest of us can't, and need the site to calculate those things for us.


Seriously though, there's no reason for anything like this. If there are plats you want to get, then make a list yourself. If making a list yourself isn't helpful, then making a list on the site isn't going to magically make you want to trophy hunt. Adding a site feature for this is just going to take up Sly's time to implement, and take away from time he could be using to work on things that you can't just do yourself.


It's not like having a list on the site instead would really take up less time, or even be more convenient. Since either way, you'd be typing out the games to either search for them or add them to your list. Except on the site, you'd then have to add them to go the page to add them to your list, then you'd have to go back to the page where the list is to actually see that it was added and organize it if needed.

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I agree with the poster above, I don't think it would be of much benefit on this site.


I built this feature into a spreadsheet I use to calculate milestones. For example I've currently attained 2161 trophies and have NGS2 Platinum set up to be my 3000th trophy and SSF4 platinum to be the trophy that takes me to level 20.


However this isn't as straight forward as it sounds, to be able to do it means completing a certain number of trophies on some games at one point in time and then revisiting it later, in addition I have some games in that list I haven't even installed yet and in one case not even purchased. This is not too bad to plan out on a spreadsheet but I'd guess it would be quite tricky on here.


The only thing I can think that you could do on here would be to take Trophy Advisor and create an order to the remaining trophies which could then tell you your level progress at each stage, but from personal experience of planning your trophies it's quite fiddly so I don't know how many people would really use it. A spreadsheet is definitely a better choice.

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I personally like the idea. I'll just casually mention that allowing adding unearned games or trophies to the trophy cabinet would probably work?


huh, never thought about that. it would actually be a simple, yet amazing solution for this. 

basically just clone (or derive from) the trophy cabinet widget, with more or less the very same functionality, but let us add unearned trophies / unplayed games to it.


the only thing, that i know from personal experience with 'customers' about stuff like that: it's never that simple or quickly finished. as soon as someone adds a shitload of games to their backlog, people want some kind of pagination or option to "show x per page" etc, and sorting, and filtering, and....


the possibilities are endless and unfortunately always result in way too much work for a allegedly simple feature :(


nevertheless i'd like this feature, too ;)

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I personally like the idea. I'll just casually mention that allowing adding unearned games or trophies to the trophy cabinet would probably work?


I instead use the "Trophies intended to be earned this session" option in Gaming Sessions. Here is an example I completed the other day when I had a list for F1 2012 that I wanted to get done -  https://psnprofiles.com/gaming-sessions/69131-F1-2012.It allows me to select my desired trophy to-do list for the game. It also highlights them with the green outline when achieved, so I can easily keep an eye on the progress of my to-do list. I just set it to friends only and manual approval, and in a few clicks I have a personal to-do list pretty much how I wanted.


It works pretty much like I would have hoped to see built into our profiles, but means I am making another "false" entry to the gaming sessions, though there seems to be plenty of those anyway. I will use this over a forum entry, word/notepad, or third party site any day. It means more junk entries in the gaming sessions, but oh well.

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I instead use the "Trophies intended to be earned this session" option in Gaming Sessions. Here is an example I completed the other day when I had a list for F1 2012 that I wanted to get done -  https://psnprofiles.com/gaming-sessions/69131-F1-2012.It allows me to select my desired trophy to-do list for the game. It also highlights them with the green outline when achieved, so I can easily keep an eye on the progress of my to-do list. I just set it to friends only and manual approval, and in a few clicks I have a personal to-do list pretty much how I wanted.


It works pretty much like I would have hoped to see built into our profiles, but means I am making another "false" entry to the gaming sessions, though there seems to be plenty of those anyway. I will use this over a forum entry, word/notepad, or third party site any day. It means more junk entries in the gaming sessions, but oh well.

That's not a bad idea. Before I go and make a session myself I'll ask. There's no way to add trophies for multiple games in one session? Say I'm working on 2-3 games right now. I can't add maybe the platinum trophy for each of the 3 games to one session?

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That's not a bad idea. Before I go and make a session myself I'll ask. There's no way to add trophies for multiple games in one session? Say I'm working on 2-3 games right now. I can't add maybe the platinum trophy for each of the 3 games to one session?


Unfortunately not, which is the main downside to it.

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