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Thanks everyone, I feel much welcomed in such a nice warm hearted community which I hope to be much apart of and look forward to seeing more of the site and trophy hunters alike!


Greetings Altair. Enjoy your stay  :). Cool name, Just found out it meant scary. 


Yeah, I was trying to come up with a decent name and that was all I could come up with.


100%!?!?! Did you just get your PS3 or perhaps a new account? Hope you are having a blast!


Well, I've had my PS3 for a couple of years now, but I felt compelled to make a new account.

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I'm looking forward to stalking you on the forums skel.  :stalker:

Congrats on the two platinums you've gotten so far by the way.  ;)


Welcome welcome skel


Thanks, I appreciate it. I love feeling welcome in the community, and it really motivates me to keep on going with this.

Edited by skelfilegur
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