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Help/advice with malfunctioning Vita


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It started the other day. The camera/cursor will either keep spinning, drift on its own or can not move. I tried turning off the motion sensor, restored, tried different games but nothing helped. I have had it for 7 months so assume its still under warranty. Is there something I can do to fix it that I haven't tried or try to send it back. And if I do send it back, how long does it take? If this problem has been posted before I apologize. Any help would be welcomed, Thanks.

PS This is with the right analog stick.

Edited by Mournblade05143
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It's probably a problem with one of the sticks. I had the same problem with my 2000 model vita and had to replace it because it got to be uncontrollable. I think it's a problem with setting the "base location" or whatever you'd call it of the stick. A few minutes after resetting my vita it would think that the base location was when my stick was as far right as possible. This might be a different problem than yours, but if it's the same then I'd advise trying to get a replacement under the warranty.

Edited by Jibril
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Do what I did when my Vita started to go, sell it and buy a new one when there's a sweet deal.


Oh, the one you bought is kind of messed up and you've only had it for a few days? Go return it for another.


Oh, the only one they had has already been bought AND returned by someone else? Go to another store in that chain and get one.


Oh, that one got screwy after a few days too? Return it and buy a N3DSXL instead, and play your PSP more.


Easy solution.

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My advice is if it is still in warranty like you say then return it to where you bought it from.

Failing that, return it to SONY.

Look at it this way...

You can either send it off and wait 2 weeks to get a fully working Vita back again, or keep it as it is and in 2 weeks time still be in the same position you are now.

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It happened to me as well when playing Golden Abyss, but luckily was the left stick, so Drake just moved by himself.   I can understand it being more noticeable if it is the right stick though.  There was a way to recalibrate the sticks but I cant remember what it was, google might know.  I would do what others have suggested though, if its still in warranty, send it back and get a new one.

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I have had it for 7 months so assume its still under warranty. Is there something I can do to fix it that I haven't tried or try to send it back.


And if I do send it back, how long does it take?


You have PLUS, cloud backup all your saves.


Then, as a universal rule: If you are within your Warranty period, USE it! This rule applies to every thing you ever buy.


To be honest, from a manufacturer viewpoint, people not using their warranty is worse then them hanging on to defective product. It gives a bad impression to the person who bought and was trying to use their product and doesn't give the manufacturer direct and actionable feedback to improve their process or product.


Don't just deal with it or buy another. I haven't had issues with a Sony product since PS2 days, but in those days it took two weeks. I sent something in, and the next week I got the replacement.

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I was checking on how to recalibrate the sticks but found nothing. Its looking like I will have to send it back which really sucks. Almost had Golden Abyss platted.

If you end up having to send it back, I'd recommend sending it back to the place you bought it from as opposed to Sony. You're likely to have more success this way, and your contract is with the place you bought it from

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Thanks for all the replies. Luckily I do have Plus so saving everything. I forgot to mention I bought the Vita in the US and currently living in Turkey. From what I was told, they will only service the Vita if it was bought in Turkey. I bought it off Amazon so I don know if I can ship it from here to be repaired for free, either to Amazon or to Sony.

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Thanks for all the replies. Luckily I do have Plus so saving everything. I forgot to mention I bought the Vita in the US and currently living in Turkey. From what I was told, they will only service the Vita if it was bought in Turkey. I bought it off Amazon so I don know if I can ship it from here to be repaired for free, either to Amazon or to Sony.


The pitfalls of a world economy... My suggestion is find someone you know and trust (possibly you lived with??) in the US and send the Vita to them to deal with. It'll be much more difficult explaining to each person you talk to in support about your situation and I doubt they'll send a replacement out of the US since your warrant is likely only valid in the US.

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I had a wandering right analog stick because it was always on standby/charged. I fixed the problem by holding the power button to do a complete shutdown and restarted it - quite simple solution that worked for me I know but there is no analog recalibration that I know of for Vita.

Edited by xWinson
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