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Miracle Girls Festival - How are the trophies?


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I recently played the game and want to share a few tips here as I think that the guide was well - written (thanks a lot @Walt the Dog!) but could provide additional pieces of information.

As for the encore - exploit, from what I experienced you'll get the encore if you manage to achieve the miracle fever time (if that's the correct name, the rainbow notes) on both songs if you play for example tour 4 day 1. For me, the hardest song to get this on was the one below "Stand Up!", this song alone actually lets me rate the difficulty as a 5/10, but take it with a grain of salt or two, I'm no rhythm game expert.

What I did was to choose the item which grants you 50% gauge at the beginning (I tried others with worse results) and then I played as optimally as I could, although I had serious issues with those notes which come in large quantities one after another. I finished the song with around 112% gauge after having earned the rainbow notes, my combination of cool and fine was around 76%, meaning that I did finish the song with the "standard" rating. The rainbow notes actually appear to be crucial, I've completed this song once with a "great" rating (more than 200% combined) without rainbow notes but didn't get the encore. As second song I chose Innocent Blue (I've read this tip in the difficulty rating thread over on .org, thanks for this to the user "See below"!) with the 50% gauge item, this song is quite easy to score high on when playing extreme, rainbow notes are rather simple to achieve here. Playing Innocent Blue as the second song is a safe bet regarding the rainbow notes but halves your chance to play the song you actually want as encore. Therefore you could try to play the correct song twice with rainbow notes and decide to switch to Innocent Blue if you think that you'll only manage rainbow notes in one instance of the song.

Unfortunately you don't increase your chances of getting an encore when playing a 3-song-day and for example Innocent Blue twice, I've tried to no avail, meaning that likely every single song performance has to pass this threshold, it's not some sort of mixed calculation regarding the occurrence of the encore. Playing a two - song day of course also increases the chance to get the desired song as encore, 100%/ 50% with Innocent Blue instead of 33%.

Getting through the song described above took me around two hours, but better players will probably beat this without breaking a sweat :)

By stating that you only need to finish normal without sads or worst for only one song (when going through the complete bingo challenge card for Innocent Blue, I did not encounter the glitch mentioned in the comments to the guide), the guide correctly implies that you don't need to unlock the expand-play versions (Ura isn't required either as mentioned in the guide), completing the standard and the full versions on all difficulties is sufficient.

Unfortunately there aren't any tips I could add regarding the 100 note streak in order to unlock the extreme standard versions of each song, the top item mentioned in the guide helps immensely and there were 2-3 songs which posed quite a challenge.

Best of success to future players!

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