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Dreamcast... 2?


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rofl... back to damage controlling for Xbox again I see...


PS3 was released a whole year after X360 and is less than a million away from X360 in terms of sales. That can hardly be called losing a hardware race, especially considering all the RROD X360s that increased the sales numbers. The PS3 used to sell a lot worse software wise though, but that has dramatically changed.


In terms of amount and variety of decent exclusive games, PS3 beat X360 with about the double.


Lol, I don't even know why I'm entertaining you and your foolish comment, but let's go.


When I talk about "Hardware", I meant the hardware inside not how much the console sells. Do you not think I know about the sales? Also, the fact that you and Vader66 used sales as a comeback even though that wasn't the topic at hand, is just shameful.


Your last sentence isn't even needed and yet, you even included some of your own bias. I'll give you a point for the amount of games that came out on the PS3 were probably more than the 360 but the variety of exclusives, in what hell.

Edited by FlareXV
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Lol, I don't even know why I'm entertaining you and your foolish comment, but let's go.


You know why you do it, you feel the need to damage control for Xbox. ;)


When I talk about "Hardware", I meant the hardware inside not how much the console sells. Do you not think I know about the sales? Also, the fact that you and Vader66 used sales as a comeback even though that wasn't the topic at hand, is just shameful.

This is wrong too though. The only advantages X360 had over PS3 in terms of hardware was amount of continuous memory and the fact that the PS3 games was harder to program from scratch and needed more tweaking. That doesn't mean that with enough effort the PS3 couldn't usually have run games better, but what often happened, especially in the beginning was just straight ports and half of the memory on the PS3 wasn't even used.

Your last sentence isn't even needed and yet, you even included some of your own bias. I'll give you a point for the amount of games that came out on the PS3 were probably more than the 360 but the variety of exclusives, in what hell.

I was talking stats, which go by metacritic. And more variety is because the big Xbox 360 exclusives that are worth speaking about are usually only of like some few genres. Kinect, shooter (third or first person), driving. And then there's the two Mistwalker games.
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When I talk about "Hardware", I meant the hardware inside not how much the console sells. Do you not think I know about the sales? Also, the fact that you and Vader66 used sales as a comeback even though that wasn't the topic at hand, is just shameful.


Ahhh, I though we ended in good terms since you did not make yourself clear if you were talking about hardware sales or hardware specs that is why I brought up sale but you said it was about specs, so that is why I didn't reply. I was bored so I cameback just to see what new comments were made about the Dreamcast 2 and it appears you think what I said is shameful, but the only thing shameful is you because you are using the excuse that just because a console is more powerful that it is automatically the winner. In the end of the day, it all about the units sold since the point is to make profits of the machines and games. Power alone will not prevent the fall of a console maker, look at SEGA and Atari, they had powerful machines yet they lost against their rivals. Atari 7800 was more powerful than NES but NES kicked it's ass because NES had more third party support and their reputation wasn't tarnished compare with Atari (oversatured the market with junk). Also, do I have to mention how the badly is the PSVita doing right now against Nintendo 3DS even though the PSVita is more powerfull but it is losing because the Higher ups at Sony made retarded decisions for the device (Sounds familiar to what happened to Xbox One) like the lack of first party support, expensive proprietary memory cards and lack of commercials for the product. This is why I believe the Playstation VR is going to be failure since Sony is getting to cocky just like how Microsoft was during the Xbox One Launch.

Edited by TheVader66
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You know why you do it, you feel the need to damage control for Xbox. ;)


A guy who already said that they have a preference for the PS4 telling me that I'm "Doing damage for Xbox"? ......LOL


You didn't even reply to the first comment I made, you just replied to the second with no need. 



Ahhh, I though we ended in good terms since you did not make yourself clear if you were talking about hardware sales or hardware specs that is why I brought up sale but you said it was about specs, so that is why I didn't reply.


In what fresh hell? Everyone know hardware is the correct term for the hardware inside of the console not sales, how could that be misinterpret? I know the PS2 destroyed the XB Original in sales and software, I won't deny that. 



I was bored so I cameback just to see what new comments were made about the Dreamcast 2 and it appears you think what I said is shameful, but the only thing shameful is you because you are using the excuse that just because a console is more powerful that it is automatically the winner. In the end of the day, it all about the units sold since the point is to make profits of the machines and games. Power alone will not prevent the fall of a console maker, look at SEGA and Atari, they had powerful machines yet they lost against their rivals.


I never said about power affecting sales, all I said was that the power in the competition's box for 2 generations in a row finally pushed Sony to fight back in the hardware race. Granted the case with 360 and PS3 was more because XB360 had a more focus power chip compared to the PS3's cell. 



 This is why I believe the Playstation VR is going to be failure since Sony is getting to cocky just like how Microsoft was during the Xbox One Launch.


I'm really interested who you got to that conclusion and I really mean interested. Why do you think the VR system will be a failure? The system got a lot of thumbs up in the past and the only butchering of the device I've seen was at the PSX 2015 Experience. 


I just want to know, I'm not going to abuse you. Why do you think the VR system will be a failure? 

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A guy who already said that they have a preference for the PS4 telling me that I'm "Doing damage for Xbox"? ......LOL


Yes. I don't get your point. If PS4 runs most games better than X1 and PS4 has more exclusives I want to play, why wouldn't I prefer PS4 over X1? Anything else would have made me a fanboy IMO.



You didn't even reply to the first comment I made, you just replied to the second with no need. 


Huh? I didn't reply to all three pars? I'm confused.

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I'm really interested who you got to that conclusion and I really mean interested. Why do you think the VR system will be a failure? The system got a lot of thumbs up in the past and the only butchering of the device I've seen was at the PSX 2015 Experience. 


I just want to know, I'm not going to abuse you. Why do you think the VR system will be a failure? 


What, you misinterpret what I said, I meant that Playstation version of VR will fail because Sony says that they will put full support for PSVR but people don't have faith in Sony because of how the handled the PSVita (who also had full support in the beginning). This was the same case with SEGA with Dreamcast as people had no faith in SEGA maintaining support for it after they cut support for Saturn early. I have more faith in its competitors that they will do a better job in VR than Sony but that is just me.

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What, you misinterpret what I said, I meant that Playstation version of VR will fail because Sony says that they will put full support for PSVR but people don't have faith in Sony because of how the handled the PSVita (who also had full support in the beginning). This was the same case with SEGA with Dreamcast as people had no faith in SEGA maintaining support for it after they cut support for Saturn early. I have more faith in its competitors that they will do a better job in VR than Sony but that is just me.

I wouldn't mind Japan-only VR support :awesome:

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I wouldn't mind Japan-only VR support :awesome:

Aren't you in Europe, but then again they will be a lot of Japanese games on it and those are fun.


Edit: I removed the Axis Power joke, since it sounds like I accussed you of helping the Nazis and Japanese atrocities, so that was a failure of a joke.......sorry about that, I have a dark sense of humor. :wave:  (I blame Funnyjunk)

Edited by TheVader66
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What, you misinterpret what I said, I meant that Playstation version of VR will fail because Sony says that they will put full support for PSVR but people don't have faith in Sony because of how the handled the PSVita (who also had full support in the beginning). This was the same case with SEGA with Dreamcast as people had no faith in SEGA maintaining support for it after they cut support for Saturn early. I have more faith in its competitors that they will do a better job in VR than Sony but that is just me.


Lol, I was talking about the PSVR system. Interesting, Gear Live (Another VR system) is pretty good, not the best but decent. I think Sony got a back up plan for PS VR's support if it declines.


I wouldn't mind Japan-only VR support :awesome:


That would be cool but I could imagine PSVR being an expensive platform for stand alone games.

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I guess by Compile Heart and Idea Factory? And of course you would want to import them from Japan, so they aren't censored for the west.

Obviously :awesome:



Edit: I removed the Axis Power joke, since it sounds like I accussed you of helping the Nazis and Japanese atrocities, so that was a failure of a joke.......sorry about that, I have a dark sense of humor. :wave:  (I blame Funnyjunk)

I haven't seen it :/ 

Put it again :P

(Also, not like I actually didn't cheer for Japan in WW2 :awesome:)

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