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Nogg's Casino - Open (Competition Underway)

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Thanks for the good lucks and attaboys dudes. Looking forward to the next months game and hopefully saying I have a good enough lead and not playing it haha cmon Lego dimensions.

So the real reason I'm here....platinum baby....nah just kidding but I can definitely see it after pulling a nolife and playing for almost 10 hours yesterday. I've got two trophies left that are now tied to beating the last 4 end bosses. I attempted 3 of the 4 yesterday at level 80 and they absolutely destroyed me in less than a minute. Grinded up to 99 and have money/medals to buy the necessary equipment for each fight so ready to try again.

If all goes well, I should be popping my 100th plat this evening.


Wow, you really powered through that game! I've been playing it a little bit, but most of my free time goes to Uncharted 4 .... man that is one gorgeous and fun game  :)

Edited by AnRoDr
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Group 1: Nogg and Clawz (AnRo's list)

Dust: An Elysian Tale (Confirmed)

Group 2: Cj and Gibbo (AnRo's list)

Wolfenstein the new order (Played by Cj)

Resogun (Played by Cj)

Transistor (Played by Cj)

Dying Light (Played by Cj)

Tropico 5 (Played by Cj)

Broken Age (Played by Cj)

New List (Couch, Cj has played all his games)

New List (Nogg)

SWB (played by Cj)

Just Cause 3 (Played by Cj)

Tom Clancy's fuckin Rainbow Six Seige (Confirmed :))

Group 3: AnRo and Couch (Salt's list)

Zombie Army Trilogy (Confirmed)

Group 4: Salt and X (Nogg's list (Played all mine), Clawz's list)

Velocity 2x (played)

Tropico 5 (played)

Rogue Legacy (played)

Binding of Isaac (played)

Terraria (played)

New List (AnRo's list)

Tropcio 5 (played)

Broken Age (Played)

Death Nation Apocalypse Edition (Confirmed.. I think)

Edited by EpicNogg4
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Group 2: Cj and Gibbo (AnRo's list)

Wolfenstein the new order (Played by Cj)


Damn you cj i wanted to play Wolfenstein. Unless you want to replay the PS3 version  ;)

Group 3: AnRo and Couch (Salt's list)

Killzone Shadow Fall (Confirmed)


Killzone was my game remember. I think you forgot to cross it out  :)

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I thought once a game was played it was crossed off? Anyway I do have the game already and what's up with me and anro always getting the super long games haha and being teamed up together every time lol.

Also salt is at 66% on tropico 5

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I thought once a game was played it was crossed off? Anyway I do have the game already and what's up with me and anro always getting the super long games haha and being teamed up together every time lol.

Also salt is at 66% on tropico 5

Changed your game, changing Salts now :)

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Looks good, after hearing your problems with Rainbow Six Nogg not sure I'm looking that forward to the experience, perhaps it's been patched by now.

How much of the game can you do by yourself / with randoms or do you really need to be in an organised team.

Basically the entire game can be done solo (without boosting) except one trophy should be boosted. The "meat wall" trophy which requires you to kill an enemy with a breach charge, this is extremely luck based. I was lucky enough to message a guy on the other team and we helped each other out but if you want to boost it you'll need 10 guys. Everything else you should be able to do on your own. Once you get to the terrorist hunt kills I have a great spot to show you to farm enemies easy :)

A new patch came out not too long ago with new operator's etc. Pretty sure most of the connection issues have been sorted out by now. But it's Ubisoft so you can never be sure can you.

Edited by EpicNogg4
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Started Borderlands yesterday. Not as good as previous installments. So much Australian slang and dialog. Nogg if you want the plat this month i suggest starting very soon. 2 playthroughs are required.

I would if I had the time but from Friday to Tuesday I'll get as much done as I can in it. If I can get about 10 hours a day I'll probably have 50 hours in by Tuesday. But that's if I'm enjoying the game. In the meantime only have time for about an hour or two of Uncharted per day, hoping to get the plat by Friday but we'll see :)

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well I picked up the plat as most of you know in Dragon quest heroes. Overall I give the game a 7/10 for fun and 3/10 for difficulty. Once the story was over, the game got very boring in my opinion. I spent about 5 hours grinding the 4 characters I use to level 99, and grinded another 3 for money and medals to purchase everything I needed. The last 4 bosses were pretty brutal though and that's the only reason why this is a 3/10 and not a 1.


Looks back to see what game he got for next month....Crap.... Went to the game store on Friday and had this in my hand. Put it back and got Ratchet and Clank Life is strange and Little big planet 3 instead. Looks like back to the store next week to pick up the zombie army.

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Group 1: Nogg and Clawz (AnRo's list)

Dust: An Elysian Tale (Confirmed)

Group 2: Cj and Gibbo (AnRo's list)

Wolfenstein the new order (Played by Cj)

Resogun (Played by Cj)

Transistor (Played by Cj)

Dying Light (Played by Cj)

Tropico 5 (Played by Cj)

Broken Age (Played by Cj)

New List (Couch, Cj has played all his games)

New List (Nogg)

SWB (played by Cj)

Just Cause 3 (Played by Cj)

Tom Clancy's fuckin Rainbow Six Seige (Confirmed :))

Group 3: AnRo and Couch (Salt's list)

Zombie Army Trilogy (Confirmed)

Group 4: Salt and X (Nogg's list (Played all mine), Clawz's list)

Velocity 2x (played)

Tropico 5 (played)

Rogue Legacy (played)

Binding of Isaac (played)

Terraria (played)

New List (AnRo's list)

Tropcio 5 (played)

Broken Age (Played)

Death Nation Apocalypse Edition (Confirmed.. I think)


@Nogg and Clawz (sounds like the name of a metal band  :D )

Dust is a beautiful game and reminded me a lot of Metroid. Hope you guys enjoy it!



Great twin stick shooter, especially the sound was very impressive. Will never get the plat .... finished the game on Vita and played a bit on PS4, but at the higher difficulty it really kicks my ass  :rolleyes:



We stick together like glue  B)

Already downloading the game, hope to finish the story of Uncharted 4 soon .... can't put that game down ... it's good .... really good 

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Still can't decide if I should start Borderland's or just wait for next months game. I bought Dust yesterday for 8 bucks. Pretty happy with that, all downloaded and ready to go :) still haven't had time to get the plat for Uncharted, on chapter 13/21 (I think there's 21 chapters...) for my collectible run. After this all that's left will be the speed run which shouldn't be too hard.

Excited to see (if you guys decided to play it) how Cj and Gibbo will like Rainbow Six, would be great to play together :). Overall I think you could both get the plat within the month (if you have shit internet like me... don't even try...). Gibbo will probably somehow manage to finish it in under a couple of days and add it to his enormous pile of platinums.

Zombie Army Trilogy, never really looked into the game. Watched some gameplay and it looks alright. Let me know how you guys like it.

Dead nation, played some on the PS3. Was pretty fun but didn't make much progress, had too much other stuff to play at the time.

As for my game, pretty excited to play it. So tempting when its already downloaded, want to start it so bad. Had it on Xbox but played it for less then an hour. Plat seems pretty easy.

Still haven't heard from Salt, been almost two weeks now. Hopefully everything's good, so how's everyone else doing? Thoughts on next months games?

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Dead nation was a great game. Picked that plat up last year. The road to devastation stuff was pretty hard.

I've played about an hour of dust. Looked good but couldn't go back for some reason.

Would've played RSS in the elimination chamber if salt hadn't started it early lol so can't say much about that one. It looks hella fun.

Zombie army...still undecided on whether I pick this up or not. I guess it depends on what the points look like after this month haha. I think battle born is going to suck up most of my time so we'll have to see

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Well i'm not going to get the plat for Hand of Fate, barely have any game time this month, but it's still a fun/good game and will definitely go for the plat at some point, same goes for Shadow Warrior and Dark Cloud from previous months :P


Also cj and gibbo, if you need an extra person to play with just ask me. Still need to do a couple of things including that stupid meat wall trophies and that boring terrorist hunt stuff.

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Well i'm not going to get the plat for Hand of Fate, barely have any game time this month, but it's still a fun/good game and will definitely go for the plat at some point, same goes for Shadow Warrior and Dark Cloud from previous months :P


Also cj and gibbo, if you need an extra person to play with just ask me. Still need to do a couple of things including that stupid meat wall trophies and that boring terrorist hunt stuff.

Sounds good, would definitely be up to play some Rainbow 6. Not sure what times we all play but maybe weekends next month might be good

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Finished 1 playthrough of Borderlands yesterday. Although 2 was better this was still very fun to play. I also beat the Invincible boss on the first try and was very surprised as i was pretty low level. The invincible bosses in 1 & 2 took ages. The Pre-sequel actually made me feel bad for Handsome Jack and the vault hunters are at least half to blame. Although the story is quite minimal i really liked the lore and Jacks storyline.

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Dust is quite fun game, make sure to play it in hard mode from beginning to avoid second playthrough and make a save about mid way through to get the trophy for giving or not giving the apple to the person ( think it was a poisoned apple from memory). Hard mode fairly straight forward alhough last boss is a little bit of a biatch. There are also some random challange arenas to complete but quite straightforward,


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Going to pass on Borderlands this month, been wayyy to busy. Will definitely be playing Dust though, also points will be up on the 1st :)

so when you say the first haha what does that mean in Epic Time?

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