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Nogg's Casino - Open (Competition Underway)

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Just spammed you dudes with a bunch of likes hehe. Looks like gibbo will pass me up here this month if he plats siege so good for him. Question for epic....how much longer is this comp going on for(is there a end date)? Now that salt has officially stated he's done gaming how does that influence the rewards and the end of the comp(has this become just a props thing now)?

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Just spammed you dudes with a bunch of likes hehe. Looks like gibbo will pass me up here this month if he plats siege so good for him. Question for epic....how much longer is this comp going on for(is there a end date)? Now that salt has officially stated he's done gaming how does that influence the rewards and the end of the comp(has this become just a props thing now)?

Salt knew the rules when signed up, he still has to pay up or i'll get the mafia onto him  :P

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Just spammed you dudes with a bunch of likes hehe. Looks like gibbo will pass me up here this month if he plats siege so good for him. Question for epic....how much longer is this comp going on for(is there a end date)? Now that salt has officially stated he's done gaming how does that influence the rewards and the end of the comp(has this become just a props thing now)?

Lol so many notifications :P

Salt leaving did effect the comp a little, the end date will still be December 31 (might end things a little earlier too prep for another one of these next year). As for the money I don't mind either way. So two questions for you all

1. Do you guys want another Nogg's Casino next year (probably more participants which means more Competition and money)

2. Do you still want to put in $30 at the end of the comp? It's sort of unfair now that salt got out of the money but I'll leave it up to you guys to decide

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Salt knew the rules when signed up, he still has to pay up or i'll get the mafia onto him  :P

I agree 100% but we both know he's not coming back after the message he sent us.


Lol so many notifications :P

Salt leaving did effect the comp a little, the end date will still be December 31 (might end things a little earlier too prep for another one of these next year). As for the money I don't mind either way. So two questions for you all

1. Do you guys want another Nogg's Casino next year (probably more participants which means more Competition and money)

2. Do you still want to put in $30 at the end of the comp? It's sort of unfair now that salt got out of the money but I'll leave it up to you guys to decide


I like the idea of another competition but I probably won't partake in the next one. I was asking because I was hoping to get Season 2 of the Elimination chamber going once this comp was over. As for the money, I'm fine either way. I do think it's a bit unfair now that Salt is out but it is what it is. This is why I was pushing you to get the money ahead of time....I can foresee the future.

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I agree 100% but we both know he's not coming back after the message he sent us.



I like the idea of another competition but I probably won't partake in the next one. I was asking because I was hoping to get Season 2 of the Elimination chamber going once this comp was over. As for the money, I'm fine either way. I do think it's a bit unfair now that Salt is out but it is what it is. This is why I was pushing you to get the money ahead of time....I can foresee the future.

Definitely want to see another elimination chamber happening, so might take a break once this comp ends. That being said might end this one earlier so you can get yours up and running, as for the money still not sure at the moment. Will have to think about it

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Don't end yours early because of me. I just know I can't play both yours, mine and I'm expecting there to be another season of C2 league so I wouldn't partake then. Mine is only a 3 month thing though. So once that's done maybe start yours up again? We'll see what happens at the end of the year when I post about bringing it back and see if we get any takers.

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Don't end yours early because of me. I just know I can't play both yours, mine and I'm expecting there to be another season of C2 league so I wouldn't partake then. Mine is only a 3 month thing though. So once that's done maybe start yours up again? We'll see what happens at the end of the year when I post about bringing it back and see if we get any takers.

Sounds good , will see this comp through till the end :)

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If you dont want a full year event you could always shorten it or bring back Noggs Challenges. I quite enjoyed the Metal Gear Rising event. Still waiting for my custom trophy :P

Oh yeah, that custom trophy.........was hoping you forgot about that :ninja:

But bringing back Nogg's Challenges isn't a bad idea, a lot easier running them than a full year event

Edited by EpicNogg4
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Missed a lot apparently  :blink:


What happened to Salt?

Money, bit unfair now, but I'll follow the flock ...


Next year I would like to take part in an event that doesn't force to buy games I'm not playing anymore after the event stops .... the backlog is big enough as it is. Still great fun though and I still want to finish in the top 3  :D

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Salt filled us in that he no longer will be hunting trophies nor playing the game. Says he got burnt out and doesn't know if he's coming back.

Oh and also anro, take a look at the c2 league. We're going to do another season next year and if you want in, there's a spot for you. Doesn't require you to buy any games and lots of fun ripping on CJ for playing crap games haha

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I'm happy with whatever is decided. Have enjoyed this event as it has really shown me a few games I would never have tried (Dark Cloud/Hand of Fate - Salt's parting gift/ Siege ). I think overall I preferred the format of Nogg's challange, it's kinda fun playing the same game and working through it in a group over a month.

Looking forward to supporting another season next year :)

Edited by cjshaitan
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Salt filled us in that he no longer will be hunting trophies nor playing the game. Says he got burnt out and doesn't know if he's coming back.

Oh and also anro, take a look at the c2 league. We're going to do another season next year and if you want in, there's a spot for you. Doesn't require you to buy any games and lots of fun ripping on CJ for playing crap games haha


C2 league? I'll take a look here to see how that works!


And ... euhm ... I GOT THE PLAT!!!!  :yay:

(for Rocket League, but still .... don't I deserve some points for that  :giggle: )

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C2 league? I'll take a look here to see how that works!

And ... euhm ... I GOT THE PLAT!!!! :yay:

(for Rocket League, but still .... don't I deserve some points for that :giggle: )

A plat is a plat, of course of course

And no one can talk ill of your plat of course

That is of course, unless your plat, is the famous Mister Ed

Congrats AnRoDr ........... Gone but not forgotten Mister Ed

Edited by cjshaitan
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A plat is a plat, of course of course

And no one can talk ill of your plat of course

That is of course, unless your plat, is the famous Mister Ed

Congrats AnRoDr ........... Gone but not forgotten Mister Ed





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I think my Mister Ed revival just shows my age :)


You're vintage, like me  :giggle:


That C2 event looks interesting, maybe something fun for 2017 :awesome:


For now though: going to download Trine and hope to get enough free time to game, loved it on PS3 and never played it on PS4. Curious to find out what the next gen means for the already stunning graphics

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Welp its July 1 which means new games! Congrats to everyone who got a plat, especially you gibbo. Scraped it with just over an hour to go. Will be starting tropico 5 once I finish of assassins creed syndicate. Not long left with that game :)

So I know Cj will be sitting out this month, but who will be picking up their games?

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Started Trine 2 last night and bagged my first 4 trophies, man that is one beautiful game! 


Started tropico this afternoon and failed the final task of the tutorial so had to do the whole thing over. The game is pretty boring so far lol 

Boring? Duuuuuuude that game is freaking hilarious! I love the comments and jokes they put in there. Haven't put much time in in yet, so maybe the pacing could be a little slow

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Started tropico this afternoon and failed the final task of the tutorial so had to do the whole thing over. The game is pretty boring so far lol

Hmm I really enjoyed it maybe because I just like those kind of simulators used to play a lot of simcity. Although I do agree that campaign is pretty annoying just playing sandbox is more fun

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