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getting rehyped for star wars :D


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So PSN had Star Wars the force awakens avalible for preorder. Naturally i jumped on it and now im pateiently waiting for it to be released (april 5th im guessing when the blu ray is also released). PSN has since deleted the page so im guessing all the orders are being processed. I only got to see it once in theater and i been waiting excitedly for it to be released so i can spam watch it lol. Anyone else excited to watch it again?

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Totally hyped for the deleted scenes! Supposedly there was a lot of cut scenes involving a story arc with Leia and the Republic. It would be interesting to see how the prequel politics translate onto the new trilogy.


Also can't wait to rewatch the First Order Speech. Hands down one of the top memorable scenes from the movie. Chills man, chills.

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Saw it a fair few times in cinemas, actually seeing it again tomorrow at Village Cinemas, some promotional re-run thing they're doing, should be good.


Anywho, I've had the pirated version for a few weeks, they kept a pretty good lid on the good quality leaks, and more than anything I'm keen for the deleted scenes. 

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Not even seen it for the first time yet .. Honestly, probably won't bother either :dunno:


I actually enjoyed it. It's not the tour de force that the critics made it out to be, but it had some great moments and was generally pleasant. I hope that things really take off in the sequel.


To the TC, I will probably buy the physical Blu-Ray, but certainly not in a set with anything else (I'm happy enough with my original trilogy that has the original editions on the disc).

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