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Hi, my name is u2mad_Bro, a.k.a. George


Haha idk why i am posting an intro here to be honest x3 i guess i want to let the world know that i am here and that i exist xD yes, been feeling kinda lonely these past couple of days; it's only now that i feel its effect on me. I will begin my university programme in late september but boy o boy, i have been trying hard to find work. the other day i had a group interview, sales, and it was embarrassing as hell but i tried my best so hope luck is on my side this summer. have been volunteering every wednesday at my local charity shop...as much fun as it is, idk, i guess if i got work i would feel a sense of worth haha i guess it is like everyone's first proper gf. at first scary but then once you encounter that fateful person, you feel alright haha. also have to have that CBS check, i think that is what it is called, from another volunteering thing...not sure if i am able to volunteer there for long due to the possibility of getting work, but we shall see. My gf is a wonderful teacher, leader and i guess coach. From that I learnt to try and do something this summer, that is why i have been doing volunteering here and there; the charity shop and mencap. Also, i want to find work, not so much for the money but so that i can have something written down on my cv, pretty pathetic huh? xD otherwise i am a hermit...so much so that i am lazy to get food but once i do put my mind to it i can do anything...haha i have my gf to thank for that i suppose, the putting my mind to anything part lol in conclusion, i usually sit around all day wondering what to do, go out and check shops that need work or check if they have sorted the cvs, i play my ps3 mostly eventho i have a lot of ps2 games to play, and yeah, i love talking to my gf x3


idk i don't really talk to people much outside of my gf. the reason is like after the interview, i wished everyone luck but no one returned the favour. i often feel that i am the only one in the room that has an interest in something else apart from myself, this is evident to me because in the group interview, i sat down in the middle of the cirlce of chairs and started to casually talk to the guys to my shoulders xD haha i guess i am THAT good at talking x3 sure i could have been all like sharing numbers but usually nothing happens and it is a pain to manage friends that are not even worth my time, not that i am anything spectacular myself but i have gotten in deep shit because of so-called friends. all i can say is, if you piss me off i will repay you in due time xD one time i rigged a lottery i had with ex friends, who will get what room (we shared a house for the year you see) and my plan somehow worked that the guy i hated got the shitty room and the guy, whom i thought was MY friend, got the largest room; i thought that if i got the largest room my plan would be foiled. the only reason i gave that big room to my friend was because of how this one jackass in the group decided, without consent, that that would be his room. after the lottery, he had to move everything and that was funny as fuck xD anyway, another time the jackass' friend also pissed me off, so i had a situation blamed on him and the jackass (hope you all follow lol) believed the purpotrator to be his friend and gave him a good talking to. coincidently, the friend of the jackass texted saying that it was me and shit. i would have denied it but damn haha my gf was on my mind for whatever reason, so i just popped my head out and said it was me....the jackass, thinking he was so high and mighty, was left speechless because he was utterly wrong xP lol i could tell you stories like that but you get the picture...maybe that is why i am in love with the yakuza series x3


Yeah, i know it is sad that i don't really associate with people other than my gf but she is long distance, she often gets stressed given her university (astronomy undergraduate degree) and i do want to be there for her. sure before i was a terrible bf...still think i am, but that is why i want to do my best this summer and when i do begin my master's programme (MSc in clinical and health psychology) i want to be able to get it with flying colors and get a job afterwards. like it is amazing how people say that because you are young you are supposed to enjoy life, what, like how retired people do? xD Honestly, i feel scared to death about my master's degree programme...what is making me this scared i would love to know x3


one last thing about my gf. she is the most amazing, beautiful, intelligent and diplomatic person you will ever meet...that is why i worry about her when she experiences the world the way i experienced it...maybe she won't but still x3 we are both 21, well she 22 because she has her b-day first lol but you get me...idk she is the youthful soul and i the old soul x3 she teaches me how to be a man and i teach her how to protect herself, physically and/or mentally. 


I guess now onto the guy behind the username xD (i bet my gf will search for me on google and get this, if she does "I love you foop xP") So, I was born in Bulgaria, raised in s. africa, think around 10 years, and have been in england for maybe 10 years also? yeah i love how people say how fun it is...my ass xD in 2006 if you were bulgarian in england, you had your ass handed to you because apparently i wanted to steal their jobs lol fuck i did not want to be bulgarian or even born but eh, won't go into that. I have a fairly average degree (2.2 in Psyhology BSc) at least it is bachelor's of science and not arts, just saying haha. And will be attending my master's programme in wales, freaking wales because they have the thing i want and i have the grades they want. 


Peronal likes and dislikes: i hate assholes, bitches, douches and hoes haha but to be more detailed, i hate it when i try to connect with people on a friendly level, they would just either refuse to acknowledge it or i am just forgotten about. sure, people have lives and i should have one too. but being bullied almost all my teen life does not help xD idk i guess my gf makes me stronger and the experiences i had makes me believe that friends are circumstantial, not everyday.


i love culture, yes in particular japanese idk used to like chinese culture but japanese culture is something else lol. umm i value an understanding person, loyal (eventho i have had my spats i mostly remain loyal), honest, and idk, i guess i just would love to have friends that would help me eventho they know i can't pay them back. trust me, i have had the experience where if you don't offer to pay, some people will resent you and not tell you so i guess i love it when people just say what is on their mind...i have been bullied for stupid reasons and so i won't be easily hurt unless you talk shit about my parents (yes, i feel i am the only one allowed to talk shit about them xP). 


hobbies...well if i had the money i would love to join several sports clubs xD but not being an a talented bloke, every time i try to do sport, the teacher just focuses on the "talented" students...well, i say always but most of the time it feels that way xD so yeah because of the ugliness of sports, i kind of stay away from it eventho i know i should do it. but also i don't want to spent lots of money on equipment and membership and shit just to get a subpar experience lol idk i rather give that money to my gf xD haha yeah i am the type that would talk about his gf for hours on end x3 


games...anything that is good really. love me some gtas, yakuza, saints row (but that is more for dumb fun and perviness xP), hitman, umm assassins creed and yeah stuff like that x3 since people are hurrying to buy ps4s the online has been empty...plus a friend now has a ps4 so i can't play with him x3


overall...i am a 21 year old boy, with nothing more than good wishes and dreams. yet the world i live in keeps telling me that no one cares, that i should be selfish and that i should use people, rather than to offer help...what can i say, because of my gf i know the world is one sick sack of people...i guess it's true, it only takes one person to change your life and that person is my gf x3


warmest wishes,



p.s. drop me a pm sometime =D

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Okay omg no. I am not reading all of that (I also can't stand when people write "I" as small i sorry). I did just run through it at quick rate... I caught a lot of the girlfriend parts and I am relate that my bf changed my life and I mostly only talk to him.

I also do live in United Kingdom but am originally Polish, I cannot say we share a lot in this through because in all honesty I spend all my childhood in England and grown up here... so emotionally I am English. Only my blood isn't.

Enjoy your stay on the forums.

Edited by Blanc
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Hiya ^^ welcome to the forums :)


"she is the most amazing, beautiful, intelligent and diplomatic person you will ever meet"


My b/f says the same about me, is that just a line guys say to make their girls seem awesome? xD


"yeah i love how people say how fun it is...my ass  xD in 2006 if you were bulgarian in england, you had your ass handed to you because apparently i wanted to steal their jobs lol"


Lol, no, I'm English and you're not Polish, the Polish stole all the jobs.


" i hate it when i try to connect with people on a friendly level, they would just either refuse to acknowledge it or i am just forgotten about. "


Try not to worry about stuff, believe it or not it happens to a lot of people. Some people are too self obsessed to care about others. But there are some of us who do do our best to make everyone feel welcome, even if we don't get it back. 


"what can i say, because of my gf i know the world is one sick sack of people"


I'm kinda interested in how those two factors, you g/f and the world being a shit place coincide in your view xD


Also, at the end of the day, I'm a jokey girl, if you think something I've said is offensive, it's not meant that way, it's always great fun meeting new people ^^ Enjoy your stay among us,

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Okay omg no. I am not reading all of that (I also can't stand when people write "I" as small i sorry). I did just run through it at quick rate... I caught a lot of the girlfriend parts and I am relate that my bf changed my life and I mostly only talk to him.

I also do live in United Kingdom but am originally Polish, I cannot say we share a lot in this through because in all honesty I spend all my childhood in England and grown up here... so emotionally I am English. Only my blood isn't.

Enjoy your stay on the forums.

haha no problem Blanc and cool =D well with me, i only feel at home when i am with my gf x3 haha thanks for the message Blanc ^^

Sorry but I only read first line of this... :awesome: never saw such a huge intro.

Welcome to the forums, I hope you will enjoy your stay ​ :)

Yeah i guess once i begin, there is no stopping me xD and thank you Reimi for the welcome, thank you ^^

Awww yeah, being on the guide team is finally paying off. I just read through the whole thing :dance:. Welcome to PSNP u2mad_bro.

Haha, studying psychology and reading all them boring papers...i hear you loud and clear but hopefully i was not too boring xD thanks for the welcome Dragon =D

Hiya ^^ welcome to the forums :)


"she is the most amazing, beautiful, intelligent and diplomatic person you will ever meet"


My b/f says the same about me, is that just a line guys say to make their girls seem awesome? xD


"yeah i love how people say how fun it is...my ass  xD in 2006 if you were bulgarian in england, you had your ass handed to you because apparently i wanted to steal their jobs lol"


Lol, no, I'm English and you're not Polish, the Polish stole all the jobs.


" i hate it when i try to connect with people on a friendly level, they would just either refuse to acknowledge it or i am just forgotten about. "


Try not to worry about stuff, believe it or not it happens to a lot of people. Some people are too self obsessed to care about others. But there are some of us who do do our best to make everyone feel welcome, even if we don't get it back. 


"what can i say, because of my gf i know the world is one sick sack of people"


I'm kinda interested in how those two factors, you g/f and the world being a shit place coincide in your view xD


Also, at the end of the day, I'm a jokey girl, if you think something I've said is offensive, it's not meant that way, it's always great fun meeting new people ^^ Enjoy your stay among us,

idk i just say the things that come to my mind about my gf tbh xD and it's true, it was a hard time for me and my parents, mainly because my parents did not plan so we were fucked for a while and the stress of moving and shit...yeah xD wish i went to grammar school at least but hey i did my best not to punch anyone because then i would be recorded as a typical foreigner xP I have heard that people are self-obsessed, maybe that is why i hate them as equally and funny enough i try to be apathetic when i help people, not knowingly but say if you are helping a child or disabled person, idk about you, but i often find that those groups are quite egocentric and so being apathetic is my way of taming my emotions x3 otherwise, again thanks to my gf, i have a wonderful personality xD have often been misunderstood for a psychopath, control-freak and other such things...then later i find that the people that accuse me of that only did so just cuz i wanted things a particular way and that i did not agree with their beliefs xP and the world view thing...well, being bullied by girls did not help and guys too lol basically the usual cliche bs xD anyway, i had always hoped for a wonderful person like my gf, kinda like, i would end it all if i cannot find the one but will keep going if i do since it does prove that there are people nice enough in the world x3 i guess i have matured and see the world a bit differently but i still think that the world is sick and is going to a highway to hell lol just imagine, being born in an age where everyone has an iphone, where psychopathic behaviours are fostered and basically i see the world going backwards and not forwards xD thanks for the message ^^

Edited by u2mad_Bro
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Now that's what I call an introduction. School and work can put a hindrance on your free time, I know from experience. As far as the changes in our society, I feel it plays apart in people's aspiration for fame and popularity. With the rise of social media, people strive to be more popular by the amount of followers the have or hey have, the amount of likes and retweets they can receive, or the Facebook friends they can muster. The meaning of a "friend" had dwindled over the last decade, in my opinion. Friends were people you could rely on no matter what the circumstance yet now people use the term so loosely that its lost its meaning. Not saying that all is lost. People of like minds tend to gravitate to one another eventually. Meet one of my friends years ago in a random Halo 3 multiplayer match. People that are truly worth your time are the ones that take longer to find but stick with you until the end. You found one such person in your girlfriend. I'm positive you will find others as well.


By the way, welcome to the forums.

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Now that's what I call an introduction. School and work can put a hindrance on your free time, I know from experience. As far as the changes in our society, I feel it plays apart in people's aspiration for fame and popularity. With the rise of social media, people strive to be more popular by the amount of followers the have or hey have, the amount of likes and retweets they can receive, or the Facebook friends they can muster. The meaning of a "friend" had dwindled over the last decade, in my opinion. Friends were people you could rely on no matter what the circumstance yet now people use the term so loosely that its lost its meaning. Not saying that all is lost. People of like minds tend to gravitate to one another eventually. Meet one of my friends years ago in a random Halo 3 multiplayer match. People that are truly worth your time are the ones that take longer to find but stick with you until the end. You found one such person in your girlfriend. I'm positive you will find others as well.


By the way, welcome to the forums.

Thank you BlueDragon ^^ tell me about it lol. i remember being peer pressured to get facebook when i did not see the point of it. also, people kinda conspired against me in that they kept everyone away from me and ofc that made me sad but haha i guess i am better for it, am tough and rough but still x3 thanks again for the welcome ^^

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do i get a prize for finishing that lol?
yea people are selfish self-serving creatures
its increasingly difficult to find people who are genuine, selfless and/or down to earth
i kinda get social networks but i prefer to keep a low profile and not have my business on blast
there are exceptional people but conforming is something we all do to fit in to an extent and avoid mob majorities
the sad reality is "high school never ends"
but hey welcome to the playstation facebook ^^

p.s. "i" am for the small guys, capital letters have an arrogance about them

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do i get a prize for finishing that lol?

yea people are selfish self-serving creatures

its increasingly difficult to find people who are genuine, selfless and/or down to earth

i kinda get social networks but i prefer to keep a low profile and not have my business on blast

there are exceptional people but conforming is something we all do to fit in to an extent and avoid mob majorities

the sad reality is "high school never ends"

but hey welcome to the playstation facebook ^^

p.s. "i" am for the small guys, capital letters have an arrogance about them

Thanks ^^ and yeah tell me, high school never ends. Shame I am no Jewish Bankster (Banker + Gangster xP) or oil barron lol then I would have no worries xD I too try to keep a low profile but i try to be known, if that makes sense, otherwise people believe rumours about me and don't even bother to believe or see my side of the story x3 that is why i adore my gf x3 she can't help but be nice and i can't help but love her for it <33 haha yeah...and to think my aim in life is to get a doctorate in clinical psychology xP think business, law and even being a medical doctor would be hard because you HAVE to care for assholes lol. here is your cookie i suppose lol ^^

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