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Bought an Xbone yesterday, recommendations?

Super-Fly Spider-Guy

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Oh, and since it's not my main machine, and since I've given up trophies anyways, I couldn't give a toss less about easy to 100% games or easy chivos or anything, just want some shit that's worth playing.


I second Alan Wake. You play as this guy who was a writer but shit went sideways on him, he's trying to remember what happened. Shutter Island meets that old Johnny Depp movie. It isn't one to play for the cheevo's as nightmare is insane. 


I personally loved Forza but left before Horizon series so I can't speak for that but the tuning is everything anyone could ever ask for in original. Get forza 2 if going old school because 3 had really tiny print even on hd screen.


Dishwasher series (xbox arcade title- if u liked salt and sanctuary and shank)


I can't remember any other exclusives.

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Literally me. I was like "Well, it's Conker, my phone's 64 emulator doesn't really like that game, and there's like Perfect Dark and Banjo and holy hell I'm already at the register", and yeah, I know Tomb Raider's coming over, but I mean, I enjoyed the first, but I got it from PS+, I don't think I'd actually bother buying the new one since I'm not too fussed about it, but for free I'll gladly give it a go.


I'd rate Conker, the Banjos and Jet Force Gemini as the tops of that package, even if JFG was the epitome of collectibles gone wrong, needing all Teddies (forgot their real name) before you can go to the end. Only Rare N64 game I bought but never finished. I'd definitely play it again if I ever get Rare Replay though, right after COnker of course.


Didn't know you got Rise for free, yeah that's better. Tomb Raiders have always been a guilty pleasure of mine ever since the first one back in the day. I got really annoyed with Rise being a timed exclusive for X1, to the point of cancelling my Temple Of Osiris Collector's Edition and vowing that I will get the PS4 Rise game second-hand so they don't make any money off of me.


Yes I know Sony did it the other way around with several games (and still does, with the upcoming Batman and Spiderman), but now it's happening to me. Yeah, I'm petty that way.




I checked and Alan Wake is backwards compatible. Get that shit, get that shit now.

Edited by BillyHorrible
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I got one myself yesterday (Big W ftw!) and so far I've bought Gears of War Ultimate edition, Sunset Overdrive, Quantum Break and Ori and the Blind Forest. I also have Witcher 2 (360) coming in the mail, and my mate recommends Fable (2/3 I think) and the other Gears of War games, all on the 360. There's not terribly much that interests me (that I'm aware of) outside of these, but I think that's plenty to start with, lol.

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I got one myself yesterday (Big W ftw!) and so far I've bought Gears of War Ultimate edition, Sunset Overdrive, Quantum Break and Ori and the Blind Forest. I also have Witcher 2 (360) coming in the mail, and my mate recommends Fable (2/3 I think) and the other Gears of War games, all on the 360. There's not terribly much that interests me (that I'm aware of) outside of these, but I think that's plenty to start with, lol.

Aaaaaay Big W!


I was tempted with Gears on the download code, but I ended up seeing the 360 version in EB for literally 2 bucks and figured I'd deal with the visual downgrade in trade for a physical copy and a whole other game. I got Sunset today for 10 bucks (When Target [or instert store here] are out of stock, EB will match you) and dumped an hour and a half or so into it, it's pretty fun, digging the vibes even if it's a bit too obvious with it's... style. Witcher 2 was actually free on the Xbox store a couple months back, but I didn't bother downloading it since I didn't have an Xbox then.


If you've got Gold, and no, the 14 day trial doesn't count, Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is free for E3 week at the moment, so grab that while you can. Limbo is still up as of a couple days ago for free too, now you've got some more games in the stack :)

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I decided to go ahead and pick up an Xbone today as well, the current EB sale - $478 + 8 games was just to much for me to resist. Just finished setting up and signing up to live for the year - looks like they get some pretty decent games each month :)

Picked up in the package

Rare replay / Gears collection

Halo 5


Sunset Overdrive

Guitar Hero Live

Sky landers ( apparently it's only worth $1 to trade back in so keeping that shite )

Ori and the Blind Forrest

And added Forza Hrozions 2 and Forza 6.

All came in at around 550 very happy with that deal and looking forward to jump in in tomorrow

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I've now got


Sunset Overdrive

Halo: Master Chief Collection


Rare Replay


Alan Wake

Fallout 3

Doritos Crash Course

CoD: Black Ops

Rise of Tomb Raider

The Lego Movie

Gears of War


I don't think I'm forgetting anything.


All that cost me about 20 cents less than 50 bucks.

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Rare replay is excellent and I seem to be more of a fan for the Gears titles than I thought. You can play COD Black ops 1 on the Xb1, it keeps your prestige from the 360 version though resets stats. There's allot of fun to be had, just try not to get into the case of having too many games.

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